A New Life

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This was requested by @SparklerGurl02

The loud alarm clock woke you up early in the morning. You pressed the snooze button and got comfortable in the covers again. Your eyes snapped open when you became aware of your surroundings. You jumped up from the bed and looked around the bedroom. ''What the hell.'' You muttered to yourself. All of your stuff was here but this wasn't your bedroom. This wasn't even your house! You started looking around the flat and saw a note hanging on the fridge.

'Dear Miss (Y/L/N),

You must be confused. Your new boss will explain everything once he arrives at your new flat. There's plenty of food in the fridge. Welcome to your new home.'

You were beyond confused. There wasn't a name on the note or anything else that gave you a clue to where you were. You desperately wanted to know who this new boss of yours was and why he or she brought you here. Despite your confusion, you went back to the bedroom and got dressed appropriately for company. You didn't dare to touch the food, who knows what could be in it.

A knock on the door disrupted your search for any clues that could tell you who brought you here. You hesitantly opened the door. A tall and posh looking man stood in front of you, leaning on a black umbrella that he held tightly in his hand. ''Good morning, miss (Y/L/N).'' He greeted. ''My name is Mycroft Holmes. I work for the British Government and you are now working for me.'' You let him in and settled down on the couch. ''Where am I? Why am I here and what do you want from me?'' You questioned. ''You're in London. I brought you here because of your intelligence. You're the most qualified person for the job.'' He explained. ''And what exactly is my job?'' The man smiled politely and sat down in one of the chairs that was still available. ''You'll be watching my younger brother. You'll go on cases with him and make sure that he doesn't go near any drugs again. I will, of course, pay you a lot of money every week.''

''So basically I'm a babysitter for an adult?'' You concluded. ''If that's what you want to call it, yes.'' You thought about it for a second and then nodded. ''Fine, I'll do it. Where does your brother live?'' You asked. ''His name is Sherlock Holmes and he lives in 221B Baker Street. Which is right next to your flat. Good luck!'' Mycroft shook your hand and then left. You were still a little confused. You still didn't know how exactly you got here but you had always wanted to go to England so you decided to just go with it.

You exited your flat and went up the stairs to meet this Sherlock Holmes that Mycroft talked about. You knocked on the door and it immediately flew open. A tall man with a gun clutched in his hand stared at you for a while before letting you come inside. ''My brother hired you, didn't he?'' He questioned. ''How did you know?'' You wondered. ''I deduced it. No time for introductions, we're going on a case!'' He grabbed his coat and scarf and ran down the stairs after he grabbed your arm. He pulled you into a cab and shut the door. ''So you're just going to accept that I'm going to be watching your every move without even asking my name? You don't know anything about me!'' You said. Sherlock turned to look at you and smirked. ''I know that you're an ex-assassin who fled to another country to escape your haunting past. You got a new identity and became a vet. The reason you ran away is because one of your many enemies found you and slaughtered your family. You ran before he could get to you. You've tried to forget about your past but nightmares still haunt you every night. You woke up this morning, completely confused, in a different country. You met my brother and he explained your job. You agreed because you are lonely and in desperate need for money. Did I get anything wrong?'' You looked at him with tears in your eyes. You didn't know how he knew about your past but it was safe to say that you didn't like this man at all. ''No, you were completely right.'' You muttered, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. ''You still don't know my name though...'' Sherlock placed his hands underneath his chin and closed his eyes. ''What is your name then?'' He asked, maintaining that position. ''(Y/F/N)'' You answered. ''It's nice to meet you, (Y/N).''


It's been a few weeks since you met Sherlock Holmes and started your job. You despised him at first but after a few cases with him, you started to like him. You moved out of 221C shortly after you met Sherlock because it was easier to keep an eye on him if you moved into his flat. The fact that you saw him almost every day, made you like him more and more and you eventually developed feelings for him. You were 99% sure that Sherlock knew about your feelings, he was able to deduce almost everything about you when you met, but he hadn't pointed it out. You wanted to tell him about your feelings towards him but you were afraid that he might not take it very well. He was a high-functioning sociopath after all...

You finished making the tea for you and Sherlock and went to the living room. You removed the balloon from your chair and sat down, placing the cups of tea on the small table. Sherlock was still talking about the case he was working on and hadn't noticed that you replaced yourself with a balloon. ''What do you think?'' He suddenly asked you. You didn't see that one coming, he normally never asked your opinion about his cases. ''I uh was in the kitchen making tea so I didn't hear you.'' You said truthfully, your cheeks getting a little red. ''You know that your opinion matters to me right?'' He asked. ''It's just that you've never really asked me anything about your cases so I didn't think that it would matter if I left a few minutes...'' You stated. ''I always ask for your opinion!'' Sherlock defended. You shook your head and sipped your tea. ''It's fine. I'm not nearly as smart as you are, I wouldn't be able to add much anyways.'' You assured him. ''That's not true! Mycroft chose you for a reason, (Y/N). You're a very intelligent woman and you shouldn't underestimate your own abilities.'' You blushed and placed the tea cup on the table again. ''Thank you, Sherlock.'' You mumbled.

''How about we go to a nice restaurant and I'll explain the case to you again and you add your own deductions.'' Sherlock offered, smiling at you. ''A-As in a date?'' You questioned. ''Yup.'' He replied. ''I know that you have feeling for me, (Y/N). I deduced that ages ago! And I must admit that I feel the same...'' Sherlock admitted shyly. ''You do?'' You exclaimed, not knowing if he meant it. Sherlock sighed and stood up, putting on his coat and scarf. ''Are we going on that date or not?'' He asked impatiently. You quickly got up and followed him outside. That date would be the start of a wonderful yet complicated relationship. But you didn't care, all that mattered was your lovely sociopath. 

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