Chapter 36

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Dean led the way through the think trees. It got to the point where we had to veer off the path because they blocked off the part that led to where we needed to go. Before we even left the motel Dean had given me a gun and two clips to go with it, not counting the one already inside. One had silver bullets, the second one had iron and the one already inside was a mixture of both.

He kept looking back at me every few minuets and holding branches out of my way. I started to get a little aggravated after he tired to help me over a large root but I held my tongue. I would rather him be worried about me then pissed.

It took us about two hours to get to the sight. I almost thought that we were lost until I saw the unmistakable yellow that makes up crime scene tap. Dean held up his hand signaling for me to wait. He moved out of the brush and into the clearing.

"You're good." He said after a minuet and I followed after him. The clearing wasn't large in size, but not small either. The grass was a bright green and tress surrounded us other then a small path that led back to the entrance of the park. In the center of the clearing, the bright grass was stained with red. I wasn't sure if all of it came from Spencer or from the victim. I didn't really want to think about it.

Part of me wondered what we hoped to gain from being here. As far as we knew, Rodney never came here. He shot him from a distance and left it at that. But the one thing that bothered me was the fact that Rodney missed. He hit the side of the chest and not the heart. Rodney was never one to miss a shot. I couldn't stop looking at the blood stains on the ground and picturing Spencer laying on the clearing floor right in front of me.

"We need to find the tree he was in." Dean's voice pulled my attention from the blood and onto him. He glanced around the trees looking for a break in the branches. "Sam looked into the weather reports and the wind was blowing east to west."

"So he was more then likely somewhere in that direction." I pointed in the direction opposite from the path. There was a pretty decent sized hole in the branches between the two trees, the break went far enough back that I couldn't even see what might obstruct the shot. Dean glanced at his watch then up at the sky.

"Lets go."


So everything lead they found led to a dead end. None of the motels in the area recognized her. She didn't go back to her room at all and nothing in there told them where she might have gone. Sam called one of his peers and asked them to take notes for him for the next couple days and they found his phone ditched in a bush outside the library. They also left his car in the parking lot. When they tried to find her older brother they traced the phone number but it was turned off, almost like he ditched it after he got off the phone with her. It wasn't even registered in his name.

Spencer wasn't much help in terms of finding her either. At first the older two agents thought he was protecting her but they quickly found out that he didn't know anything. Addison had kept him so far into the dark that everything they came up with surprised him. He had a basic outline of her past, and as far as they could uncover she had never outright lied to him. She told him about her run-ins with the police and a few things here and there about her childhood. But none of her stories had anything to do with what her family was involved in.

They tried looking into Rodney's past but they ran into the same problems. The only thing they could find were his kid's school records and a few police reports. The only thing they found that connected the two families was the fact that Addison and Sam had been enrolled one of the same schools as Rodney's youngest son.

"What the hell are we even doing?" Morgan ran his hand down his face and leaned back in the office chair that sat across from Aaron. "Nothing we've done has even brought us close to finding them or her."

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