Best Birthday Ever

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Requested by PrincessPeach211 

I'm sorry that it's not very good. I hope you all still enjoy this Oneshot, despite it not being that good. Thank you so much for everything. I owe you all the world ♥ 


''Good morning, Love.'' (Y/N) greeted, pressing a quick kiss on my cheek. ''Good morning.'' I greeted back. (Y/N) went to the living room and I soon followed him with two cups of tea in my hands. ''Thank you.'' He said, taking one of the cups from me. I sat down in my chair and stared at my boyfriend. I could easily deduce that something was troubling him. ''Are you okay, Love?'' I questioned. He nodded and smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. ''Don't lie to me.'' I said softly. 

(Y/N) sighed, tears welling up in his eyes. It hurt me to see him like this. He was usually so cheerful and happy, and now he was on the verge of crying. I got up and sat on top of his lap, wrapping my arms around him. ''You can tell me anything.'' I whispered, resting my head on his shoulder. ''I know.'' He sighed. ''Promise not to laugh.'' I raised my head and cupped his face with both my hands. A single tear rolled down his cheek and I wiped it away with my thumb. ''I promise.'' I said softly.

(Y/N) began to tell me a story. He told me about his sixteenth birthday and how his family and friends humiliated him. He told me that that was one of the reasons why he ran away from home later in his life. I could tell by the look in his eyes that this wasn't easy for him. The pain was evident in his eyes and it broke my heart. I had always wondered why (Y/N) never celebrated his birthday, but now I finally knew. It was too painful for him to think about the events that happened when he turned sixteen. I was determined to change that. I was going to give him the best birthday he'd ever had.

(Y/N) left 221B to go to work and I immediately started working on the preparations. I stole some decorations and balloons from Mrs Hudson's flat and decorated the entire flat with them. I wore my most expensive shirt and spent about an hour on my hair. I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. There was no room for even a single mistake. I had nearly done everything, all that was left to do was baking his birthday cake. I looked up a recipe on the internet and even asked Mycroft his recipe for the best chocolate cake. I finally found the perfect one and started baking

I grabbed a large bowl and put some sugar and flour in it. I added eggs, vanilla, cocoa and salt to the other ingredients, which I stole from Mrs Hudson's fridge. I looked at the mixture and noticed that it wasn't a thin batter, it was just some weird coloured powder. I scratched the back of my head and thought about things I could add to make it liquid. I opened a cabinet and saw some chemicals from an experiment I did in the past. Deciding that there was no other option, I took the bottle and added its content to the mixture for the cake. According to the recipe, you had to stir the mixture now until it was completely liquid and thin. I grabbed a wooden spoon and followed the recipe. Everything was looking fine. The mixture was a little green, but the chocolate frosting would cover that, so it didn't really matter.

I heard the door open and (Y/N)'s voice shouting that he was home. I panicked and stirred a lot faster to get it in the oven in time. I heard footsteps near the kitchen and I started stirring faster and faster. The batter in the bowl looked hideous and it started bubbling. ''Sherlock, what are you—'' (Y/N) was cut off as the batter exploded and covered the entire kitchen and me with the disgusting looking mixture. ''NO!'' I shouted. I had completely ruined my boyfriend's birthday. ''I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I was trying to bake you a cake and give you the best birthday ever, so you could forget about the horrible one you had, but I ruined everything.'' (Y/N)'s eyes were widened and a look of shock was evident on his face. Suddenly, he burst out laughing. ''Oh god, Sherlock!'' He screeched. I was confused but started laughing as well.

''You beautiful man.'' (Y/N) said after we had both calmed down. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me roughly. ''Thank you, Sherlock.'' He said softly as soon as we pulled apart. ''It's the best birthday I ever had.''

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