Chapter 20

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"What's going on?" Spencer's voice was confused and I nearly feel off the couch. I had been to caught up in the conversation with Dad to hear him unlocking the door. I hadn't even realized that I had locked the door, force of habit I guess. I couldn't tell what he was thinking by his face but I was more worried about what Dad's gonna do. I know for a fact that Spencer doesn't fit the criteria that my Dad used for judging Boyfriends. Dad had always treated me differently then my brothers, I don't know if it was because I reminded him too much of mom or if it was just because I was the girl. He made me do a lot more training then the boys. I had to run twice as long, I had to fight harder in order for him to let me take breaks, and even then I was put on research duty most of the time. So I could see him thinking that Spencer can't 'protect' me. Dad stood up and I quickly followed after him, moving around him so I could get to Spencer.

"Spence, this is my Dad." I pulled him a little closer to me. "Dad, this is Spencer." I Dad offered his hand and I saw Spencer look at it. Spencer doesn't shake hands, something about how many pathogens passed though handshakes. He's already digging himself into a hole. Spencer gave me a scared look. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do and my father isn't exactly a soft looking man. "Why don't you help me grab that thing in the kitchen?" I looked to Spencer.

"What thing?" Oh great, he's going to be difficult.

"The thing, you know, the one over ten pounds..." When he still looked confused I just pulled him into the kitchen. I pulled him behind the wall that separated the right part of the kitchen form the living room. "Spencer, I'm sorry, if I had known he was going to be here I would have warned you." He looked like a deer caught in a pair of headlights. "Just be yourself." I assured him. Spencer was about to say something but was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening again. I brushed past him and went back into the living room, I half expected for Dad to not be there but he was still in the same place he was before. What I didn't expect was to see Derek standing there as well. I allowed myself a second to arrange my thoughts before saying anything. Derek shook my father's hand without delay and had friendly smile on his face. I could feel Spencer at my back and both men turned to us.

"Ouch." It took me a second to realize he was looking at my shoulder. I had forgotten that I wearing significantly short shorts and a razor back. He wasn't looking at the bullet wound, but the one I had obtained from the second werewolf attack. He couldn't see the worst of it, just the beginning of where it began curling over my shoulder.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here." I crossed my arms over my chest, too many unexpected people at one time. Spencer's hand moved up and covered the scar. He didn't like it when other people saw them, I've never understood why. I always try to ignore people's reactions.

"Reid forget his jacket in the car." He gestured to the cloth that had been tossed over the side of the couch. Dad was looking at where Spencer's hand covered the claw mark almost like he was seeing it for the first time.

"Okay," I awkwardly rubbed my hands together, "I would introduce you to my father but I see you've already done that." I have no freaking idea as to what I'm supposed to do right now but Derek being here might not be a bad thing. In fact it could take some of the weight off of Spencer. Especially if we did something that I knew for a fact would impress my father. "You know, why don't we play some Poker?"


So I talked Derek out of his plains and managed to convince him to stay and play poker. Spencer seemed to be more relaxed once he realized that Derek would be here as well. Spencer and I usually play the game a little differently then most. Neither of us are a stranger to cheating and we decided that it's only against the rules if the other got caught. It's not cheating if everyone's doing it right? And don't think that just because Derek's here means that we wont do it. Dad won the first round but I was letting Spencer take the lead tonight, I've beaten my father enough times. So I didn't say anything when I saw Spencer push a curd up his sleeve. Dad would have called him out on it so I know he didn't see it and Derek was to caught up in his hand to notice. I don't think dad was expecting him to do it like he always did with my brother's and I. One of our house rules had been 'if you don't got caught, you get the last slice of pie'.

I traded the shorts in for a pair of sweats and a loose fitting T-shirt.

We all sat around the coffee table considering the one in the kitchen was only meant for two. I got to sit on the couch after Spencer made it apparent that he didn't want me sitting on the floor. I had expected Dad to say something but he just watched with a blank expression. His poker face already well in place.

I couldn't read Derek's face either but this is only the forth time I've seen him, not to mention only the second round. I would've been paying more attention if I hadn't been watching both Spencer and father so closely. I didn't trust Dad not to start something and I didn't trust myself not to talk the bait. The only way to survive in this family is to ignore the elephant in the room, even if said elephant is about to stomp on you. Dad and I are already walking on very unstable ground and the saying the wrong thing could blow it all to hell. Spencer's not very good at holding me back in any kind on fight, weather it be verbal or physical. Let's hope Derek can do a good job.

"I'll fold." Derek's comment made me jump, I had been so focused on the impending doom that I zoned out. All three men looked to me and I glanced down at the cards in my hand even though it didn't really matter, I'm not the one that needs to win this.

"Fold." I tossed them on the table and leaned back. The look my Dad gave me was very clear. He knew I was holding back, he didn't raise me to lose. Everyone turned to him as he laid down a straight flush. His face was still blank but I could see the victory in his eyes, that is until a royal flush came from Spencer's hand. I felt my own smile creep its way onto my face and I moved closer to Spencer who sat on the floor next to me but at an angel but still leaning against the couch. I ran my fingers through his hair and watched my father. He seemed to be genuinely surprised and when concerning my father there is no higher praise. Maybe he wouldn't kill him after all.

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