Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

When I told Talon to leave me alone, there was a tense spark in the air. After saying goodbye to everyone, Mina took me home. Rest of the weekend went by uneventful. I spent it by watching the entire Jurassic Park series and eating a bunch of pizza. It was honestly the best thing for me at the moment. Being the introvert I was, I needed time by myself to rejuvenate my energy. Monday came too quickly, and I wasn't looking forward to it. 

"Olivia, come here." My mom's voice traveled up the stairs from the living room. I grumpily trudged down the stairs and drag my feet until I'm slouching in front of my mom. She looks down at my out fit with raised eyebrows. I also look down at my clothes. I chose a ratty, sweatshirt, leggings and my worn tennis shoes. My hair was down today, but it was pretty messy. It was Monday so I was really not in the mood to care about my appearance. I just shrugged, and looked at my mom expectantly.

She cleared her throat and looked up at me again. "How are you doing? We've been here awhile, and I just wanted to check in on you. Have you made any friends? Guy friends?" I sit down on the microfiber love seat across from her and sigh.  

"I guess I've been better. I've made a couple of friends that are girls. I'm. . . still scared to be friends with guys mom. After what happened to Tommy and Eli. . . I can't." My voice broke as I said their names. My mom's head tilted as a sad look took place on the gentle plains of her face. 


"No, mom. My life is so fucked up! I can't put them through that." I stood up, hoisted my back pack and walked out the front door to wait for Mina. 

Talon, Caden and Tav were absent for the morning, which was odd for all three of them to be gone. Mina and I were currently sitting at our usual table alone. Without three extra pair of eyes watching, I kept my eyesight on the entire cafeteria. Even though I was still observant, I was much less tense than when I first started. I snapped out of my daze and trained my focus on the bustling bodies in the lunch room. Across the room was a familiar set of brown eyes glaring me down. Next to Vicky was Brad, who was scowling just as much. 

I was brought back to my table when I saw a jock with bulky muscles careening towards Mina and I. He had a large plate of food that was about to land on our laps. I grabbed Mina by the lapels of her jacket, and backed away from the table. Since I moved, the jock cursed and slammed into my chair, the food ending up on his face. Out of the corner of my eye - a near carbon copy of Vicky - a girl stumbled towards Mina and I with a cup of red juice in her hand. I moved Mina and I to the side again as the girl spilled the juice on herself. I sucked my cheeks in to keep from laughing as she ran into the wall behind us. 

Mina looked at the two with wide eyes then back at me. 

"What the fuck." I point over at Vicky and Brad who were as red as a beet. 

"I guess their plan didn't go as they hoped I guess." Mina looked over at the steaming pissed couple, and laughed. 

"Did they really just try to humiliate us?" 

"Yep." Mina shook her head as she scoffed incredulously. 

"I'm gonna go have a little chat with them," I say as I crack my knuckles. Mina's lithe fingers wrapped around my wrist, pulling me to a stop. I glance up at her and roll my eyes at her worried brown eyes. 

"I swear I won't punch their throats in." She let me go and I smirked. "Maybe." As I made my way over to their table, Vicky's nose was in the air and Brad was "talking" with his friend. 

"Next time you try to humiliate me by childishly throwing food on me, do it yourself. Let me show you how." I took the two nearest plates of pasta with Alfredo, and gladly dumped them over Vicky and Brad's heads. The two gasped and stood up quickly. I watched with satisfaction as the sauce dripped down Vicky's shirt and seeped into Brad's too perfect hair. 

I started to walk away, but Vicky grabbed my arm and tried to swing at my face. I ducked down, shoved her back, and as she was teetering, I shot my foot out behind her leg. Her arms flailed pathetically as she fell and kissed the dirty tile ground. 

"Don't fucking touch me." I glower down at her as her face turns red through the milky white sauce. I fake lunge at Brad, lets out a girly scream, and falls to the ground next to a mortified Vicky. I spin around and stomp back over to Mina, but I stop up short. Over by our table next to her, stood Talon. His arms were crossed as he stared me down. I gulped loudly and made my way over to his brooding self. 

"I thought you said you were going to just talk." Mina also crossed her arms as she raised her eyebrow at me. I shrugged. 

"They were asking for it," I smirked. Mina shook her head and sat back down in her seat. I also sat back down, half expecting Talon to follow suit. When he didn't I looked back up at him with an annoyed frown. Outwardly, I was cool and self-possessed. Inwardly, I was trying to calm my frantic heart as his grey eyes watching me closely. My insides turned to mush when his arms clenched as he stood imposingly above me. 

"Aren't you going to sit down with us?" Mina asked. Talon just shook his head. 

"Well, then what the fuck are you doing just standing there?" I snapped back. Mina punched my shoulder, and when I looked over at her, she gave me a look to cut my attitude out. 

"Since you don't have classes in the afternoon, would you like to come over? Lexi has been asking for you." A small smile tugged at my lips at the mention of his sister. 


"Alright, I will pick you up at the main entrance of the school." I nodded, and turned my back as he walked off. I looked back up to Mina and rolled my eyes at the way she eyed me. 

"What?" I snapped. 

"Olivia, he's got it bad." I burst out laughing, but when I noticed she wasn't joining in, I abruptly stopped. 

"No he doesn't. Mina, what are you talking about?" I ask warily. 

"You didn't see the way he was looking at you." I shook my head in fervently and stood up. 

"No. No. NO! He doesn't have any feelings for me. I don't have any for him." I peered down at Mina who looked up at me with a dubious expression. I sighed heavily and stomped out of the lunchroom, my head pounding painfully. 

Talon can't feel anything for me! NO!  

I swallowed the panic down as I walked through the school. I didn't have control on the situation, and that scared me. 

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A xo 

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