Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I woke up on Sunday with a heavy heart. I came here to start new, and to get through my life without any problems. But here I am with three; they come in the form of nineteen year old boys. Talon Savage, Tav Jameson, and Caden Davidson. All three devastatingly beautiful men, all three in a gang and bad news. Yet here I am, up to my waist in bad decisions. I'm spending too much time with them, I can't believe I've let it go this far. It's hard not too though. With Caden's charming demeanor and Tav's infectious smile. . . it was starting to become difficult to stay away. 

I have lived the past three years of relying on just me. Of trusting only myself, and Talon just wants me to drop my defenses and let him to take control. He wants me to give it all up, and trust him. How can I do that with knowing him barely three months? How can I put my trust in someone I barely know? Someone who has his own fucked up secrets? I can't just drop that wall protecting my heart. I can't drop that need to protect myself, because that is all I've done. That's all I know, and to let someone else do that for me makes me weak. I can't afford to be weak, that's when he strikes. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I was standing in the bathroom, just staring at my reflection. I looked dead, and completely tired. Not just physically, but mentally. The black bags under my eyes were noticeable and it made me seem even paler. I look over at Mina who stood in the doorway and just looked into her kind eyes. 

"I'm fine." She shook her head, as if she didn't believe a word I said, but as she observed my expression, she let it drop. 

"There is a party tonight at Caden's house, and we are going. No arguments." I nodded, too tired to fight back. Mina left me to myself, and I pulled my phone out to text my mom. 

Me: Hi mom, everything is going good. Having lots of fun with Mina. Lots of movies and stuffing our faces with food. :) Will be home on Monday.

Mom: Glad you are having fun baby! See you then! Love you. :)

Me: Love you too mom.

For the rest of the day, I did nothing. Absolutely nothing; I just sat in my pajamas watching movies with Mina. Tav was over at Caden's house getting things ready for the party tonight, so we had the house to ourselves. I was brought out of my depressed revere when the movie we were currently watching was paused. I looked over at Mina who was sporting a determined expression. 

"Okay, what's up?" she demanded. 

"Mina, I really don't feel like talking. Plus don't we need to get ready for Caden's party?" I asked, looking at the clock next to the flat screen TV. Mina sighed heavily, wanting to question me, but instead she nodded. 

"Yeah let's go, I have the perfect thing for you to wear." I followed her up to her room, and I sat on the toilet in her bathroom to let her fix me up. Instead of curls, she straightened my hair. I looked in the mirror and it flowed like silk with my every movement. For my makeup, she did something more natural. Since we were going to a party, there were going to be sweaty bodies everywhere. If you didn't want to look like a raccoon at the end of the night, keep it light. 

"No." I looked at the red dress and I shook my head. Mina nodded, and I knew it was futile to argue with her. She helped me into the tight dress and I winced as I looked into the mirror. Not one curve was hidden in the tight, bandage dress. The dress looped around my neck, boosting my cleavage, but it was completely backless. I slipped on the expensive looking black pumps and sighed. Instead of looking bad ass like last night, I felt beautiful. 

By the time Mina was done dressing, it was time to go. Mina looked beautiful in tight, black skinny jeans and a crop top that showed off her smooth stomach. 

"Why do I have to be so dressed up?" I complained. 

"Because I want to show you off. You are beautiful." My heart warmed from her admission, but I didn't say anything more as we walked over to Caden's house next door. You could hear the music pouring from the windows as we walked in from the front door. Caden's house was like a carbon copy of Tav's and I shook my head. Basic rich, white boy. 

"Whoa, look at you!" Mina and I turn at the same time to face Caden and Tav. They were both staring at my dress appreciatively.

"You look beautiful Olivia." Caden's Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped. 

"What happened to Dino girl?" I teased. 

"Dino girl got swallowed up by this. . . breath taking woman." My breath caught in my throat as I looked up at Mina who smiled proudly. 

"If only Talon hadn't. . . he's lucky. . . Any guy would be fortunate to have you as theirs Olivia." Caden took a step towards me and hugged me. I stood with my arms at my side awkwardly. It was clear he wasn't going let go, so I lifted my trapped hands and tried to pat his back. He finally let go and walked away to make out with some girl most likely. 

Mina grabbed my hand, and we weaved through the grinding bodies that were in the living room. We entered the kitchen and I let a relieved breath go. 

"I think someone has a crush on you." Mina said absentmindedly as she pulled two beers out. She handed me one after she screwed the top off. 

"Thanks, and who? Caden?" She nodded. I scoffed incredulously and shook my head fervently. 

"Yes Liv." She took a gulped, and I copied her, ignoring the bitter taste as it cooled my throat.

"Whatever." We made small talk, and once we had finished about two beers, and five shots of hard Vodka, we decided to dance. We giggled uncontrollably as we danced with each other, not giving a care for anything. We were just two friends dancing at a party, having fun at a party. I closed my eyes and let the music control my movements, not my brain. 

"More shots?" Mina shouted to me over the music. I nodded my head as I continued to dance to the music. Within a couple minutes she was back with four shot glasses filled with alcohol. I chugged them down, and I coughed when the alcohol burned my throat. It wasn't vodka like I thought, that was definitely tequila and I was about to get drunk off my ass. Tequila was my weakness, and made me a lightweight when I wasn't really. We continued to dance, and I was thoroughly enjoying myself. I just closed my eyes and savored the moment, not worrying about anything.

Someone grabbed my hips and pulled me back against their chest. I wasn't paying any attention to my actions, and when I opened my eyes back up, Mina's terrified face was the first thing I saw. I frowned, and followed her gaze and looked up. 

Shizz buckets. 

"Max." My voice shook, and my knees trembled as my heart pounded from a mixture of fear and alcohol. Mina tried to lunge forward, but the guy who attacked me at school grabbed her and pulled her away. Once she was out of my view Max smiled evilly at me as he leaned down. His blond hair brushed against my temple, and I wanted to shrivel away. I couldn't see his soulless, black eyes as his lips brushed against my ear. 

"Let's go somewhere more private." 

A/N: Dun, dun, dun! I hope you guys are enjoying my book so far! :)

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