Forgotten Love~Part 3.

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''I don't understand why she doesn't remember us!'' John yelled. He was frustrated just like I was but I managed to stay in control of my emotions. ''Moriarty did something to her, John. She thinks that she's in love with him but she's not. He probably drugged her.'' I deduced out loud. We were still in my bedroom, we wanted a plan before we went back to face (Y/N). We couldn't break down in front of her or she might call Moriarty and ask him to take her away from here. ''We need to keep her here until I find out how and with what he drugged her. I'll be able to make an antidote if I know what he used.'' I explained. John stopped pacing and stared at me, tears in his eyes. ''My sister doesn't remember me. My sister doesn't remember you. My sister was gone for three months. I THOUGHT THAT SHE WAS DEAD, SHERLOCK! HOW IS THIS NOT AFFECTING YOU?!'' John shouted. ''OF COURSE IT AFFECTS ME!'' I yelled back. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself so I wouldn't yell again. ''I love her, John. I love her more than anything in this world. I thought that she was dead too but she's not. She might not remember anything from her past but there's still hope. We need to stay calm around her and find out where Moriarty keeps those drugs so we can fix this.''

''You're right.'' John sighed and wiped the tears from his eyes. ''Let's go back to the living room and try to figure everything out. I'll call Mary and explain the situation to her, she'll understand.'' He decided. John stared at me and shook his head. ''What?'' I said defensively. ''You might want to freshen up and put on some decent clothes before we talk to (Y/N). You look like a drug addict.'' He pointed out. I sighed and rolled my eyes. ''Fine.''


''So (Y/N), did Jim tell you when he'll be back?'' I asked as I casually sipped my tea. She nodded and continued to fumble around with her fingers. I shot John a glare and he understood what I meant. ''Are you okay? You seem nervous.'' John said to (Y/N). ''Oh no, I'm fine. I just forgot to take my medicine this morning and the headache is coming back.'' I eyed her suspiciously and deduced that she was lying. ''What kind of medicine do you need? I'm a doctor, I might have some.'' John offered. ''No, it's special medication. I have a uh a condition.'' I chuckle slightly to myself, her lying skills haven't improved. ''Did you bring any of your medication?'' I asked. She nodded and took a small blue bag from her purse. ''Can I have some water, please?'' John nodded and got up to get (Y/N) a glass of water.

She swallowed two pills and smiled as she handed John the glass back. ''Are you feeling any better now?'' He asked. ''Yes, thank you.'' (Y/N) replied. It took a few minutes, but (Y/N) eventually passed out from the effects of the drugs. I jumped up and grabbed the small blue bag to check if there were more pills in it. Luckily, there were still a few left. ''These must be the pills, John.'' I said as I gave them a proper look. ''They look like ordinary pills though.'' John pointed out. I hummed in response and went to the kitchen to examine the pills further underneath the microscope.

''Did you find anything?'' John asked after a few hours. ''He used some interesting stuff in these pills but I managed to make an antidote.'' I said. I presented the pill I had made to John and smiled proudly. ''Are you positive that it'll work?'' John asked doubtfully. ''It'll work but we need to convince her to take it first. And that's going to be difficult.'' I sighed. ''Can't we just put it in some tea or food so she'll swallow it without knowing?'' John offered. I shook my head. ''The pill needs to be taken without anything else, not even water.'' John and I both knew how much you hated pills and that you would never take one without any water but we had to at least try. ''We'll figure it out. Let's just wake her up first.'' I decided.


''What's it for?'' (Y/N) asked suspiciously. ''Well, I know how bad some headaches can be so I got you a pill who'll get rid of all the pain instantly.'' I lied. This whole convincing thing wasn't going well and John wasn't a big help either. I knew that her headache story was fake but she probably doesn't want her cover to be blown so she'll take it, but I was wrong. ''My head doesn't hurt anymore.'' She protested. ''Not right now, but it will probably hurt again later. That's why I brought you this pill.'' I tried to persuade her. ''We're just trying to help you. Jim warned us that if you would be in any pain while you're here, he'd get very angry. He wants what's best for you so he gave us this pill.'' John added. That seemed to do the trick. ''Jim gave this to you?'' She questioned. John and I both nodded at the same time and she hesitantly took the pill from me. ''Can I have some water, please?'' She asked politely. ''You have to swallow it dry or it won't work.'' I explained. (Y/N) seemed hesitant but she put the pill in her mouth and swallowed it with a disgusted look on her face. It made me laugh slightly but I quickly stopped when she gave me an odd look.

''(Y/N)?'' John asked carefully. She didn't reply, she just stared at the floor. ''(Y/N)?'' John asked again. She slowly raised her head and looked at us. Her eyes widened and tears rolled down her cheeks. ''Sh-Sherlock? John?'' She sobbed. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I raised my hand to cup her cheek. ''I'm so sorry, (Y/N).'' I whispered as I wiped the tears from her face. ''I missed you so much.'' She sobbed. ''I missed you too.'' I whispered. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. Words can't explain how much I missed the feeling of her lips on mine. I wrapped her legs around my waist and deepened the kiss. Things would have gone further if John wouldn't have awkwardly cleared his throat. We stopped kissing and (Y/N)'s face became bright red. ''Sorry John.'' She said. I let go of her and she gave John a tight hug. ''I missed you too, brother.'' John chuckled and hugged (Y/N) back. ''I'm glad to have you back, sis.''


John left and it was just the two of us. I was sitting in my black chair and (Y/N) was sitting on my lap. ''Moriarty will be back soon, what are we going to do?'' (Y/N) asked, breaking the silence. ''You're going to pretend that you still believe that you're his girlfriend and you're going to text him every day, telling him how miserable you are here and how insane I'm getting. And when he gets back from his trip, we'll be prepared and take him down.'' I explained. She nodded and nuzzled her face into my neck. ''I love you.'' She whispered. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. ''I love you more.''


I hope you enjoyed this story! Thank you so much for the request, @SparklerGurl02. I had a lot of fun writing this! If anyone has a request, let me know! Thank you for reading, voting and all your nice comments! I absolutely love reading your reactions ;)

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