I Do

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You were enjoying a lovely dinner at a fancy restaurant with your boyfriend of three years, Sherlock Holmes. He never took you anywhere, he disliked having so much people in the room but today was your third year anniversary so he decided to take you out. You were very happy to eat dinner with the man you loved outside of the flat. You were having a lovely conversation when a waiter brought you your food. You had ordered a pasta dish and Sherlock ordered a salad. It wasn't a lot of food but at least he ate something. ''So (Y/N). Are you enjoying our anniversary so far?'' Sherlock asked before putting some of the salad in his mouth. ''Yes I am. I don't exactly know why you wanted to come here, we never go out but I'm glad that you did.'' You replied, a smile never leaving your face. ''I'm glad.'' He said. You two finished your meals in silence and afterwards you talked for what seemed like hours with some wine. ''(Y/N), I wanted to ask you something.'' Sherlock said all of a sudden. ''Go on.'' You encouraged. ''We've been in a relationship for quite a long time and to be honest it has been the best three years of my life. I understand that I'm a difficult man to be in love with but yet you do not leave. I love you more than anything in the world, (Y/N). So that's why I would be honoured to have you as my wife.'' Your mouth fell open as Sherlock got down on one knee beside you and took a small black box from his pocket. ''Will you marry me?'' He asked. You froze in your seat. You couldn't believe what was happening. Sherlock Holmes was asking you to marry him! Not once in your relationship did you think that Sherlock would ever be willing to get married but here he was, on one knee asking you to be his wife! ''I'd love to!'' You exclaimed after you unfroze. Sherlock smiled as he took your hand and placed the most beautiful ring on your finger. He stood up and kissed you passionately, not caring that people were staring. Everyone in the restaurant was clapping and cheering, some even took pictures. Sherlock was quite famous in London. ''I love you.'' You whispered as you broke the kiss. ''I love you too.''

Sherlock paid the bill for the food and you both left the restaurant. You had the biggest smile on your face that lit up the entire world and Sherlock was very happy as well. He took a hold of your hand and together you walked back to your shared flat at 221B Baker Street. You were practically skipping and Sherlock was looking at you like he looked at no one else. A look of pure adoration and pride. You didn't notice that he was looking at you, you were staring at the stars above you as you and Sherlock walked home. ''(Y/N)?'' Sherlock asked, breaking the silence. ''Yes?'' You kept walking but now looked at Sherlock instead of the stars. ''I know that we haven't talked about this at all and I understand completely if you don't want to. But I was thinking that after we get married, we go on our honeymoon of course and maybe try to have ehrm children?'' Your mouth fell open for the second time that day and you stopped walking. This man was full of surprises today. You thought that a wedding wasn't an option between you and Sherlock but you thought that children was a definite no for him. ''Y-You want to have chil-children together?'' You stuttered. ''Only if you want to.'' He added nervously. Your confused expression faded and was replaced with an even happier one than earlier that evening. You jumped in his arms and he easily caught you. ''Of course, you idiot! I would like nothing more than having a child with you.'' You told him. Sherlock smiled again and pressed a kiss on your forehead as he continued to walk home, you still in his arms. ''I never thought that you wanted to get married or have children.'' You admitted. ''Well I didn't at first. Even the thought of it made me want to throw up but then I met you and we started dating and you were just... so lovely and incredible that I started to doubt my feelings towards the whole idea. And then John got married and had a child with Mary. And from that moment on, I knew that that was what I wanted with you.'' He explained. Tears of happiness rolled down your cheeks and you smiled wider than ever before. ''I love you so much, William Sherlock Scott Holmes.'' You said through your tears. ''I love you too (Y/N) Holmes.'' He replied, smirking.

A/N: Hello everyone! Part two will be uploaded in a few minutes. I originally wanted to upload the entire oneshot in just one part but I thought that it would be too long so I divided it in two parts. The next part will be the wedding :)

Thank you for reading/voting/commenting and have a lovely day!

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