Road Trip

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This was requested by @--SherlockHolmes--

''Come on, (Y/N)!'' Sherlock shouted as he ran to the awaiting car. You giggled and tried to keep up with him. School was finally over and you had a few weeks to spend with your best friend. His family was going on a road trip and invited you to go with them. Violet and Siger both saw you as a daughter of their own and always invited you to all their family events.

''You need to work on your speed.'' Sherlock teased once you reached the car. ''Shut up, Curly.'' You panted. His nose scrunched up at the new nickname for him. ''Don't call me that!'' You smirked and ruffled his hair. ''Why not, Curly? I like it.'' He huffed and got into the car. ''I hate it when you do that.'' He said. You got in the car as well and fastened the seatbelt. ''No, you don't.''


''MOTHER!'' Mycroft shouted angrily as you and Sherlock had started teasing him again. ''Stop teasing your brother, Sherlock.'' She said. ''(Y/N) did it too.'' Sherlock protested. Mycroft huffed and banged his head against the car window. ''Why did I agree to come with you on this horrible road trip again?'' He asked himself. ''Because we are your family and you need to spend time with us. Especially now that you're barely home anymore!'' Violet answered. You and Sherlock were both thirteen years old but Mycroft was much older than the two of you. His birthday was a few weeks ago and he was now twenty years old. ''(Y/N) is not even family.'' Mycroft muttered. ''She will be in the future.'' Sherlock protested. ''I'll marry her and she'll be a Holmes as well.'' You blushed and Sherlock pecked your cheek. ''Sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side, brother dear.'' Mycroft warned. ''Stop teaching your younger brother such horrible things, Myc!'' Violet said loudly. Sherlock stuck his tongue out towards his older brother and you giggled as Mycroft mumbled, ''Yes, mother.''

You had fallen asleep in the backseat of the car, your head resting on the shoulder of your best friend. Mycroft was reading a novel and Sherlock was just staring at you. He thought you looked insanely beautiful when you were asleep. You were his best friend and he enjoyed being around you but he also felt something else for you, something that he would never admit. His brother was right after all. Sentiment really was a defect but he just couldn't help it. He didn't know why he said that he would marry you someday. He wanted to annoy Mycroft by proving him wrong but it came out of his mouth before he even realised it and he instantly regretted the words. He truly did want to marry you but he knew that he couldn't. He was a high-functioning sociopath after all.

You mumbled something incoherently and snuggled closer to Sherlock. He smiled and wrapped an arm around you. He closed his eyes and let his head rest on top of yours. It didn't take long before he also fell asleep. Mycroft glanced at the two of you and smiled slightly. He might not show it but he really was fond of you and he appreciated the fact that you always managed to keep Sherlock in check. ''Young love.'' Violet whispered as she looked at you and Sherlock. ''Aren't they adorable, Siger?'' Her husband looked into the front mirror of the car and smiled at the sight of his son and his best friend. ''They sure are.'' He agreed.

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