Chapter 14 - Heart breaks

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My mind is fuzzy, the last remnants of a dream being chased away by the realisation that I am awake. It was a nice dream, something about Asher dragging me towards his side of the bed and whispering something in my ear ..

It felt way to real for a dream.

Wait !! Was it really a dream?

A hand on my waist and a hard chest behind me .. warm breaths that could easily be felt on my neck and those light snores that were no less than music to my ears.

No !! It wasn't a dream.


A smile spreads on my face and I allow my brain to focus on the little sounds I was currently hearing.
I cautiously open one eye to check what's going on and my heart instantly drops when I see Asher just about to leave all dressed up like a business man.

"Asher wait !!" I jump out of the bed.

"Naaya? You're awake?"

"Yeah but where are you going?" I inquire without hesitation.

"I'm leaving for a meeting .. but why do you ask?" He places one of his hand in the pocket and slightly brush his hair with the other haconfesseshly showered dazzling hair is like deep waves that I wouldn't mind riding.His lips are slightly full, the kind that end in a cute little smirk at the corners.

"Are you checking me out?" His cute little smirk now turns into a big one.

"You're HOT" I blurt.

"What??" He chokes instantly.


"Umm nothing I mean .. Umm how did I move to your side of the bed .. I mean last night .. "

"Last night you again rolled to my side of the bed.I was seriously annoyed .. I mean is it that hard for you to stay on your side of the bed?" Asher cuts in.

"Umm hmm " I smile like a love sick puppy.

What in the world is wrong with me???

"Uhh I mean I'm terribly sorry.I don't know what's going on with me these days.Its like someone drags me to your side of the bed." Asher coughs as soon as I speak the last words.

"Ohh I know that's not possible at all.I must've rolled to your side of the bed myself while sleeping." I quickly add so that he could release the breath he was holding.

"Yeah .. you must've. I had to shift on the other side of the bed when I realised you were so close.Anyways I'll be beck by dinner.Goodbye." Asher quickly walk out of the room with a few sweat drops running down his forehead.He is clearly nervous.

I hop down the bed .. slowly dance towards the door, shut it close and then, with a smile all over my face and happy tears in my overly emotional eyes, I run towards the bed, hop on it and start jumping upon it out of happiness or you could say craziness. I jump on it like a mad woman jumping on a trampoline after winning an Olympic.

How in the world would a mad woman win an Olympic?

I don't know.


What I know is,

I am truly, deeply, madly and with all the other LYs in english dictionary, in love with ASHER IBRAHIM.
"Are you alright?" Sumair asks.

"Umm hmmm hmmmm hmmm hmm hmmm hmmm hmphhhh " I sing while giggling.

"You've been acting weird the whole day. Why are you smiling so much? It's literally terrifying , you were even giggling while having breakfast.Trust me that's not cute, that's creepy!" Sumair confess

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