Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Right away, my mother knew that something was wrong, but I just went up to my room to sulk. I sucked in the tears and plugged my ear phones in. Even though I had my music blasting, my thoughts kept straying to a certain pair of mysterious, grey eyes. I fell asleep trying to deny the unmistakeable attraction I felt for him.

When I woke next morning my mom was still trying to get me to spill my guts, but I refused.

"I hope you know what you are doing." My mom and I were sitting outside the school, right in front of the entrance. I was about to open the door and say my goodbyes, but she stopped me.

"What do you mean," I asked, keeping my eyes out the window.

"I mean, you lied to me yesterday. I know you weren't with a girl. You with those three weren't you?" My mom pointed to Talon, Caden and Tav who were staring at us from the main door.

"Yeah. Mom, they are like in a gang or something, they have been protecting me," I explained, looking at her timidly. My mom's eyebrows shot up as she looked back over to the brooding set of boys.

"Protecting you?"

"It's a long story," I said blandly. My mom looked between the boys and I a couple of times before sighing.

"Olivia maybe you could-,"

"Don't you dare say it. I'm not befriending them. I can't let them get hurt... You know what happened to the last boys I was friends with. He doesn't like it. He made it very clear." My eyes started to water as I looked down at my visibly shaking hands. My mom grabbed me and embraced me tightly.

"I love you Olivia, I hope you know that. Love you forever.
Forever and always." I smiled when she quoted my favorite book as a child. It was called Love You Forever.

It went: I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be.

"As long as I'm living-," she cut me off with a watery smile.

"My baby you'll be." I gave her one last kiss and exited the Yukon. Today was her first full day of work, and she would be late, so I had to hitch a ride home. Or just walk. I look towards the door to the three boys waiting for me, but I decided to blend in with the other students and enter from the other side of the building.

I made it without any mishaps, so I walked to my first class cringing. Time to deal with Caden.

"What the hell Olivia?" Caden's irritated voice interrupted me as I sat quietly in my desk, waiting for the teacher. I bite my lip to keep from snapping a rude retort at Caden. He sat down loudly next to me, making a few kids turn in their seats. I glared at them, and with wide eyes, they swiftly swiveled back around.

I glanced at the door to see Tav and Talon staring at Caden and I. I gathered my things, then sat in an empty seat in the front of the class. The seats surrounding me were filled, so Caden couldn't join me.

"The fuck?" I could hear Caden's ticked off voice travel down to me, and I had to hold back a sigh. If I made it until lunch, I was going to receive hell from all the boys and Mina. The class went by quickly, but the whole time I could feel Caden's glare on the back of my neck. It made no sense really. They haven't even known me two months, and they were acting like we were BFF's who spent their every waking moment together. Well, excluding Talon. He's just a distant jerk head.

I settled down in my second class in a seat far away from Mina. She walked in, and when she saw me on the other side, she frowned. I felt slightly guilty when her shoulders slumped and her face drew together sadly.

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