Better Than Cake

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Requested by mrs_ami_weasley 

I hope you all like this oneshot. I have a few days off from school, so I'll probably have more time to write. I haven't forgotten about everyone's requests. I will get to all of them, I promise. Thank you so much for 83K and please, let me know if you like this oneshot. I love to receive your feedback and read your comments ♥


Mycroft Holmes strutted through the crowded streets of London, his umbrella hanging on his arm. It was a calm day at the office, so he decided that a long walk in the sun would help him clear his mind. It was a beautiful day, which seemed rare in London these days. His lips formed a small smile as he enjoyed the sunlight hitting his face. These moments were rare to Mycroft. His busy schedule and big piles of paperwork usually didn't allow him to have much free time. So he intended to get the most out of that day.

He walked past his favourite bakery and decided that it was a good day for some chocolate cake. The small bell rang when he opened the door. ''Ah, Mr Holmes!'' The baker greeted. ''The usual?'' Mycroft looked at the displays of the many cakes and pastries. ''I'll have something else this time, Davis.'' He decided. ''Surprise me.'' The baker nodded with a smile and went to the back room to find some delicious pastries for the government official.

Mycroft waited patiently for the baker to return. As he waited, the sound of the small bell made him turn around. A tall man with grey hair entered the bakery. He was soaking wet and it wasn't until seeing the man that Mycroft realised it was raining outside. ''Afternoon.'' The man greeted, grinning despite being completely soaked. Mycroft smiled slightly as he took in the man's appearance. His smile caused a weird feeling to appear in Mycroft's stomach. It was the feeling that Mycroft had always wanted to avoid. The feeling that changed the way you behaved, thought, made decisions and who you were. The feeling that Mycroft and his younger brother were afraid of. 


He liked this man. Something about his appearance and the way he smiled despite the bad circumstances of the weather sparked the new emotion in the older Holmes brother. And, to his surprise, he didn't mind it at all.

''You shouldn't leave the house without an umbrella,'' Mycroft stated. The man chuckled deeply and nodded in agreement. ''Today seemed to be a perfect and sunny day, but I guess I didn't judge it correctly.'' He said. ''We're in London after all.'' Mycroft grinned. ''I suppose you're right.'' The man walked closer and reached out his hand towards Mycroft. ''Greg Lestrade.'' The DI introduced. ''Mycroft Holmes.'' He said, shaking Greg's hand. ''Holmes?'' Greg inquired. ''Are you related to Sherlock Holmes by any chance?'' Mycroft nodded and let go of Greg's hand. He instantly missed the warm touch of the grey-haired man. It made him feel happier and more alive for some unknown reason.

''Sherlock is my younger brother.'' He explained. ''Are you as smart as him?'' Greg grinned. He was impressed by this posh looking man. He didn't seem to be like his younger brother at all. This man seemed responsible, patient and polite. ''I'd say smarter,'' Mycroft stated, smiling widely. ''I believe that,'' Greg answered. ''Do you?'' Greg smiled sheepishly and attempted to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. ''Well, yes. You don't seem to be like Sherlock. You seem uh different. I don't mean that as an insult, of course! Good different. Very good different.'' The DI stuttered. ''I should probably stop talking now.'' He admitted shyly. Mycroft laughed and shook his head slightly. ''It's quite alright. It's kind of adorable.''

Now it was Mycroft's turn to blush furiously. That was not supposed to come out of his mouth. He didn't know nor did he understand why he said that out loud. ''My apologies. I did not mean to say that.'' He excused, still blushing madly and attempting to hide it. Greg chuckled, causing butterflies to break free in Mycroft's stomach. ''It's fine.'' He assured. ''I should probably get going. I have a lot of paperwork to do.'' Greg said. ''I know the feeling,'' Mycroft said, smiling slightly. 

He didn't want Greg to leave. He was genuinely enjoying talking to this very special goldfish. ''Take my umbrella.'' Mycroft offered, noticing it was still raining outside. ''Oh, no, that's okay. You need that as well. I'm already soaking wet from the rain, I wouldn't want to ruin your expensive suit.'' The DI objected. ''I insist.''

Greg tried to refuse again but took the umbrella from Mycroft after seeing the look he was getting from the government official. ''Thank you.'' He said shyly before heading outside. ''I will need that umbrella back. How about lunch next week?'' Mycroft called after him. Greg smiled and turned around to look at him. ''I'd love to.'' The smile on Mycroft's face could light up the entire universe. Greg waved one last time before turning around again, proceeding his journey to the office. Mycroft closed the bakery's door and waited until the baker returned with a plastic bag.

''I'm terribly sorry for making you wait this long, Mr Holmes, I know how busy you are.'' The baker apologised. ''It's fine, Davis,'' Mycroft assured, taking the bag containing a few pastries from him. ''I had a pleasant conversation with someone better than cake.''

Mycroft waited a little longer for it to stop raining. When the sun finally returned, he continued his walk through the crowded streets, the DI never leaving his thoughts.

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