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You, Sherlock, John and Mycroft were having a cup of coffee in a nearby Starbucks. It was very late at night so you were the only customers left. You were sitting next to your husband, Sherlock and John and Mycroft sat next to each other on the other side of the table. You were talking about the plan that you came up with. You were going to take Moriarty down once and for all.

''How exactly are you going to lure him to the rooftop, Sherlock?'' You asked, not believing that your brother would fall for an easy trap like that. Jim Moriarty was your older brother and you absolutely hated him and he hated you. When you found out that Moriarty was after your husband you just hated him more and more and now finally after years of being tormented, you were going to have your revenge. You weren't as smart as your brother and he always teased you with that. But not teasing like normal siblings would. He would tie you up when you would be asleep and he did experiments on you, like testing self-made drugs and stuff like that. You felt your eyes filling with tears at the memories of your childhood but quickly blinked them away when you zoned back into the real world and realised that everyone was looking at you. ''S-Sorry.'' You sniffed. Sherlock wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him. You rested your head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. The rhythmic beating of his heart calmed you down and Sherlock continued to tell you and the others his plan but you were tired and weren't paying attention to his words and he, of course, noticed that. ''Do you want to go home, Sweetheart?'' He asked softly. You nodded sleepily and stood up, straightening your coat and ready to leave. ''Let's go to 221B and finish the conversation over there much more-'' Sherlock stopped talking before he finished his sentence and was staring blankly at the floor. ''Sherlock?'' You carefully placed your hands on his shoulders and looked into his beautiful blue/green eyes.

As if all of his muscles had disappeared, he fell to the floor and you only just manage to prevent his head from hitting the floor. John immediately went to his best friend and examined him. ''I don't know what's going on.'' He said, obviously scared. You started to cry and John pulled you in for a hug with tears in his eyes as well. Mycroft picked up Sherlock's coffee cup and looked at it closely. ''Drugged.'' He mumbled. ''What?'' You asked, hoping that you misheard him. ''Someone drugged him, don't worry he'll be fine. Let's take him back to the apartment.'' You let go of John and attempted to lift Sherlock up but he was too tall and too heavy so you only managed to lift him up a few centimetres before giving up. ''Allow me.'' Mycroft kneeled down next to his younger brother and carefully picked him up, without any trouble whatsoever. You wiped away your tears and followed Mycroft and John outside. You walked back to the apartment, it was a very cold night but luckily it didn't rain.

You reached the door of 221 Baker Street and opened the door, revealing the stairs that would lead you to your apartment. Mycroft went first, still holding Sherlock in his arms and John followed. You also climbed up the stairs when suddenly a wave of dizziness overwhelmed you and you only just managed to stop yourself from tumbling down the stairs. ''(Y/N)? Are you feeling alright?'' John asked, coming down a few steps to check on you. You tried to talk but no words were forming and another wave of dizziness hit you. John caught you before you actually fell but he was struggling to lift you up because you were taller than him. So he draped your arm over his shoulders and held it there as his other hand travelled to your waist and held you tightly as you climbed up the stairs. ''Mycroft, I think that she's drugged too.'' John said as you made it upstairs. He carefully let you down onto the black leather chair. Your eyelids were starting to feel very heavy and the dizziness wouldn't go away. ''(Y/N) stay with me. Just keep your eyes open.'' John said. He cupped your face with his hands and stared into your eyes, looking for any signs telling him what kind of drugs you had accidentally taken but he couldn't find any. You struggled to keep your eyes open and you felt like you wanted to throw up. Black spots clouded your vision before you blacked out completely and lost consciousness.


''Wake up little sister.'' Your eyes fluttered open and you gasped when you saw your older brother standing in front of you. You were in a small room with white walls and a wooden floor. You were tied to a very uncomfortable chair and there was no possibility of escaping the tight ropes. ''What have you done to them?'' You hissed. Jim grinned widely and let out a loud and maniacal laugh. ''Oh my sweet naïve little sister. I killed them of course! You really should make sure who made your coffee before drinking it. I drugged all of you and then I shot your lovely husband and then I shot the lovely Doctor Watson and then finally I shot the magnificent Mycroft Holmes. It was quite dull to do it while they were unconscious but I had no other choice.'' Tears were rolling down your cheeks. They were all dead, your brother had killed them. You felt so guilty, if you'd never met Sherlock then he and his family and friends would have never gotten killed. ''Why didn't you kill me?'' You managed to ask in between sobs. ''Don't worry. I will kill you too! But you have to suffer first.'' His face came dangerously close to yours as he whispered those last words. You fought back your tears and spat in his face. Jim wiped his face a handkerchief that he took out of his pocket. ''Bitch!'' He slapped you in your face and you felt blood trickle down your cheek. Jim took a deep breath and composed himself. ''Now don't make things worse, little sister. Everyone that ever loved you is dead. I killed every single important person in your life.'' He said, smiling wickedly. ''Why do you want to hurt me so badly?'' You yelled. ''You don't remember do you?'' He asked, his voice venomous. ''Remember what?'' You whispered, it was barely audible because you had started to cry again and the sound of your sobs filled the room.

Jim was about to reply when the sound of gunshots filled the room. You squeezed your eyes shut, afraid that they were aimed at you but when the sound stopped and you felt no pain, you slowly opened your eyes and saw the dead body of your brother laying in front of you in a pool of blood. You screamed loudly and cried even more than you did before he got shot. ''(Y/N)! Oh thank god, you're still alive!'' Sherlock came rushing into the small room with a gun still in his hand. He threw it on the floor and untied you as quickly as his hands would allow him. ''You-You're not d-dead.'' You sobbed. ''Of course not Sweetheart. I would never ever leave you.'' The ropes fell to the floor and you wrapped your arms around his neck and sobbed into his chest, causing his coat and scarf to get soaked with tears. ''I'm so sorry (Y/N). I should have known that he would do this. I should have been more alert. I'm so sorry for failing to protect you.'' He whispered into your hair as he held you tightly and rubbed your back. ''I-It's not your fault.'' You pulled away from the embrace and softly kissed him on his cheek. ''I love you.'' You whispered. ''I love you more.'' Sherlock replied. He kissed your nose before scooping you up and carrying you outside. A black limousine was parked in front of the building and you two got inside of it. Sherlock pulled you onto his lap and held you there for the entire ride home. Never failing to tell you how much he loved you. 

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