I Will Always Love You

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Sherlock POV

If I should stay

I would only be in your way

So I'll go, but I know

I'll think of you
Every step of the way  

I couldn't stay. I had to leave her. She isn't safe when she's with me, she will never be safe if she stays with me.

And I will always love you

I will always love you

You, my darling, you

I stopped. My hand floating in the air, not touching the doorknob yet. I couldn't, I just couldn't leave her. I loved (Y/N) way too much to leave her but I had no choice. Moriarty was after her.

Bittersweet memories

That is all I'm taking with me

So goodbye, please don't cry

We both know I'm not what you

You need

I swallowed my tears and opened the door. Mycroft's car was already waiting outside for me. The chauffeur took my bags and put them in the car. ''I'll be right back.'' I said to the driver. I ran back upstairs to the apartment, I had to let her know why I was doing this.

And I will always love you

I will always love you

I grabbed a piece of paper and quickly wrote a message to her. Tears fell onto it and the ink spread a little but it was still readable. I left the note on the table because I knew she would look there eventually.

I hope life treats you kind

And I hope you have

All you've dreamed of

And I wish for you joy

And happiness

But above all this, I wish you love

I knew that I was making the right decision, even though it doesn't feel like that. I've always been selfish but not with her. I just couldn't be selfish around her. I had to leave, it's the only way to keep her safe. I can't keep her safe anymore and it hurts.

And I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I exited the apartment and got into the car that was still waiting. ''We'll be at the airport very soon Mr. Holmes.'' The driver said before closing the window that separated the driver's seat and the back of the car. I watched as we left the crowded London and arrived at the airport. I got out of the car, my bag already being brought to the private plane. ''Goodbye (Y/N).'' I whispered before walking up the stairs into the airplane.

I, I will always love you

You, darling I love you

I'll always, I'll always love you.

Your POV.

I entered the apartment, Sherlock wasn't home yet so that gave me time to make him dinner. I was about to put the plates on the table when I saw a small piece of paper with a message written on it.

Dear (Y/N),

I will always love you.

But I have to go, to protect you.

Don't come looking for me.

Move on and meet someone who makes you happy as I once did.

- SH

A/N: This is the first songfic I have ever written so I'm sorry if it sucks, I really tried. Thank you for reading! 

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