Chapter 40- The Letter

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I look at Kyle.

"You said you were already heading back before you heard about everything." He nodded. "What'd you find?"

He shook his head. "You guys aren't going to believe this, but..."



"You guys aren't going to believe this, but Marcus wasn't the only one who came back," Kyle says.

I frown. "What are you talking about?"

He pulls out folded pieces of paper from his back pocket. "According to these documents, the Mafia wasn't the only gang Wilson left behind."

"What do you-"

"The men with Marcus? How do you think he got them? Marcus would never try to raise an empire on his own." At my confused look, Kyle continues. "Ace, Wilson had a second gang that he left behind for Marcus."

My eyes widen at what he's telling me. "No. Wilson would have told me. He never kept anything from me."

"Wilson?" This time, it was Jules' dad who spoke. "Wilson Wright?"

I turn to look at him to see he has a shocked and hateful look on his face. "You know Wilson?"

"Yes, of course. He has a son. Marcus if I remember."

I nod. "Yeah....But how-"

"How do you know him, Ace?" He questions, his eyes narrowing.

I frown, confused. "Wilson was the one that helped me after my parents died. He gave Jace and I a home. After he passed, he handed the Mafia down to me instead of Marcus. He was like a second family."

Emerson's jaw clenches. "Ace...don't ever call that bastard your family. If anything, he's far from it."

My brows furrow in slight anger. "Emerson, he got me back on my feet and-"

"I don't care!" He burst.

I was confused on why he was acting like this. Why did he hate Wilson so much when he was the reason I was here in the first place?

Emerson notices my confusion and takes a breath before leveling me with a hard stare.

"Ace...Wilson lied to you. Whatever he told you, was a lie." I frown, but say nothing. "Did he tell you that he knew your parents?" My eyes widen in shock. "Did he tell you that your father worked for him also? That he only knew about you because you were Maximus' son, not a boy he took off the streets for no reason? That he took part in the death of my closest friends and your parents?!"

"No..." I breathed.

That couldn't be true. Wilson was like a second father figure to me after he passed. He taught me everything I know. He would've never betrayed me like this.

But even though I didn't want to, I still believed what Emerson was telling me. How could I not?

Emerson knew my father like he was his own brother. I remember he used coming over sometimes to play with me when I was just a kid. He and dad would stay up late at night with me just to play video games.

Emerson was real family. So it wasn't really hard for me to believe him. But it still didn't take away the sting I felt when I thought about what Wilson did.

Everything. Everything I thought I knew was a lie. And I was too dumb to see it.

Wilson played me like his very own personal toy. He made me think that he was there for me and Jace; that he was giving me a second chance; and that I had a home.

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