I Do~Part 2.

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It was the day of your wedding and you were beyond nervous. Sherlock proposed to you eight months ago and you were finally tying the knot today. You were standing in front of the large white doors of the church. Almost everyone was already inside except you, your bridesmaids, your ring bearer and Mycroft Holmes. Your father had died when you were a little girl and since you and Mycroft were quite close, you asked him to give you away. He didn't hesitate a single second when you asked him and said yes which you were very happy with. ''You seem very nervous.'' Mycroft pointed out. ''I am.'' You replied honestly. ''You know, I never thought that my little brother would get married one day. He was always so against sentiment and well marriage. But something about you changed his mind. You changed something in him. You were there when he needed you the most and because of you, my brother is currently the happiest man on this awfully dull planet. Thank you, (Y/N).'' Mycroft said. A single tear rolled down your cheek and you quickly wiped it away. ''Crying already?'' Mycroft chuckled slightly. ''Thank you for doing this Mycroft. Not just giving me away at the altar but also for being there for me and for those kind words.'' You stood on your toes to press a small kiss on your future brother-in-law's cheek and took one final deep breath before Mycroft raised his hand and opened the door to the church. You linked your arm with his and watched as your bridesmaids and ring bearer enter the church first. The music starts to play and you and Mycroft start walking towards your waiting fiancé.

Sherlock's mouth falls open as soon as he rests his eyes on you and you feel a faint blush forming on your cheeks. You reach your future husband and take his reached out hand. Mycroft pats his younger brother's shoulder before he walks a little further and stands behind him. The pastor who was marrying you welcomed all the guests but all you noticed was Sherlock. You two were staring lovingly into each other's eyes as the pastor made his brief introduction. ''And now it's time for the vows.'' The pastor announced, breaking the loving gaze between you and Sherlock. Sherlock cleared his throat and held your hands a little tighter. ''I've been in love with you since the day we met, at that time I didn't completely understand the sentiment I was feeling but I do now. I've pushed you away so many times and in so many different ways because I was afraid that somehow I would become weak if I allowed myself to love you. But for some reason you never left me and I'm forever grateful that you didn't. I love you so much, (Y/N) and I want to be with you forever.'' You released one hand from Sherlock's grip for a few seconds to wipe your eyes. ''Now your vows, miss.'' The pastor said. You nodded and took Sherlock's hand again before speaking. ''You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I can't imagine my life without your clever deductions, your experiments and your handsome features. Never did it cross my mind that I would be standing here with you but here we are. I'm the luckiest woman alive and it's all because of you. I love you too, Sherlock.'' You noticed that Sherlock began to tear up but he quickly blinked his tears away. You smiled and squeezed his hand a little, causing him to squeeze back and giving you the most loving look.

Your ring bearer stepped forwards and handed each of you a golden ring. You smiled when you saw that they were engraved. His said 'Dinner?' and yours said 'Starving.' on the insides of the rings. You teared up again as you remembered how Sherlock had asked you out for the first time with those exact words. Sherlock let go of one of your hand and grabbed the other one with both. ''I, William Sherlock Scott Holmes, take you, (Y/F/N), for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.'' He repeated after the pastor. He slipped the golden ring on your finger and pressed a soft kiss on it. You took his ring from his hand and repeated the same words from the pastor as Sherlock just did. ''I, (Y/F/N), take you, William Sherlock Scott Holmes, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.'' You slipped the ring on his finger and smiled. ''I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride.'' Sherlock didn't wait for a single second after the pastor had finished his sentence. He cupped your face as you placed your hands on his waist and he kissed you as passionately as he always did. You both pulled away from the kiss and held hands again. Sherlock started to lead you to the doors of the church for the photo-shoot. You all posed with the groomsmen and the bridesmaids and you also posed for some photos of just you and Sherlock. After about half an hour, you and Sherlock got in a white limousine (provided by Mycroft) and headed to the after party.

''I have a proposition for you, (Y/N).'' Sherlock stated. ''Continue.'' You said curiously. ''How about we go to the after party to listen to John's speech and have our first dance as a married couple and then we slice the cake and get out of there as quickly as possible.'' He said, smirking again. ''Best idea ever.'' You said with a smile.


As planned, you listened to John's speech and waltzed together. You quickly sliced the cake and while everyone was busy with eating, you and Sherlock sneaked out of your own wedding. You were back in the white limousine on your way to your flat again. ''Do you think people will notice?'' You giggled at the idea of everyone's face when they noticed that the bride and groom were missing. ''Definitely.'' Sherlock replied, also laughing. The limousine stopped and you and Sherlock got out to pack your bags and go on your honeymoon in Spain. You were about to open the door when Sherlock scooped you up and held you in his arms. ''What are you doing?'' You asked, giggling. ''Carrying my bride over the threshold of course! It is tradition after all.'' He pointed out. You rested your head on his chest as he opened the door and carried you all the way up the stairs and then into your small flat. He put you back on the floor and kissed you. ''You are beautiful.'' He whispered in your ear. You blushed again and leaned in for another sweet kiss. ''Let's pack our bags and go to the private jet that Mycroft provided us with before anyone notices that we're gone and tries to find us.'' You remarked. Sherlock nodded in agreement and scooped you up again, carrying you to the bedroom to pack your suitcases. Within a few minutes, you were back on the road on the way to the airport. You were very tired from the day you had so you closed your eyes as you rested your head on your husband's shoulder. ''Sweet dreams, my beautiful wife.'' Sherlock said before pressing a kiss on the top of your head as you started to doze off. The last thing you heard that night was the soft humming coming from Sherlock as you two made your way to your well-deserved honeymoon.

A/N: Thank you so much for 5K reads! I'm beyond grateful to have so many. I hope you enjoyed this book so far and have a lovely day :D

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