Chapter 22- Family Meeting

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I honestly didn't care that he just acted like a smart ass right before he walked off. I was more focused on the fact that he basically told me my sister and I could move in.

I stood, frozen to my spot, where he had left me just a second ago. Still taking it all in.

"Hey! You ready? We still gotta meet up with Wes and Roy."

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Candy as she walked down the hall towards me.

"Uh...yeah. Where's Ariel?" I asked.

"Oh, she's still playing with Jace. I'll get her. Here," she threw me the keys, "start Ron for me?"

I scoffed as I turned to head out the door.

"You seriously need a new name for your car."

"Shut up," she said, as she went to get Ariel.

I laughed and walked out, heading to her sleek, black, BMW. Just as I was about to reach for the handle, I heard a throat clear.

I turned and found Xander standing a few feet away with his hands in his pockets. He was shifting on his feet here and there, like he was nervous.

"Do you...have a sec?" He asked, his eyes looking anywhere, but me.

"Yeah. Of course," I said, tucking my arms around myself as I walked up to him.

He rubbed the back of his neck and kept his eyes glued to the gravel beneath our feet.

"Does...Do you know if..Candy might...I don't know...want to go out...with me?"

I couldn't believe it.

Xander. Xander Davis was nervous about a girl?

I grinned. That was so cute!

He noticed me grinning and blushed. Blushed! He fucking Blushed!

I think it's safe to say...that I could TOTALLY have bragging rights over making Xander-Xander Davis-blush.

"Yes! Of course, Xander!"

He looked up at me, hope etched across his face. "Really? I mean, Do you actually think she would?"

"Xander, trust me. You are never not the main topic of conversation with her. You're all she talks about."

He smiled. "Good. But first can you tell me some things about her? I want to be able to at least try to make a good impression."

"Oh! Candy isn't that hard to please. Her favorite shows are Arrow, Grey's Anatomy, Jane the Virgin, Empire, Rosewood-Honestly, the list could go on and on. I swear she watches a lot of t.v. Anyways, she loves Orange Chicken with broccoli beef on the side and some fried rice. It's her comfort food. Other than that, she'll eat about anything. But if you're getting her a burger, do not get McDonald's. She hates that place. She won't eat any Hamburger that does not come from Jack in the Box. Her favorite, all time, dessert is Cheesecake, New York style. Her top five favorite movies are She's the man, Titanic, Selena-don't ask-The Wedding Planner, and A Walk to remember. She cries on almost all of them." I rambled on and on.

I guess I couldn't help it. It was just flowing out of my mouth and I couldn't stop. Luckily, Xander was there to help.

"Woah, there. I think I got enough. Thank you, though. Everything you just told me will come in handy."

I smiled and gave him a hug. It seems I've been doing that a lot today. Giving people hugs. I guess I'm just a loveable person.

We pulled away when we heard a cough. We turned to find Candy standing at the front door, a look of hurt on her face.

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