How He Proposed To You

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A/N:  Thank you all so much for your lovely comments on the previous chapter. Your kind words really made me feel better. I wrote this for you guys! I hope you enjoy <3. 


''Ready for our date?'' Sherlock asked you from the other side of the bathroom door. ''Give me two seconds!'' You replied. ''Anything for you, Love.'' You blushed at his nickname for you and quickly finished applying your make-up. Sherlock didn't take you out often so tonight was special to you. He was taking you to a very expensive and very fancy restaurant, which was even rarer but you didn't complain. You exited the bathroom and stood in front of your boyfriend of three years. His eyes widened and he stared at you. You were wearing a stunning red dress that reached the floor. Your hair was tied in a bun and your black purse and heels really finished the outfit nicely. You blushed and giggled as Sherlock stared at you. ''Shouldn't we get going? We don't want to be late right?'' You asked, still giggling. ''Yes, yes of course. Let's go.'' He said quickly. You grabbed his hand and together you walked down the stairs and got into a cab.

''(Y/N)?'' Sherlock asked, trying to get your attention. ''Yes?'' You turned your head to look at Sherlock who was sitting next to you in the cab. ''I wanted to wait until we finished our dinner but I just can't wait any longer.'' Sherlock admitted. He reached for something in his coat pocket and you gasped when you saw what it was. It was the most beautiful diamond ring you had ever seen. ''Wha-What's that?'' You stuttered, not knowing how to react. ''Oh come on, (Y/N)! You're starting to sound like Anderson.'' He mocked. You shot him a glare but a small smile appeared on your lips when you noticed how nervous Sherlock was. ''Just propose already!'' The cabbie interrupted. Sherlock shot him a glare and you chuckled. ''(Y/N), we have been dating for three years and I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't imagine a life without you. Would you make me the happiest high-functioning sociopath on earth and marry me?'' He asked hopefully. A tear rolled down your cheek and you nodded happily. ''Of course!'' You exclaimed before pulling him in for a long and passionate kiss.


He was late for yet another date! You have been sitting in the restaurant for three hours and he still hasn't shown up! This wasn't the first time and he promised that it would never happen again. You were done. You wiped away the few tears that were rolling down your cheeks and stood up. You left the restaurant and hailed a cab. ''Where to?'' The cabbie asked. You sighed and thought about it before answering, ''221 Baker Street.'' You didn't really want to deal with your boyfriend's younger brother but you didn't know where else to go. You started crying a little as the cab started to drive. ''You alright, miss?'' The cabbie asked you. ''Yes, I'm fine.'' You smiled and wiped the tears away. You weren't paying attention to the road, you were staring at your phone. You looked up and noticed that you weren't even close to Baker Street. ''This isn't the way to Baker Street.'' You said. ''I know.'' The cabbie replied. You took a few deep breaths to control your nerves and deduced the cabbie like Mycroft had taught you. ''Wait a minute.'' You said, realising who it was. ''Sherlock? Why are you dressed up as a cab driver?'' Sherlock stopped driving and turned around to give you a wide smirk. ''You'll see.'' He stated. You raised an eyebrow but couldn't ask more questions because the door next to you opened. ''Good evening, (Y/N).'' Mycroft said. ''Go away, Mycroft. You were late for our date again!'' You shouted angrily. Mycroft merely smirked at you and reached for your hand. ''Our date hasn't even started yet, my dear.'' You raised your eyebrow again and took his hand. You were curious to what he was up to. Your boyfriend covered your eyes with both his hands. ''What are you doing, Mycroft?'' You asked, amused. You two stopped walking and Mycroft removed his hands from your eyes. You gasped as you saw the romantic setting in front of you. You turned around to face Mycroft. He got down on one knee and held a beautiful ring in his hand. You started crying softly as Mycroft held his speech. ''My dear (Y/N). I know that I haven't been the best boyfriend but I love you more than anything in the world. Will you marry me?'' You nodded, not being able to speak and he carefully placed the ring on your finger. He stood up and kissed you passionately.


''You know that I love you, right?'' Jim asked all of a sudden while you were watching Supernatural together. You gave him a confused look. ''Yes of course.'' Jim nodded and kissed you on your cheek. You smiled and focused on the television screen again. ''(Y/N)?'' You groaned and turned to Jim again. ''Yes Jim?'' You said, annoyed. You just wanted to watch some freaking Supernatural! ''I love you.'' He said cheekily. You smiled and kissed him quickly on his lips. ''I love you too, my king.'' You whispered before focussing on your favourite show again. ''(Y/N)?'' Jim interrupted again. ''BLOODY HELL JIM! I'M TRYING TO WATCH A FREAKING TV-SHOW HERE!'' You yelled angrily. Jim smirked and turned the TV off which made you even angrier. ''I WILL SHOOT YOU IF YOU DO NOT TURN THAT TV ON, RIGHT NOW!'' You yelled loudly. Jim threw the remote to the other side of the room and sat on top of you so you couldn't get up and get it. Your anger faded away and you smiled up at him. Jim leaned down even more and put his full body weight on top of you. You smirked and kissed him. He cupped your face and deepened the kiss. Your hands automatically grabbed his hair as you pulled him even closer to you. You both pulled away to breathe and smirked at each other. ''Marry me?'' Jim asked as soon as he caught his breath. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. ''I thought you'd never ask.''


You and Greg were at the Christmas party that Mrs. Hudson held every single year. You were having a nice conversation with your two older brothers and Greg was talking to John. ''(Y/N), have you already deduced what Gavin is going to ask you tonight?'' Sherlock whispered to you so Greg wouldn't hear. ''it's Greg and yes I have.'' You whispered back. ''There's no way that I'll allow him to marry my younger sister!'' Mycroft protested. ''I'm old enough to make my own decisions, Mycroft.'' You hissed. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it when Greg walked over to you three. ''Enjoying the party, Honey?'' He asked you as he pressed a kiss on your cheek. ''Yes you?'' You replied, giving him a kiss on his cheek too. ''I always enjoy myself when you're around.'' He answered, smiling widely. You blushed and pressed another kiss on his cheek, much to Mycroft's dismay. He wasn't very supportive of the idea of you marrying Greg but you didn't care. Sherlock didn't really care if you would or wouldn't marry him, he just wanted to see the look of pure agony on Mycroft's face. Greg walked to the middle of the room, leaving you alone with your brothers again. ''Can I have everyone's attention, please?'' He called. Everyone stopped talking and looked at him expectantly. Greg blushed slightly before he walked back over to you and grabbed your hands. ''I love you, (Y/N). I always have and I always will. Would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?'' He asked. You nodded with tears in your eyes and watched as Greg pulled the ring from his pocket and slipped it on your finger. ''I love you.'' You whispered. ''I love you too.'' He whispered back. He pulled you in for a passionate kiss. You immediately kissed him back and winked at Mycroft before closing your eyes. Mrs. Hudson cheered loudly and started clapping. ''A wedding! A wedding!'' She shouted happily.


John wasn't the most romantic guy you had ever been in a relationship with but he was most certainly the kindest. You were enjoying a wonderful meal together at a fancy restaurant. You couldn't stop talking about all kinds of things so the food was eaten quite slowly. John said something funny and you had to laugh so hard that you started choking on your food. John immediately jumped up and helped you.

''You alright?'' He asked you worriedly. You took a few deep breaths and nodded. ''Sorry.'' John said, looking at you intensely. ''It's fine.'' You smiled and pressed a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. John smiled back and went back to his seat to finish his meal. You didn't really feel like eating anymore so you just drank water until John finished his food. ''(Y/N), I wanted to ask you something tonight.'' John stated as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. ''Go on.'' You said encouragingly. ''We've been together for five years now and it has been the best time of my life. I want to take the next step if you want that too of course.'' He got up from his chair again and kneeled down in front of you. He took a small velvet box from his pocket and held it up to you. ''I love you, (Y/N). I love you so bloody much!'' He said. Your hand covered your mouth as you stared at him, tears rolling down your cheeks. He opened the small box and revealed a beautiful silver ring. ''Will you marry me?'' He asked. ''YES!'' You yelled a little too loud. You blushed as people turned around and stared at you. John chuckled as he stood up and gave you the ring. ''I love you, (Y/N).'' He said. ''I love you more, Doctor Watson.''

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