Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Mina drove me back home, and neither of us said anything. She most likely didn't know what to say to me. 

"So Talon seemed really pissed," she said as we sat in front of my house. My mom's Yukon sat in the driveway. I nodded my head, but kept my eyes trained on the dashboard of Mina's car. 

"Why was he so mad? Besides the obvious." 

"Because I lied to him. I told him that I wasn't running from anything, that nothing was holding me. I refused to tell him anything, and then he hears me spilling my guts to you." I swallowed harshly. 

"He's hurt." I nod once and close my eyes as my head hits the seat. 

"You know you are hurting yourself the most; out of everyone else." I swing my gaze to Mina and stare at her with confused eyes. 

"What do you mean?" I ask in low voice. 

"Olivia, it's so simple. Even though you think differently. Just let it go, let all of the bullshit go. Push it away, and focus on the people in front of you. The people who offer you love. The people who are willing to go to the ends of the Earth for you, just to see you happy. All you have to do is let us in. It sounds so hard and complicated, but it's not. We, as in your friends, will watch over you. Protect you. Because that's what friends are for." Mina was glaring at me - not in a harsh way - as if she was trying to pummel this information into my head. 

"But what about Cyrus? He-" 

"Olivia, that won't happen. I promise. Trust me, Talon, Caden and Tav really know how to handle themselves." I nodded, feeling better about it, but there was still a part of me that was wary. I just didn't feel good about it, or safe for that matter.

"Mina I don't know. . ." I trailed off, gazing into her soft brown eyes. I looked out my window and gulped down the persistent nagging of my brain. It was telling me to run away from Mina, the boys and forget about them. It was telling me to be safe. But life was too short to be comfortable and safe, it was time that I step out of that zone a take a chance. 

But what if something happened?

"Olivia." I looked back over at Mina and she smiled gently, sensing my internal battle. 

"Just let go.

I launched myself into her arms, and pulled Mina into a tight hug. I let a couple of tears go, and let her kiss my head like a sibling would as she comforted her sister. I got out of the car, my heart  heavy and my brain racing around. I was truly lost, but I was slowly finding my pathway. I could see it in the distance, but a big troll stood in the way. That troll was Cyrus, stalking me, waiting to strike in the perfect moment. He was waiting in the shadows, and he was going to run me over when I least expected it. 

"Mom," I called out loudly as I tossed my backpack on the couch. 

"Up here baby!" I took the stairs two at a time as I headed upstairs, and smiled when I see her organizing her room. Just to piss her off, I take a running jump and hop on her perfectly made bed. Some pillows fall on the ground as the sheets mess up. 

"Olivia!" She swats my butt with the rag she was cleaning with. I giggle and scoot over on her bed, then motion for her to join me. She sets down her cleaning tools and lays down slowly, facing me. 

"What's up buttercup." She taps my nose, and I smile admiringly at her. After all this time, moving state to state, she stills loves me unconditionally. I know it's exhausting, but I'm her little girl, she would do anything for me. As I would for her. Since I was little, she was one of my best friends, even though we would fight incessantly. This was the first time in awhile that we have really talked. 

"Mom. . ." I trailed off, not knowing how to start. How do I tell her that I am falling in love with a guy, and-

I sit up suddenly and look down at my mom in panic. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where did the 'L' word come from? But what other word can describe the way I feel for Talon?

"Livy? What's wrong?" she asks, wrinkles forming on her forehead as she frowned. 

"Mom," just fucking say it! "-I have friends. And they are guys. As well as girls, but I allowed myself to start to open up to Caden and Tav. You don't think that's a bad idea, do you?" My mom's eyes widened as she sat up too, joy erasing the worry. 

"Of course not! Oh my gosh Olivia, that's great news!" She embraces me, and confused, I hug her back. 


"Olivia, you have no clue how much I worry about you. You were very quiet as a little girl, and didn't make very many friends. It's always been that way, and it makes me so happy that you have more than one friend. I'm so proud of you for not letting Cyrus get in your way." I've never thought of it that way. 

All this time, I've been letting Cyrus control me. Even though he's not here, it's like he's my puppeteer. Well not anymore you asshole! You can go fuck yourself! I'm going to start to live my own life, and you can't do shit about it.

"Also. . . I told Mina." My mom tilts her head, confused. 

"Told her wh- you told her?!" she exclaimed loudly, jumping off of the bed. She rounded the bed, and pulled me up from the bed and squeezed me in a bone-crushing hug. She started crying, but I was just holding her, bewildered. Why was she crying so hard? 

"Mom, what is your problem?" I asked. 

"You told her, that means that you trust some other than me. You opened up. . . As a child, you were so closed off and never allowed anyone in. This makes me so happy." My mom held me arms length away, smiling widely. She opened her mouth to say something, but someone pounded on the front door. 

My heart was jumping all over as my mom and I made eye contact. 

"Olivia, open the fucking door!" Talon's furious voice startled us both. My mom frowned at me then looked towards her door. 

"What did you do?" I laughed at her. 

"Uhm, so Talon likes me, and I like him back but I told him I hated him, then when he asked if something was holding him back, I said no, and then I told Mina, and he heard, and so now he is, like, really mad." I took a deep breath when I finished my rant and my mom stared at me like I was a lunatic. I grimaced as I waited for her reaction. 

"Olivia, I know you are in there! Open up! Now." Talon being demanding was pretty sexy. I looked back towards my mom and she had crossed her arms. 

"You better go answer the door before he kicks the door in." I nodded and rushed down the stairs. I take a deep a breath and opened the door. 

"We need to talk." 

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