Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"You ready for lunch?" Mina didn't wait for my answer as she pulled me up from my desk, and into the bustling hallway. I allow myself to be thrown around like a rag doll as Mina navigates around, plowing through innocent bystanders.

"Mina!" Tav called her over from the same table as yesterday. Caden and Talon were talking in whispers and by the looks of it, it wasn't a pleasant conversation. Before we reached the table, Tav turned to them with a frown. Whatever he said snapped Talon and Caden out of their argument. Caden smiled up at us as we approached, but I could tell it was forced.

"Girls. How was class?" Tav asked since no one was saying anything.

"Fine," I answered since Mina seemed too occupied by staring at Talon and Caden. It was so uncomfortable now that I stood up, and gathered my food.

"Where are you going?" Talon's hand snatched my arm before I could get my other leg out from under the bench.

"I'm gonna go eat over here by myself," I said as if it was obvious. I shook Talon's hand off and walked over to the table I found yesterday. I sat down, and I was prepared to put my ear phones in, but Talon sat down across from me.

"What are you doing," I snapped nastily. Talon glowered at my tone, but put his back against the wall instead of the bench, so he could see the whole lunch room. His long legs hung over the seat, and I clenched my teeth as the urge to touch him bombarded me. Where did that come from?

"I'm your afternoon babysitter, remember," he said it like it was the most boring thing and he would rather be cutting his toes off.

"As you could see from yesterday, I can handle myself," I spit at him with slitted eyes. Suddenly, scaring the crap out of me, Talon sat up and leaned across the table, his face centimeters from mine. Oh dear god.

"These guys aren't just your usual hormonal teenage boys looking to get a quick fuck. These guys will hunt you down and make your life living hell." Talon hissed in my face, his eyes flashing dangerously. He was maaaaad. Why though?

I just shrugged, and sat back as if him being so close didn't bother me. I looked back into his eyes and I gulped down the tears.

"Trust me, I've been through worse. It's the whole reason this is my tenth school." Talon sat back down with shock plastered on his model-esque type face.

"This is your tenth school?" I nod, and put my ear buds in, terminating the conversation. I glance up to see what Talon was doing, and I looked down quickly when I realized he was staring at me with his cold eyes. He would be a great poker player, that's for sure. A couple of minutes pass before a vibration on the table grabs my attention. I look up at Talon expectantly and he motions to take my ear buds out.

"What," I blandly ask.

"I've got something to do. Meet me at your locker before the final bell rings," I nod and watch as walks off. My eyes zone in on his perfectly sculpted butt, and I groan. Why are you so cruel world?

Like Talon said to do, I stood up from the bench and gather my things. I wave at the boys and Mina, then head to my locker. Apprehension creeps up spine as I look around the barren hallway. I spot my locker that's on the other side and breathe in relief when I see Talon waiting. But as I near, I realize it's not Talon. The guy turns around and my stomach does a nervous flip.

"I told you I was gonna get a taste." Brad seethes as he takes large steps towards me. I whirl around and start to run, but Brad grabs me and places a hand over my mouth before I can scream. I'm plunged into darkness, and I hit a shelf of some sort. Brad turns on a light, and in the dimness I can see that it's a janitors closet. How original.

I start to fight against him, but he was just too strong as he pinned my arms to my sides. Brad's hand was too tight on my mouth to bite him, so I start kicking my legs harshly, hoping to make contact with something. I drive my heel into his throat, and he lets me go as he starts to choke for air. I try to stand up and lunge around him, but he recovers partially and punches me in the stomach. I double over and hold my torso, but I don't make a sound. I hear the unmistakeable sound of tape, and then it was placed on my mouth and wrapped around my skull.

"Listen hear you bitch, you're gonna learn to respect me. Starting right now." My eyes widened in horror as Brad brought out a butterfly knife from his back pocket. His poop colored eyes glinted in the light as he reached down and cut my shirt off. I started thrashing around again, but on accident. His knife cut my bare stomach. He cut the rest of my sweater off so now I was left in my bra and jeans.

"Whoops," he said with no remorse. Somehow, I was able to move the tape somewhat, so I put my lungs to use.

"TALON! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I shrieked, and I knew that it was loud by the way Brad covered his ears. I took to opportunity to fight against him. I just started throwing as many punches as I could, but he got lucky and got a couple love taps in. That's gonna leave a bruise.

Dizziness started to take over, and my movements started to slow. Brad noticed this, and quickly undid his belt. He held me down on the floor with his foot as he undid himself slowly. The closet door swung open, and I took advantage of his distraction and gave one last kick to his groin. Whoever opened the door, yanked him back and threw him to the floor. As the janitor's closet door slowly closed I witnessed Talon's livid face as he pummeled Brad. Caden, Tav and Mina appeared, pulling Talon off of an unconscious Brad. I couldn't move, because if I did, I would pass from either the dizziness or pain.

"Where's Olivia?" Caden asked, trying to bring Talon back from his angry haze. His head snapped towards the door, but it was almost closed, so I didn't see him open it again, because I was too tired to fight it and I gave in to the beckoning darkness.

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