Chapter 12- Getting Started

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Ace had shown to me to one of the rooms on the the top floor and left me to get dressed.

On our way up, I had openly gawked at his house. One full floor of pure entertainment and one full of beds that will only give you sweet dreams.

Can you say Dream House?

I think I can.

I was in the room Ace had shown me when someone knocked on the door.


Darlings head poked through the door as her eyes landed on me sitting on the bed. She walked in and set the clothes on the bed beside me.

"El baño is right there. If you need anything, just yell," she said, patting my knee.

I giggled. "Seriously?"

She nodded. "Sí. Señor y niño do it all the time."

I nodded and waited until the door shut behind her to make my way to the bathroom. When I walked in, I was back to gawking.

I mean seriously?

The bathroom was the same size as the bedroom and the bedroom was Huge!

Another knock on the door snapped me out of my trance.

I yelled a quick 'come in' and placed my clothes on the counter, then walked back out to see Candy pacing the room.

What in the world?

She was muttering to herself.

"Can't....shouldn't...stay away...but hot...UGGHHH!"

She groaned.

With all the muttering she was doing to herself, she still hadn't noticed me standing there watching her.

So, I decided to have a little fun.

There was a nightstand on the side of the bed near the bathroom that was within walking distance. I walked as quietly as I could towards it and picked up the book that was on top of it. The floor was wooden, so when I purposely' dropped' the book, it hit with a loud thud.

Candy, startled, let out a scream and dropped to the floor, burying her head in her chest.

I dropped to the floor also. Instead I didn't drop because I was startled, I dropped because I was rolling around, laughing my ass off.

When Candy noticed me laughing, she stood up.

"Jules, you piece of shit! You scared the crap out of me!"

To say she looked mad was an understatement. She looked pissed. But I couldn't care less.

"Yo-you should've se-seen yo-your fa-face!" I said, gripping my stomach from the pain.

"Jules!" she yelled before she grabbed one of the pillows off the bed and hit me with it while I continued to laugh.

She deserted the pillow after a while and began wrestling with me. We were rolling around on the floor, when I heard someone talk.

"You think we should stop them?"

Candy and I froze, looking towards the door to see the door wide open with Ace and Xander standing in the doorway. They were looking at us with amusement.

"Nah. It's hot," Xander said, earning a slap behind the head from Darling who stood behind them.


Ace shook his head, then leaned against the door.

"What are you guys doing here?" Candy asked.

"I live here. Xander just comes to visit, but this is like his home too," came Aces response.

"No shit sherlock. I mean why are you standing in the doorway."

"We heard a scream and came to check out the action," Xander piped up, wiggling his eyebrows.

Candy just rolles her eyes. "Okay, but how'd you hear from all the way downstairs?"

"The air vent travels all the way to the first floor. Noise usually doesn't go all the way down, but your scream was so loud I bet Japan heard."

"Haha. Funny," Candy said, standing up. "Not could y'all get out? Obviously Jules hasn't gotten ready yet."

They both shook their heads and said, "Girls," then shut the door.

I sighed and stood up, making my way to the bathroom while Candy jumped on the bed with an 'oof'.

"You do your thing, girl. I'll just wait here for you."

"How'd you find what room I was in, Candy?" I yelled through the door.

"Aces helper showed me. She's so sweet. I love her spanglish. It's kind of hard to believe someone as sweet as her works for someone like...Xander."

I paused.

Xander? Where'd she get Xander? Darling was Aces helper not Xanders.

I stepped out the bathroom, fully changed, and narrowed my eyes at her.

"Darling is Aces helper, not Xanders." She visibly froze. "Candy, what were you muttering when you walked in here?"

"Uhh...pfft, whaatttt?! Im just....gonna...," then she got out the bed and ran out before I could push for more.

I groaned and followed her downstairs, back to the gym. I may or may not have stopped to look at his theatre room and kitchen.

When I finally got back, I walked in and found Ace lifting weights in front of the mirror. His was still shirtless.

When he lifted the weight, his whole arm flexed and his back muscles contracted. His abs-

Holy shit! He had an eight pack?

I shivered inward.

Damn that was sexy. Like really sexy.

If anything, biceps, hands, abs, and back muscles do it for me. And Ace definitely checks off in all of that.

I shook my head, and made my way towards him. I took notice of Candy and Xander talking by the speaker. By the way Candy was already blushing, I'm guessing Xander was saying something she's probably stuttering to right now.

I chuckled and continued until I stood next Ace. Well not directly next to him, about a few feet away so he had space.

"I see you decided to grace us with your presence, your highness," Ace said, setting the weights down.

I did a curtsy with my imaginary dress. "Why thank you, kind sire."

He chuckled. "Shall we get started?"

"Of course." I smiled.

He smiled back. And we just stared at each other. His eyes roamed my outfit and I swear his pupils dilated. When his gaze returned to mine, all I saw was heat and...hunger.

What? Was he hungry? He should've ate some cereal or something before he came in here. I mean he does have Darling to cook for him.

"Let's go," I said, not leaving him any room to say anything before I walked towards Xander and Candy.

I plugged my phone in this time and walked back to Ace as 'Hypnotic by Vanic x Zella Day' started to play.

"Shall we get started?" I threw his words back at him.

"We shall." was his response.

Let the games begin.

And I wasn't only talking about the fight.



I'm so freaking tired. Wrote this chapter late at night for you guys because I love y'all.

Enjoy. 😊

With love,
       The Author. 💋

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