Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I am the Queen of sulking, I kid you not. I swear that's all do; sit in my room and sulk. At least I have a good reason to be sulking. Three scary guys grabbed me from the side of the road and shoved me in a car.

I decided to dress in all black today, to reflect my dark, somber mood. I picked a black t-shirt with the Jurassic Park logo on the front and black sweatpants. At least they were nice, Nike sweatpants. I laced up my dark tennis shoes and pulled my hair back in a messy ponytail. Instead of my contacts that I wore everyday, I placed my thick rimmed glasses on. They were chunky and, take a guess... Black! What a surprise. Today was my, I-don't-give-a-rats-ass-what-anyone-thinks-of-me, day.

I was cranky, and if anyone got in my way, I will run them over mercilessly.

"Olivia, are you ready?"

"Yeah mom," I call to her from upstairs in my room. My mom takes me to school, and my heart is pounding in my chest the whole ride there. I wasn't prepared to see the boys after what happened yesterday. They didn't have any right to do what they did to me.

"Oh Olivia?" I look back at my mom expectantly.

"I will be off in time to pick me up, just text me when you are ready." I nodded, said my goodbyes and set off for my first class of the day. As I trailed into the classroom, I noticed a certain green-eyed boy was gone. I sat down in my regular seat, and my eyebrows furrowed. Where could they be? Better question is, why the hell do I care?

The day went by slowly with the boys and Mina absent. I ate lunch in a corner, watching all of the other students interact with their friends. My heart throbbed painfully as I looked at their smiles. I miss having friends.

I quickly finished my food, and packed my things up then headed to study hall as the bell rang. Instead of ditching, I took the time to catch up on my homework.

The minutes went by quickly, and by the time I was finished school was ending, so I pulled out my phone to text my mom.

Olivia: I'm ready.

Mom: Already here.

I headed towards the main entrance door, and I hopped into my mother's Yukon.

"How was school sweetie?" my mom asked.

"It was fine," I replied blandly. We stayed silent after that; my mom was picking up on my crappy mood. She knew that when I started to get moody, I was to be left alone. Those who didn't, suffered the wrath of sulking, pissy, crabby Olivia. We got home, and I trailed up the stairs, one step at a time. I dropped my back pack onto the carpet and collapsed on my bed.

I was just seconds from drifting into a peaceful sleep, when the doorbell startled me awake. I sit up from my position and stretch my arms as my mouth opens with a yawn. I listen as my mother opens up the door and starts talking animatedly to whoever is at the door. I go to close my bedroom door, but my mom's voice stops me dead in my tracks.

"Olivia! You have guests!" I close my eyes in dread. I really hope it's not who I think it is. I open the door slowly, and take my time walking down the steps. As I round the corner, my thoughts were confirmed.

Talon, Caden, and Tav stood in the doorway, reeking of masculinity.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I snap nastily. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see my mom's eyes widen and her face turn bright red.

"Olivia! That is no way to treat your guests!" she splutters angrily.

"Oh yeah? So I suppose it's alright that they yanked me from the road and stuffed me into their car?" My left eye twitches as I stare down the three boys who were squirming uncomfortably. My mom opens her mouth to reply, but closes it as she looks back and forth between the boys and I.

"Huh?" was her genius reply.

"Dino girl, please, just hear us out." Caden stepped up, next to Talon with pleading eyes.

"Come in boys, it's cold out there." My mom ushers the boys in, and they all sit on the couch in the living room. I just stand off to the side and glare them down as they fidget.

"Can I get you boys anything? Water? Pop?" My mom smiles at they boys, and they kindly smile back. All three boys open their mouths, but I rudely cut them off.

"They are fine mom. They don't need anything. Giving them something to drink implies that they are welcome, which they are not." Wow Liv, bringing out the claws are we?

"Olivia, please listen to what we have to say," Tav nearly begged. I looked over at my mom, and she nodded.

"I will be in the kitchen if you need anything." Without saying anything else, my mom left to give me some privacy. I looked back at the boys, more specifically, Talon. He was staring at me with those grey eyes with such intensity, I had to drop my gaze.

"Start talking," I said to break to tension swarming in the air. Nobody said anything.

"Why? Why do you feel the need to follow me everywhere, and why the hell did you pluck me off the side of the road and shove me in your car. Was it a scare tactic? Why?" I forced my breathing to stay even as I made eye contact with Caden and Tav.

"Sweet cheeks, you don't know what Max and his boys are capable of." Caden nodded, agreeing with Tav.

"They pick random girls off the street, drug them into oblivion. They get these girls addicted to drugs, and then they sell them like pieces of meat. They give these girls out to disgusting pigs to be raped. To be handled like property. You don't know what that's like Olivia."

Oh Caden, if you only knew.

"I still don't understand why you three have to follow me around and babysit me. As you have experienced multiple times, I can handle myself." I crossed my arms defensively as Talon stood up and took the two steps from the couch, to stand over me.

"Because Olivia. It's our fault. It's our fault that we got you messed up in this shit. It's already happened to us once, I won't let it happen again." I averted my eyes from his, and stared at the wall.

"I don't want you to keep following me around. I don't want friends." I murmured under my breath, but Talon caught it. He narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head.

"I mean it Talon, I can handle it myself."

"You don't get a fucking choice!" Talon grabbed my arm and glared daggers down at me.

"Let me go Talon," I hissed as his grip tightened before he let go and stormed out of the front door.

"His sister." I look at Tav who was staring down at his hands.

"What," I deadpanned.

"When Talon, Caden and I started our... Group, Max was too. Max found out about his sister, and he grabbed her one day when she was walking home from school. They drugged her, and sold her. She's out there somewhere, completely out of her skull and incoherent from the drugs. Barely knows who she is. Talon found her one time, but she didn't recognize who he was. That's how bad it is. Talon doesn't want to see the same thing happen to you." Tav was standing, in my face, trying to force the information through my brain.

"That's sad. And that's too bad for Talon, but it stays the same. I don't need you." Caden scoffed, and stormed out through the front door like Talon did. Tav smiled sadly down at me, his brown eyes dark in the dim lighting.

"Olivia, I wish. . . Like Talon said -- you don't have a choice." Tav gave me one last small smile and swiftly exited my house, leaving me alone in the living room.

A/ N: Hey hey hey -- Fat Albert! Just kidding. Kinda -- Love that movie.

Well there's chapter 11 for you!

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A xo

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