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John ran up the stairs searching for the room Sherlock was in. He got shot on a case and he just got out of surgery. John finally found the right room and stormed inside. Sherlock was on the hospital bed, his eyes closed and wires attached to his body. Mycroft was sitting on one of the chairs and his eyes were closed too. It looked like they were both asleep. Mycroft had bags underneath his eyes and his hair was a mess. Sherlock was even paler than usual and the bright coloured wires stood out against his skin. John lowered himself in one of the chairs and stared at his best friend in silence for a while. He had to make it, he can't die. He just came back into John's life after pretending to be dead for two years. The doctor barely survived that and he could not go through that grief again. He loved the consulting detective so much. More than anything in the world and he never said it out loud. He knew of course that Sherlock would never return those feelings or does he? John sighed and covered his face with his hands. His eyes were red and puffy from crying all the way over here. Sherlock had asked him to come along to the crime scene but John had to work and couldn't go with him. Guilt was eating John from the inside, he started crying again and couldn't stop. Mycroft opened his eyes and found the retired army doctor in the chair next to him. John was crying and he didn't know what to do. Mycroft cleared his throat and John lifted his head upwards to look at him. ''I'll give you a moment alone with him.'' Mycroft said as he got up and left the room. John sat down in the chair closest to Sherlock's bed and took the pale hand in his. ''I'm sorry Sherlock. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault.'' John said in between sobs. He pinched Sherlock's hand slightly as the tears began to fall. John rested his head on Sherlock's bare chest and started crying even harder. This woke Sherlock up and the consulting detective was very alarmed when he found himself in a hospital bed. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what happened. Images came flashing before his eyes and he let out a small groan. John heard this and looked up. ''Sherlock are you awake?'' He asked softly. Sherlock nodded but didn't open his eyes yet, he was still trying to piece everything together. Sherlock's eyes snapped open when he realised that John was holding his hand. A very faint pink colour appeared on his cheeks. John was about to say something when Mycroft came back into the room. He tried to make his hair look neat again but it was still messy. ''Good evening brother dear. Glad to see you're awake.'' He said. Sherlock nodded in response and held John's hand tighter. Mycroft noticed this and smiled. ''I see you two finally admitted your feelings to each other.'' He said chuckling. John looked mortified and Sherlock started coughing uncontrollably. John quickly went into doctor mode and tried to calm him down. Mycroft was enjoying their awkwardness a lot and he decided to make it a bit more chaotic. ''I assume you know John's ring size.'' Mycroft winked before exiting the room, leaving John and Sherlock alone together. Sherlock avoided all eye contact with John and was staring at the ceiling. They sat in silence for a while before Sherlock decided to get rid of the awkwardness in the room. ''Sorry.'' He said, that did not help one bit. Now it was John's turn. He didn't know what to say, should he say what he felt or lie again. ''I love you.'' John blurted out. He was shocked with what he just said and got up to leave but Sherlock grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. John looked confused for a second but when he saw the smile on Sherlock's face, he knew everything was fine. Just fine.  

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