Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Would you cut it out?" I was squished in between Tav and Caden in the back seat since I did not want to be stuck next to Talon, but I was quickly regretting my decision. My nostrils flared when they ignored me, and continued their immature bickering. With an exhausted sigh, I retract myself from the Armani sandwich and climb over the seat to sit next to a brooding Talon.

"Cute butt Liv," in response, I flipped Caden off without looking back at him. I strap myself in with the seatbelt and rest my head against the window, trying my best to ignore the testosterone that was trying to strangle me.

"You good?" I jump in my seat a little bit when Talon's smooth voice graces my ears. I turn my body towards him and watch him closely. He had a beautiful jawline, it was perfectly sculpted. He had the most spectacular profile, I think that I melted in my seat.

"I'm fine," the strangled words was the only thing I could get past my dry throat without choking. I reached to switch the radio on, and wished I didn't.

"PANDA, PANDA, PANDA-," I let out a shriek that would put a Banshee out of business as the rap song blared loudly from the stereo and I nearly punched the knob to turn it off. Who the hell has a rap song with an animal in it?

Tav, Caden and even Talon were laughing their asses off at my reaction.

"Shut up! It scared me." I stick my bottom lip out as I cross my arms and pout.

"Awe, did we hurt poor wittle Owivia's feewings?" Caden gave me a pathetic excuse for a puppy dog face. Without any warning, I whipped around in my seat a delivered a swift jab into Caden's Solar Plexus. I smirked when he doubled over and groaned in pain.

"Abuse," he cried and sat back up glaring at me.

"Someone is sensitive," Tav raised an eyebrow at me, but smiled nonetheless. I just shrugged carelessly.

"Don't make fun of me," I said in a way of explaining.

"Where are we going Talon," I asked in alarm as soon as I discovered we weren't heading to my house. Talon didn't answer, so I asked in a even louder voice, "Talon, where the hell are you taking me?"

"Chill out Olivia. We are just getting ice cream." Talon rolled his eyes as he glared over at me.

"I'm allergic to ice cream," I said.

"W - What?" I burst out laughing as I took in his alarmed expression.

"Your f - face! That was priceless. I'm just kidding, I'm not allergic," and just like that Talon was back to his emotionless, tense posture. We pulled up to a parlor that read: Freddy's Cream. I looked at Talon in disgust, but he rolled his eyes in annoyance and got out leaving us in the dust.

"Freddy's Cream? No way am I getting this ice cream," I told Caden and Tav who were still sitting in the back seat.

"It was a typo. It's supposed to say Freddy's Ice Cream, but they forgot ice. Come on, it's the best in town." I sigh heavily, but I follow the boys out of the truck and into the store. Tav gets cookie dough, Caden gets turtle tracks, and I get mint chip. We join Talon who was already sitting in a booth with his ice cream. I keep my hands off the sticky counter, and devour the cold treat. This is really good.

"What'd you get Tal? Your usual?" Talon just nodded and ate his ice cream in peace. All while watching my every movement with dark eyes, like he was waiting for me to do something wrong. I could practically see the walls he built around himself. They were made of non-destructible brick and steel.

"What did you get Talon," I ask simply, keeping steady eye contact. As soon as his name is out of my mouth, his lip twitches.

"Mint chip." I nodded and looked down at my ice cream as I continued to eat. He's very confusing; he was cold, then warmed up for a second and now he's back to his closed off self. Although, I wasn't one to talk, because as we were eating the ice cream I was trying to figure out how I was going to avoid the three boys.

"So you guys are in a gang-,"

"It's none of your fucking business." I froze mid-sentence, which looked pretty stupid since my mouth was poised open. I slowly closed my mouth and looked back down at my melting ice cream.

"Dude, don't be so harsh," Caden shoved Talon, but Talon just shoved him back.

"Are you stupid Caden? She can't get involved. Let's go, it's time for you to go home." I didn't look at Talon again as I followed the boys outside, after throwing our ice cream cups away.

I sat in the front seat again, and twisted my fingers nervously as I told Talon where to turn. Finally, after a couple of dirt roads, we pulled up to my house. It was pretty big, but nothing special. It was outdated, and kinda ratty, but it's all my mom could afford last minute.

"This is home, thanks for the ice cream and ride. Later," I didn't even wait for a response as I nearly fell out of the truck, and run to my front door. Luckily I didn't forget my back pack, or else I would have to face them again. I unlock the front door, and slam it shut. I peer out of the window next to the front door and gulped.

Talon's truck was still idling in the driveway. I watched as Tav and Caden screwed around in the back, but what made me feel like peeing my pants was the fact that Talon was staring holes into me through his windshield. His head was cocked to the side as we held each other's eyes hostage. He didn't look down from my silent challenge, and I had too much fear to look away. His grey eyes made my knees tremble, I placed my hand on the door to keep me steady.

"Olivia, baby, is that you?" My mother's voice startled me from our intense stare down as I turned around to face my mom.

"Hey momma." She gathered my small body in a hug, and I smiled as I relaxed against her.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you this morning. I-"

"It's okay. At least we don't have to sleep in the car tonight." My mom nodded and kissed me on the cheek.

"I got some groceries, so we can have dinner tonight. Go check your room out, I set it up for you." I smiled gratefully at her, and took the stairs two at a time to my room. The hallway was empty except for several doors. When I opened the first door on the left, it was the bathroom. I opened the door across the hall from it and a smile that nearly broke my cheeks appeared on my face.

There wasn't very much furniture, but it was good enough for me. In the farther part of the room, was my king sized bed. The lavender colored sheets complimented the cream colored walls. There was a black vanity on the opposite wall, and I knew that my clothes were already packed away. I laid on the comfy bed, and discovered it was different. Mom must have went into savings to get me a new bed. Thanks mom.

"Dinners ready Livy!" I sit up and sigh quietly.

Tonight I would relax a little. We will be okay.

For now.

A/N: The picture is Tav!

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A xo

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