chapter 34

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Addison Winchester by criminalmindsloverforever

Supernatural & Criminal Minds Xover Rated: T, English, Family & Suspense, Sam W., John W., OC, S. Reid, Words: 81k+, Favs: 88, Follows: 105, Published: Jun 16 Updated: Nov 21156Chapter 35

Morgan walked through the station and into the conference room that the locals allowed them to use for their investigation. Aaron was sitting in one of the chairs around a table that took up the middle of the room. He had put Addison's picture up on the board underneath Rodney's and next to Spencer's. He was pouring over a stack of papers, moving them into several different piles.

"Did Garcia find anything?" He moved and looked over his shoulder so he could see what they said. In one pile it seemed to be for disciplinary actions, another for police reports and the last one was abuse and neglect charges.

"She faxed me everything she could find on Addison. Did you find Samuel?"

"Nope, he told the officers we had at the door he needed to work on a paper and that he would be at the library. I called the library and they said a blond woman with a satanic tattoo came and got him five minuets before I called."

"Any idea which why they went?"

"No again. Based on the security cam they got into a cab, I managed to get the license plate number and called the cab service. The driver said that they got into the car and made him let them out two blocks away from where they were and he just drove off." He sat walked around the table and sat down in the chair opposite of him.

"Well, Penelope found everything she could. The Winchester's lived under the radar for the most part. The only things that popped up were her and her brother's school records and the run in's they had with the police and CPS."

"That looks like a lot."

"They got into a lot of trouble, at least Addison did. When Addison was two he mother died in a fire, it was ruled an accident but her father, John Winchester, insisted that his wife had been murdered and that the police needed to find the man responsible. Sandy Jareau, Addison's aunt on her mother's side, filed for custody of the three children, claiming that John wasn't fit to raise them but he took the kids and disappeared before it could go to court." He pulled out a piece of paper form the bottom of the third pile and pushed it to Morgan.

"He wasn't arrested for kidnapping?"

"They never found him, from there he raised the kids on the road. Addison was enrolled in 16 different schools all over the country before she got her GED at 15. She was arrested eight times, four for underage drinking and three more different accounts of assault and battery, two of those times were dropped and ruled as self defense. One of which she was cornered in an ally on her way back to the motel her and her family was staying at. She shattered that man's jaw and broke three of his ribs. A passerby saw everything and called the police and she was arrested. Her father bailed her out, the state dropped the charges. When they finally made the connection that her father was a wanted man they were already gone."

"You're telling me that that little girl shattered a grown man's jaw and broke three of his ribs?" Morgan leaned forward and rested his elbows on the round table.

"She kicked you in the face and almost broke your nose."

"Yeah but she didn't"

"Is she can kick that hard with a bullet wound in her shoulder, a minor concussion and her feet torn to ribbons. Its not that difficult to imagine how she would do when she's uninjured and cornered." Morgan still looked like he didn't buy it but Aaron continued.

"And Petty theft."

"What'd she steal?" Aaron flipped through the pages.

"She stole a 24 pack of Ramen noodles and three cans of Spaghetti-Os." Both men frowned.

"And how old was she?" He looked back down at the text.

"She was 13.'

"What 13 year old girl steals Ramen Noddles and Spaghetti-Os."

"A hungry one."


I paced up and down the motel room with an open book on my arm. Sam was hunched over three more.

"Can you sit down? I can concentrate with up walking around like that." He sighed and looked over at me. I nodded and sat down on the edge of the second bed. The room seemed to be a carbon copy of the one I was in before except this one was all the way across town and under the fake name of Jason Hendrix.

"Sorry." I mumbled and went back to reading about the Greeks take on Shapeshiffters. Sam had grabbed it form the library but I was the only one out of our family that could read it, all thanks to good ol uncle Bobby.

"When did Dean say he was supposed to get here?" He asked after a few more minuets of silence.

"He said he was an hour out when I called him again to tell him where we were."

"That was about an hour ago."

"Then he should be here any minuet." Just like out of a freaking movie I heard the familiar sound of the Impala cutting off outside. "Never mind." I didn't make any move to meet him and less then two minuets later the door opened and Dean strolled though threshold. I looked at him over my book and took a deep breath.

"You look like crap." Were the first words out of him mouth and they were directed at me.

"I'm flattered." I faked a smile. "Thanks. For coming I mean." He grunted and moved and leaned against the table

"I would've thought you would be hiding out with lover boy and let us do all the heavy lifting."

"Dean." Sam gave him the bitch face. "We need to get to work. We don't know what this thing will do next." Dean held his hand up to Sam, cutting off whatever he going to say next.

"Wait a minuet, did something happen between you and your baby daddy?"

"Dean, can we fight after we kill this thing. Right now I really just want to shoot something." He looked at me, like really looked at me.

"Well as much as I would love to hand you a gun, the only action you'll be seeing on this case is whatever's in that book." I wrinkled my nose at him and frowned. "You aren't in any shape to be hunting." The look he gave me wasn't mean, it wasn't like he was enjoying this.

"I know."

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