Forgotten Love~Part 2.

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''Jim, I don't understand why I have to stay here. I don't even know this guy and I'll be fine on my own in the house.'' You protested. Jim shook his head and sighed deeply. ''I love you and I want you to be safe. I'll be gone for a few weeks but I'll come and pick you up as soon as I get back, I promise.'' You felt tears rolling down your cheeks but you nodded and followed Jim to the door of the unfamiliar building. ''What's his name again?'' You asked. ''His name is Sherlock Holmes.'' Jim answered. ''Don't forget to mention me and how much you love me. I don't want him to think that he can make a move on you or something like that.'' Jim explained. ''I'll mention you as much as possible.'' You assured your boyfriend. ''Good girl.'' Jim kissed you one last time before getting back into the black limousine and driving away. You wiped the tears from your face and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. ''I'll get that!'' You heard a deep, baritone voice shout from the other side of the door. You waited patiently as you heard the footsteps approach the door. It opened and revealed a tall man. His curly hair was messy and he clearly hadn't shaved in a long time. His eyes looked tired and he had bags beneath his eyes, indicating that he probably doesn't sleep much. He was still in his pyjamas and he just looked like one big mess.

''I'm not taking any-'' The man stopped talking as soon as his eyes landed on you. His eyes widened and his hand flew up to his mouth. ''Hello, my name is (Y/N). My boyfriend, Jim, said that I'll be staying here for a while until he comes back from his business trip.'' You explained as you reached out your hand to shake his. However, the unfamiliar man didn't move and just kept staring at you with widened eyes. ''Can I come in?'' You asked, letting your hand hang besides your body again. Suddenly, you heard another pair of footsteps descending from the stairs. ''Sherlock, what's taking so long?'' The voice asked. A man, much smaller to the one who opened the door, appeared and stood in front of you. ''Oh my god...'' The smaller man whispered. You were really confused so you just stood in front of them awkwardly. ''We've been looking all over for you, (Y/N)! I'm so glad you're safe!'' The man said. He walked forward and attempted to touch you but you stepped back in fright. ''She doesn't remember us, John.'' The taller man said softly. ''Wh-What?'' You stammered, you were scared and wondered why Jim would send you here. The shorter man was now looking at the taller one with tears in his eyes. ''Oh.'' He said softly. ''Can I come in, please? Jim told me to stay here and I don't want him to get angry.'' You stuttered. The smaller one turned to face you again and nodded. They both stepped aside and let you in. ''Upstairs?'' You asked, not knowing where you were supposed to go. They both nodded but didn't look at you. You started walking up the stairs and they followed you.

You sat down on the black chair, it seemed the cosiest one. The taller man entered the flat and his eyes visibly teared up when he saw you sitting on the chair. ''Excuse me.'' He whispered as he quickly walked to another room and shut the door. ''So which one of you is Sherlock Holmes?'' You asked the smaller blond man. ''My name is John Watson and the other guy you just saw was Sherlock Holmes.'' John explained. ''Didn't you know I was coming? Jim said that you were aware of my visit.'' John visibly flinched when you said your boyfriend's name but you ignored it. ''No uh we didn't know. You can stay here as long as you need to uh we'll keep you safe.'' He said. ''Are you okay?'' You asked when you saw tears forming in his eyes. He nodded and pulled himself together. ''Yes, of course. I'll just go talk to Sherlock. There's tea in the kitchen if you want some.'' You nodded and John quickly made his way to the room where Sherlock was and shut the door.

You took your phone from your pocket and smiled when you saw the text that Jim sent you.

'I'll be back soon, my queen. I put a few pills in your purse. I love you xx' 

Part 3 (= Final Part) will be published soon! 

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