Love Conquers All~Part 3.

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Her hands were stone cold and her skin was whiter than snow. The doctors had come in this morning and told me that she would most likely never wake up again. I cried for hours and hours again until I fell asleep from exhaustion.

I woke up with a jolt, remembering what had happened before I fell asleep. My head was pounding and my vision was blurred from all the crying. ''Oh, brother dear. This is not healthy.'' I turned my head to the door of the room and saw my older brother standing there, shaking his head. ''Go away.'' My voice was barely audible and every word I spoke, came out like my throat had become a desert. I turned away from him and looked at (Y/N) again. The beautiful smile that was plastered on her face a couple of days ago, was now completely gone and replaced with an emotionless mask. I gently cupped her cheek with my hand and stroked it with my thumb. I smiled softly and pressed a kiss on her cold lips. ''The doctors informed me about her current state. I'm very sorry, Sherlock.'' Mycroft said. His footsteps neared the bed and I heard the chair next to me creak slightly as he sat down. ''I've made sure that only the best doctors look after her.'' I nodded and muttered a soft 'thank you'. ''Get some more sleep, Sherlock. I'll watch her and if anything happens, I'll wake you.'' Mycroft sounded concerned but I shook it off and kept my gaze fixed on (Y/N) as I continued to stroke her cheek. Mycroft sighed and I felt his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back slightly. I shot him a venomous look but he didn't let go. ''(Y/N) wouldn't want you to take such bad care of yourself.'' He whispered. A few tears escaped my eyes as I looked everywhere but my brother's eyes. I knew that he was right but I would never be able to forgive myself if I wasn't there when she woke up. ''Our parents will be here soon. I tried to convince them not to but they're desperate to see their daughter-in-law.'' Mycroft explained, changing the subject. ''That's fine. (Y/N) always likes it when our parents visit.'' I said softly. Mycroft nodded and patted my shoulder before standing up. ''I'm getting something to eat and drink. Do you want something too?'' He asked. I shook my head and turned around in my seat to stare at my sleeping wife again. ''I'll get you a sandwich and some tea.'' Mycroft decided. I heard the door open and close and realised that I was alone in the room again.


''This isn't healthy, Mycroft.'' Violet Holmes said as she looked at her youngest son. He had passed out again after being forced to eat the sandwich that Mycroft had brought him. ''I know.'' Mycroft sighed. ''He will crash if (Y/N) doesn't wake up.'' Violet nodded in agreement and covered her mouth with her hand as a sob echoed through the small hospital room. ''It's okay.'' Siger said softly, enveloping his wife in a comforting hug. ''We can't lose her.'' She sobbed. ''I'll try anything to make sure that we don't, mother.'' Mycroft assured. Your relationship with the Holmes family was a very strong one. Mycroft didn't like you at first, he just didn't trust you around his younger brother. But he soon accepted you as a member of the family when you started dating Sherlock. It was clear to him that you made him happier than any type of drugs could ever do and knew that you would help Sherlock through his bad times if they ever resurfaced again. But now that you were in a coma and unable to keep Sherlock from doing anything stupid, Mycroft was worried that Sherlock would end up being depressed and seek comfort in drugs again which would eventually lead to his death. Your situation wasn't just hard on Sherlock. No, it was hard on the entire Holmes family and your close friends. The thought of never seeing your smile again or hear your voice was hard to take in. Especially since the accident came out of nowhere and took everyone by surprise. It was safe to say that losing you, would be tough on everyone that knew you.


I groaned and opened my eyes. I lifted my head from the bed and realised where I was again. I was still in the hospital, sitting next to my sleeping wife. ''Sherlock, You're awake!'' My mother exclaimed. She rushed over to me and hugged me tightly. ''I'm so sorry, dear.'' She whispered. My mother let go of me and I just stared at the wall in front of me. My gaze empty and without any emotion. I felt numb. This whole situation was too much and my mind was shutting itself off without me telling it to. ''Why don't we tell each other some stories about (Y/N)? Who knows, she might be able to hear us.'' My father offered. I nodded slowly, keeping my gaze fixed on the white wall in front of me.

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