The Big Reveal

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Requested by GlitterGirl16694240 


After spraying an entire can of hairspray in your hair, you were finally content with the way you looked. You had been looking forward to this evening for weeks now and you wanted everything to be perfect. You and your boyfriend had been dating for nearly eight months, but because of his incredibly busy job, you barely had the time to go on dates and spend quality time with him. It always upset you, but you knew how important his job was to him and that his high function at the bank forced him to travel a lot. He was always in a meeting or visiting luxurious locations to promote the bank he worked at and it didn't give you much time to talk on the phone either. You usually texted each other as much as you could and whenever he was in London, he'd take you on as much expensive dates as he could. He had a lot of money and connections, but that wasn't why you started dating him. You weren't the type of girl who dated men just for their money and you hated being accused of doing that. You loved that he spoiled you from time to time, but it always left you feeling guilty. You told him many times that there was no need to buy you all kinds of expensive gifts, but he always insisted. He wanted to treat you like a queen. 

Maintaining a long distance relationship was very hard and it lead to arguments late into the night sometimes, but you could never stay mad at each other. No matter how hard it got sometimes, you never thought about leaving him. You hadn't been dating that long, but the love was stronger than anyone could ever imagine. There was nothing that could make you want to break up with him. 

But there was something you didn't know and that could possibly be the one thing that could break you up.

Your phone started ringing and you quickly answered the call. ''Hello, my beautiful queen.'' His silky voice greeted. You blushed and giggled slightly. ''Hi, Jim.'' You greeted back. ''Are you ready for our romantic date?'' He wondered. ''Of course, I am! I haven't seen you in two weeks. I want to hear all about your business trip.'' You said. ''Oh, that can wait. You're much more interesting than I am, Love. I just want to stare at you all night and listen to you talk for hours and hours.'' Jim stated. A wide smile displayed itself on your face and it seemed like the redness of your cheeks had become a permanent aspect of you. ''I can't wait to see you, Jim. I missed you.'' There was a moment of silence before Jim's voice could be heard again. ''Come outside, my queen.''

He ended the phone call and you hastily grabbed your purse, checking if you had everything before throwing on your coat and rushing outside. Jim was standing in front of a black limousine, holding the biggest bouquet of red roses you had ever seen. You squealed in delight and ran over to him, hugging him as tightly as you possibly could. His strong arms surrounded you as he kissed the top of your head, chuckling at your childlike behaviour. ''I missed you, too.'' He stated, pulling back from the embrace a little to look at you. You instantly melted at the sight of his gorgeous brown eyes, the eyes you had missed so much. ''I'm glad you're back, Jim. But the roses really weren't necessary.'' You blushed, feeling guilty again. ''My Dear, I only give you what you deserve and you deserve every beautiful thing in the world.'' You kissed him with so much passion that he needed a moment to compose himself. ''Let's get into the car now, Love. We can't be late for our dinner reservations.''

You and Jim talked about the things you had done during the time Jim was absent. You were still waiting for your dinner to be served and even though you were really hungry, you didn't mind having to wait longer. All you needed was Jim to be with you and you would be fine. ''This food is taking ages to come to our table.'' Jim groaned. You took his hand across the table and smiled. ''It's okay. I'm getting hungry, but being with you makes up for it all.'' Jim sighed, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. ''No, this is inexcusable.'' He decided. ''Jim...'' You reasoned. ''It's fine.'' He shook his head and stood up from his chair, letting go of your hand. ''No, my queen only deserves the best service and this is not even remotely close to what you deserve.'' He decided. ''I'll be right back, Love.'' He kissed your cheek and walked away. You sighed and rubbed your forehead. You loved Jim, but he took things a little too far sometimes. It was good that he'd always treat you right, you weren't complaining about that. You just hated making a scene and that was always exactly what Jim did. However, you let him do his thing and decided to wait until he returned.

You checked your watch multiple times. It had been thirty minutes since Jim left the table and you were starting to worry about his wellbeing. You stood up from the table and headed to the restrooms, suspecting he might've gone there if he wasn't feeling well. ''Jim?'' You called, knocking on the door of the men's restroom. ''Jim?'' You called again after getting no response. It remained silent on the other side of the door. Without thinking twice, you quickly opened the door and headed inside.

''Jim!'' You gasped. He was standing in front of the mirrors, trying his hardest to wash the blood off of his shirt and hands. ''What happened? Are you okay?'' You rambled, rushing over to him. ''I'm fine, Love, don't worry. It's not my blood.'' He stated calmly. ''Wh-What do you mean?'' You stammered. He turned off the tap and dried his hands on paper towels. ''Listen, Love, I haven't been completely honest with you.'' He began, sighing. You were too confused and stunned to speak. You just stared at him with eyes like saucers. ''I don't work at a bank, (Y/N). I'm a consulting criminal. I help people who need to get things done, but in my own... special way.'' He explained. 

He attempted to touch you but you stepped back in fright. Hurt and sadness replaced his usual confident facial expression. ''I will never hurt you, my queen. I will never hurt the people you love or admire. I promise.'' You shook your head. You couldn't believe it. He had been lying ever since the two of you met. And the worst thing was he lied about being a serial killer. 

''Y-You killed th-th...'' You were too shocked and scared to speak. You rushed out of the restroom, running back to your table. You grabbed your purse and hastily left the restaurant, leaving Jim behind. You couldn't believe what he had told you. A part of you was hoping this was all a dream and that you would soon wake up and go on the real date with the real Jim. But you knew this was real. It wasn't a dream and you had no clue of what to do. You loved Jim. You truly did. However, you were terrified of him now. You didn't know what to do.

''(Y/N)!'' Jim called, running after you. He grabbed your wrist and stopped you from walking away. You were scared, but something inside of you stopped you from pulling away from his grip and running away again. ''Hey, hey, don't cry.'' He shushed gently. You hadn't even noticed you started crying. He raised his hand to wipe your tears away, but he stopped when you visibly flinched. ''Love, I am not going to hurt you. Not ever. I love you and I will die before I let anyone hurt you. Please, don't be afraid of me.'' He begged. The look in his eyes caused your fear to melt away completely. You dried your tears and allowed him to wrap his arms around you. You were still hesitant, but you made no move to stop him. ''I love you.'' He whispered into your hair. ''I love you, too.'' You whispered back. 

The words came out before you even realised what you were saying. But it was all the proof you needed. You loved Jim and he loved you. He would never hurt you or let anyone else hurt you. You felt safe being with him and that was all that mattered in the end. 

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