Tell Me A Story

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''Tell me a story (Y/N).'' Sherlock panted. Your body was giving up and it was getting harder for you to stay awake. You and Sherlock were on a case together when someone started shooting and hit you in the stomach. ''Stay with me Sweetheart. Please, I can't lose you.'' Sherlock was still running with you in his arms. There was no time to call an ambulance, they would arrive too late so he decided to run to the hospital. ''Sh-Sherlock, I love y-you.'' You whispered. Your eyes started to close and your heart beat slowed down. ''(Y/N) NO!'' Sherlock started to panic but he had to keep running. He was nearly there. ''How did we meet Sweetheart. Tell me.'' You smiled as you thought about it. You used all the strength you had left and managed to keep your eyes open. ''Scotland Yard.'' You said softly with a smile on your face. You didn't want to die but if today was the day to die, you wouldn't mind it like this. Securely in Sherlock's arms as you thought about the wonderful times together. ''Continue Sweetheart.'' Sherlock encouraged, still running. ''You s-spilled your coffee all-all over m-me.'' The pain was getting unbearable and all you wanted was to close your eyes and let the darkness take over but Sherlock wouldn't allow you. ''We're almost there, keep going.'' Sherlock was out of breath and his legs were about to give up. ''Y-you gave me your scarf and ran off.'' Your smile faded as your heartbeat did too. Finally Sherlock reached the hospital. ''I NEED HELP NOW!'' You heard Sherlock yell before you lost consciousness.

You opened your eyes and saw that you were surrounded by white. 'Am I dead?' You thought. Slowly you became more aware of your surroundings. You heard a faint beeping noise next to you, you felt something soft on top of you and you felt something on your hand. With a lot of effort you managed to look up. Sherlock was sitting next to the bed you were in, his hand was holding yours and his head was resting on your upper-leg. He was sleeping peacefully and you smiled. You dropped your head back onto the soft feathery pillow and thought about your lovely fiancé.


You were doing your daily routine at work. Bring Lestrade his paper work, get everyone coffee and clean up your desk. You were about to go on your break when two man stormed inside of the building. Before you knew what was happening, the taller one bumped into you and you felt hot liquid splashing all over you. ''Shit.'' You mumbled. ''Oh hello! Take my scarf. Where's Lestrade?'' The man said. You looked up from your white blouse which was covered in coffee stains and met the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen. ''T-thank you. Lestrade is in his office.'' You said, you were not even finished talking when the two man walked away to Greg's office. ''Apology accepted.'' You mumbled to yourself.

~Flashback Ended~

''(Y/N)?'' A low voice said. You were pulled out of your little day dream and were staring into the same eyes you were just thinking of. ''Oh thank God!'' Sherlock let go of your hand and cupped your face with both hands. He stared lovingly into your eyes before pressing a kiss on your lips. ''I thought that I had lost you Sweetheart.'' He mumbled against your lips. You smiled as he pulled away, his hands still on your face. ''I wasn't going to miss my own wedding.''

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