Chapter 6

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I've always liked trees. No scratch that, I like being in trees. My back was pressed tightly to the trunk of an oak about thirty feet off the ground. My feet hanging uselessly off the branch I sat on dripping fresh blood onto the forest floor. Running through the woods without shoes was the stupidest thing I have ever done, it even tops the time when I thought it would be a good idea to sneak out to see a boy when I was fifteen.

I did my best to push the pain that radiated from my feet out of my mind. They're the least of my problems. Rodney had chased me through the trees for ten minuets before I lost him. I can still hear his heavy footsteps breaking sticks and crushing leaves. My breathing was labored and I was having a hard time focusing on his figure moving through the brush.

I didn't realize until I was already high in the tree that the shotgun wasn't even loaded. Fuck my life. Now I'm stuck in the middle of the woods, pregnant, unarmed, and I've got a concussion. Not to mention I have no freaking clue as to where I'm at. For all I know, Rodney could have taken me to freaking Canada.

"Addison, you can't hide out here forever." He called out to the silent forest. Not even birds made a sound. I did my best to stay off the main path but remained as close to it as I possible could, I didn't need to become even more lost then I am already. Rodney was coming a little to close for my liking. He was walking just past my tree but he made no move to stop. Not that it meant anything. He was probably messing with me, just pretending that he didn't know where I was to give me a false sense of hope.

My vision was becoming blurry and my frustration began to sky rocket. How the hell am I supposed to hide from a lunatic hunter when I'm passed out? There's no way my dad's gonna get here in time, that is if he even knows where to look. Why Spencer just didn't track my phone confuses me but there's a good chance that he did after getting off the phone with Rodney. But I didn't know weather or not he left the phone in the cabin or if he's got it with him. Not that it really mattered, I want to stay as far away from both him and that hell hole.

I pressed my head into the bark and welcomed the pain it caused. I need to stay awake and I did it the only way I knew how. Along with a concussion my feet had several scratches and welts from kicking Rodney in the face and running through the sticks and thorns. The rest of my body seemed to be untouched, other then the rope burns that wrapped around my wrists.
I don't care what happens, Rodney will not walk away from this alive. I will not look over my shoulder and look for him every time I turn a corner. I left the hunter life and I'll be damned if I get pulled back in. I gave the useless shotgun another glare before chucking it as far away from my tree as possible. Rodney's head snapped in the direction the gun landed and he started making his way towards it. I'm not sure where it landed but the second he was out of my line of sight I started moving.

The tree next to this one was close enough to where I could climb over but on wrong step could send me falling a good thirty feet. Now I haven't read any books on pregnancy but I've got a feeling that falling is a bad idea. As I pushed my way over to the next branch I kept glancing to where he disappeared.

"Come on Addison, you used to do shit like this for fun." I encouraged myself as I crawled along the thinning limb. Spencer would have a heart attack if he was here. My blond hair was matted around my head and kept getting caught in the leaves that were around and above me. My legs yelled at me in protest as sharp wood dug into my skin. This is officially the sulkiest situation that I've ever been in.

"There ya are!" I heard the gun shot before bark exploded around me. I'm not sure if he missed on purpose but at the moment I don't really care. I don't have any idea how I didn't fall off the god damn tree.
"Shit shit shit shit." I moved around the trunk making sure not to fall off the branch.

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