Chapter 03 - Drugged

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I can hear some voices.I dont know from where they're coming but I can definitely tell they're very near.

"You can't marry him Abba she's not even half you'r age ! "

"When did I ever ask for your opinion .. Son?"

"You have already married 8 times for heaven sake Abba Armaghan !!! Is this even allowed in Islam?"

"My son I keep only 4 wives at a time and divorce the previous ones .. It is perfectly fine in Islam"

"You mean you'll divorce one of your wives again??"

"Yess ! But dont worry Habib Alby your mother will still remain my wife"

"Why don't you understand, this is wrong.I did everything you asked me to do and never once stopped you from anything even when you killed ... I never did say anything but this time I won't let you ruin another life you understand??"

"Haaah I killed someone? Was it me?"

"You.. you know how it happened. You were the one who.. Urgh!"

" It's okay son. Keep your mouth shut and everything will be fine. Once you decide to open it, I'll ruin you too."

"You're a disgrace to this family."

I heard some shuffling and than suddenly there's a loud thump followed by shattering of some glass which caused me to move a little.


"Abba!Think before you speak.. dont force me to .. "

"To what???"

"Forget it .. Enjoy your time with your bride to be .. I'm leaving. "

I can hear footsteps leaving the room.

"And by the way.." the same person says who appears to be the son here.
"She's wide awake and she has probably heard everthing so CONGRATULATIONS she also knows now what a pathetic human you are."

BUSTED .. again

I hear some ruffling and shuffling sounds afterwards but mind you never once did I open my eyes and continued pretending to be dead until some sharp needle like object is injected into me.

I shot my eyes open due to the sharp pain I feel, only to see an old man grinning at me like I'm some circus monkey.

"Hello bride to be .. " He said smiling disgustingly.

"As much as I want to spend some time with you and maybe get to know each other a bit before the grand wedding ceremony .. I'm afraid you'll do something that'll boil my blood and provoke me to show you my bad side."

I was beyond horrified and seeing my worried expressions he laughed mockingly.

"Dont worry Habibi ! I would never want to scare my bride to be.For now you must sleep and wakeup on our wedding day .. Or even better, wedding night." He winked at me as he slowly caressed his fingers on my cheek and then to my lips. He was licking his own lips and even though he looked way to old to have any sexual desires, I could see his eyes burning with lust.

Nothing could disgust me more rightnow.

To my relief his phone rings causing him to sigh. He pressed my hand for a second and left quickly. I hear some noises from outside.Someone just locked the room I'm in.

I hate this guy already.I dont know what's about to happen.I dont know what his evil plans are.The only thing that I know is .. He's dangerous.

I start feeling dizzy again.That monster must have drugged me.This is not good.I wish this is just a horrible dream and I wakeup soon.I want to go home.I miss home.Who should I call for help.I'm alone,Very alone.
Should I ask God to help me?
But when was the last time I called out for him?

Should I ...



This is the second time I wokeup from my slumber hearing two people talk but unlike before,this time there's a women talking to a man so just like last time I decided to play dead.

"... but this time we won't let him ruin one more life." she says.

"As if we can actually do something." He says annoyed.

"When there's a will, there's a way. We have always been too afraid to do anything even when doing nothing and not standing up for ourselves caused us our lives. We're dead inside if we still decide to remain silent. I've already told you what we can do.What you can do!" she says sternly.

"I would never do that!".He said exasperated.

"Why won't you??" She questions furiously.

"Why would I?I can't just trade my happiness to save some stupid girl!"
He yells.

I hope he didn't refer me as stupid.

"Are you really living a happy life? Are you? Because I really don't think you are. Your soul feels burdened by your sins. Is this the kind of life you want to live?"

"Trust me, very soon things will change. Justice will be served."

"Justice will not just come to you knocking your door. All your life you asked God to lessen the burden of your sins and to accept you'r Tawba and now when you're finally getting the chance to help a soul and do some good deeds you're backing off??" She yells annoyed.

"I repent my sins.I beg for Allah's mercy daily! I regret each and every sin I've ever committed .. I really do but I .. " He says whimpering.

Is he crying?It can't be.Shouldn't I be the one sobbing right now.Why is he crying? Man don't cry .. Or atleast thats what I've heard.

Maybe he has a bad throat right now which makes him sound so raspy.

"I ... love .." He says stammering.

"I know" She finishes quickly.

There's a long silence.

I feel a gentle rub on my forehead and I can tell whose hand it is by the softness and femininity of it.

"Dont worry! I won't let him win this time.I won't let him destroy your life too, like he destroyed mine and everyone else's." She whispers in my ear.



Habib Alby : Love of my heart

Habibi : My love

Abba : Father

Tawba : Arabic word to repent or retreat (Ask for forgiveness)

I really hope you all like it till now.
I've alot of plans for this story but for now I've decided to pause here.If I got any support votes and comments I'll continue Inshaa Allah.

Please please do vote and comment.

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