Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter One

Talon checked both of us out of school, saying that I was not feeling well. Which was still true, I was going to puke all over Talon's shiny boots any second. We walked, well he walked and held me in his arms, keeping me close to his chest. He placed me in the passenger's seat of his truck, rounded the hood and then hopped in.

"We need to get that cleaned up." I just nodded, feeling more and more light-headed as the seconds ticked by. Talon was on the road to his house I assume, when he looked over at me blankly.

"Are you okay?" I shook my head. Talon must have known I was going to puke, because he pulled over instantly. Before he could put his truck into park, I swung the door open and fell to the concrete painfully. I dry heaved onto the ground, bile spilling out of my mouth. Talon held my hair back, and peered boredly into the woods standing next to us.

"Medicine. I need my medicine," I croaked. It was for my head, and if I didn't take it when I got dizzy, things could get bad. Talon nodded, helped me back into the truck and we headed to my house silently. He helped me inside and up the stairs. I closed the bathroom door behind me and searched the cabinets frantically. I knew my mom packed them, but I wasn't sure where since it's been awhile that I've had to take my medicine.

Luckily I found it, and gulped it down, willing it to work quickly. I put the medicine away, hidden from any prying eyes and opened the bathroom door. I admire Talon's back that was facing me, but all too soon he turned back around and pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. That's not necessary is it?

"Sit," he pointed to the toilet and I listened without fighting. I watch him as he pulls things out of cupboard to clean my arm up. Once he has the right tools, he crouches in front of me and gets a cotton swab wet with rubbing alcohol. I close my eyes as he proceeds to clean my wound. I swallow against the urge to twist his arm behind him, and shove him away from me. I was home alone with a dangerous man. My body refused to relax with him this close to me. I opened my eyes again once I realized he wasn't rubbing my arm any longer. Talon was staring at me intently, but he didn't look away when I caught him; he just stared harder.

I broke the gaze and looked down at my arm to see it was all wrapped up.

"Thank you," I whispered, but Talon didn't say anything back.

"Was moving from all of those schools the reason you learned self-defense?" I looked back into his eyes, and gulped against the unease twisting my stomach into knots. I just stood up and brushed past him, walking towards the stairs. I could feel him behind me, but it wasn't until I was in the living room that he grabbed my uninjured arm to spin me around.

"I think I deserve to know something about the girl I am watching over," Talon hissed down at me, but I just narrowed my eyes back at him.

"I didn't fucking ask you to watch me! I can take care of myself!" I pushed Talon off of me and turned back around. I took a step towards the kitchen, but his words stopped me mid-step.

"You remind me of my sister." I didn't turn around, but I stood up straight, listening to his every word.

"She was so head strong and independent. She was always doing stupid, reckless stuff to prove to our family that she can handle herself. We were always fighting each other, she was always wanting to dominate me. I loved her so much, I wanted the everything for her. Would have done anything to make her happy. She deserved the world, but instead she was kidnapped, drugged out of her fucking skull and raped. I found her one day," Talon's voice cracked, and at this, I finally turned around.

He was completely vulnerable and broken; it didn't look natural on Talon.

"I tried to bring her home, but she fought against me. She. . . She didn't know who I was. She didn't recognize me." My breath caught in my throat as I could feel the misery radiating from his voice. I took the three steps it took to stand in front of him and hugged his tense torso. It was stupid, but anyone who was this heartbroken deserved a hug. Talon froze from shock, but eventually gave in and hugged me back, pulling me against him. I closed my eyes, relishing in the almost euphoric feeling of hugging him.

I pulled away from Talon slowly and looked back up at him with a sad smile. I took a couple steps back to create space and took a deep breath; it was taking some effort to gather my jumbled thoughts.

"When Max found out about you, he instantly took an interest. He got bored with all of the other girls at school, but you are fresh meat. A new toy thing he can manipulate. I won't let what happened to my sister to anyone else." Talon's determined, hard expression honestly scared me. I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples.

"Talon, I understand. I really do, but I can't have you guys following me around. I'm fine on my own." I suddenly feared for my life as Talon's face reddened to a point I thought he was going to combust.

"WHAT DO YOU NOT GET?!" I flinched and stumbled back from his furious slur of words. His chest rose up and down with his heavy breathing.

"I just-" he cut me off abruptly.

"I get it. You hate me. Well sweetheart the feeling is fucking mutual. You are so annoying!" Talon was in my face at this point sneering down at me.

"I put up with you because of my sister. Because no one deserves that, but don't mistake that for kindness." I closed my eyes against the fear, but when I open my eyes back up, Talon is gone and I can hear his truck rumble to life and dissolve as he drives away. I let out a frustrated high-pitched scream and fall unceremoniously to my knees. I've never met someone so bi-polar in my life before. It was starting to get on my nerves at this point. I wish I could just tell him, but if I did. . . No. I can't.

Not if he wants to live.

A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying the book so far?

Any thoughts so far?

What do you think of Talon?



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A xo

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