Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

It's been about another week, and I decided that it was too much work to avoid the boys all the time. It didn't really matter any way, I was going to be leaving in a few months anyway. Then I would be gone, and out of their hair. No longer a problem. 

All three of the boys and I sit at our table in the library for study hall. I usually skipped, but the homework was starting to pile up. Caden and Tav played on their phones, listening to music, while Talon scanned the library. Talon has yet to bring up the fact that I saw him partially naked. Maybe he just didn't care. Yeah that's it, he doesn't care.

Doesn't care my ass! My subconscious yelled at me. 

"Spit it out," Talon barked at me. I jump a little and look away from his alluring eyes. 

"Uh, uhm, what are you talking about?" He eyes fluttered down to my hand that was tapping a pen against the table. I drop the pen and place my semi-sweaty hands under the desk. That way he couldn't see me nervously twisting my fingers. 

"You want to ask me something, I can tell. So spit it out." Talon balanced on one leg of the chair, and I was so tempted to tip him over all the way. My eyes dart over to Caden and Tav, but they weren't paying attention to us. Tav was passed out, a string of slobber drooping from his mouth to the table. I scrunched up my nose as he snored lightly. Caden was scrolling on Facebook or something; he was completely spaced out. 

"Come on Olivia," Talon snapped impatiently. I sigh heavily, and prepare myself to ask him the embarrassing question. 

"Why haven't you, like, chewed me out yet? When I saw you the other day," I whispered so no one could hear me humiliate myself. 

"Whatever do you mean?" A mischievous gleam flared in his eyes before disappearing as fast as it came. That... Jerk! He knows exactly what I'm talking about, and he knows it's making me uncomfortable!

"Talon... You know what I mean," I trailed off, feeling edgy. 

"I don't think I do Olivia." Asshole!

"When I saw you in the shower. Naked." 

"What? Dino girl saw Talon naked?" Caden's angry voice startled me from beside me. I close my eyes, and then look to my left. Caden's eye brow was twitching he was so mad. Why was he so mad? 

"It was an accident. I was looking for him, and I walked in on him showering." 

"Wait, you saw Talon naked?" Tav was now awake, wiping the spit away from his face. I groaned and burrowed my face in my hands. 

"It was an accident," I said a little too loud. 

"Ssh!" I mouthed a 'sorry' at the librarian who was glaring daggers at me.

"I haven't chewed you out, Olivia, because it's not a big deal." I looked into Talon's eyes and narrowed my green orbs at his smirk. He was enjoying this a little too much.

"Whatever," I mumbled under my breath. 

The rest of the school day went by quickly, and I was fervently thankful for it. I followed the boys to Talon's truck so he could drop me off at home. It was just a routine for them to take me home after school each day. I got in the passenger's seat while Caden and Tav got in the back like usual. For some reason, I was feeling extra irritable today, so when Caden and Tav started to mess around in the back, I dug my fingernails into my palms to keep from lashing out. They were used to my cold, brush-off type of attitude, so it was nothing new, but when I glared back at the boys, they stopped. 

Talon turned the music on, and the stereo blared some rap song that made me feel bad ass. I wasn't the only person enjoying it; Tav started to rap along, and hit my seat to the beat. While Tav was rapping, Caden started to sing and my eyes widened a little. I listened, enraptured, to his melodic voice. It was perfectly smooth, and totally unexpected. His talking voice was so rough, you wouldn't expect that voice to come out of his body. I didn't think I could have been any more surprised, but I was proven wrong when I heard Talon join in on the singing. 

He was singing so quietly I could barely hear him, but I heard it. It was even better than Caden's voice. He must have not thought I could hear, because as soon as I turned my head towards him, he stopped. He kept his eyes on the road, and his grip tightened on the steering wheel. I was going to compliment him on his voice, but I knew that I would have gotten a nasty reply back, so I kept my mouth glued shut. 

We drove in silence for ten more minutes, until Talon pulled into my driveway. I said a quick 'thanks', and then got out. I looked around for my mom's car, but it was gone. My eyebrows scrunched together as I reached for the doorknob, but it was locked. I knocked a couple of times, but like I expected, there was no answer. I pulled my phone out and dialed my mom's number. It rang a couple times, then she picked up, her voice cheery. 

"Olivia, sweetie."

"Mom, where are you?" 

"Remember? I have a job interview." Realization dawned on me and I nodded. 

"Oh yeah. Alright, well good luck, and I will see you later." 

"Wait, what are you going to do? I just realized I forgot to leave the house key for you."

"I'm just going to go to a friend's house," I replied. 

"It's a girl right? Remember-," 

"Yes, I know mom. It's a girl."I lied through my teeth, but I didn't feel guilty. If she knew that I was hanging out with three boys, let alone, one, she would burst a vein. We hung up, and I turned around only to be surprised. The boys still sat in Talon's truck, staring at me. I avoided their curious gazes as I sat down on my front porch. 

"Dino girl, what are you doing?" Caden stuck his head out of the window smiling at me. 

"My mom isn't home, so I gotta wait." 

"Get in Olivia." I shook my head at him. 

"No, it's okay Caden, I will just wait-," 

"Get in the damn truck Olivia," Talon snapped at me, annoyance storming his grey eyes. I grumbled unhappily under my breath as I hopped back into Talon's black truck. 

"What should we do until sweet cheeks' mom get's home," Tav asked. 

"Let's go to the swimming hole behind your place Talon." Caden suggested excitedly. 

"No, I really don't think-," I was cut off by Talon.

"Let's do it." 

This isn't going to end well.

A/N: Just listened to Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney and I have so many feels! 

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A xo

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