Chapter 30 - Tears

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" Zaaf? " I spoke in a shaking voice.

" Yeah?" She looked at me with a teary eye.

"Were Ujala and Asher ever engaged?" I asked hesitantly.

Zaaf looked at me silently and then shifted her gaze to her feet.

I couldn't help but chuckle at my poor luck. All this time when I was wondering who's Zulafeh, who did Asher love before me and why is he unable to give all of him to me.. I didn't notice how it was only Ujala who could calm him down or would know about his feelings better than anyone else.

Suddenly a question made me shiver down my spine..

Who's the father of Ujala's baby?

My chest began to tighten and my feet got colder. I really hope this time it's different, I really hope this time my heart doesn't break.

Asher steps outside the emergency ward, Zaaf quickly grab his hand and ask about Ujala's condition while I couldn't move an inch.. I just look at him from a safe distance, unable to move at all.

" She had a minor concussion, she'll be fine." He assures Zaaf.

" What about the baby?"

"The baby is fine too."

" Excuse me sir, the doctor wants to see the father. He wants to discuss about the baby's condition." The nurse suddenly called.

Ya Allah please please please save me from the heartbreak. Please God don't let it be Asher, I love him so much and I can't take another shock.

I stared blankly at Asher and he stared back with so much guilt in his eyes.

I had my answer before he could even say anything.

" I'm coming right away. " Asher replied looking away.

And these four words crushed my soul and shaked my ground.

Why did I even think I can have a chance to be happy.

I made my way towards the hospital exit. I need to be alone, I don't want to be seen crying, weak on my knees or dying.

"Anaya?" Sumair suddenly shake my shoulder.

"I've been calling your name but you wouldn't listen. What are you thinking so hard and why are you walking so fast? Where are you going?"

"Sumair.. I.. I think I'm.. Sumair I..." My weak legs give up and I start shaking badly until Sumair hold my arms tightly to prevent me from falling.

"Anaya!! Are you okay? Come with me, there's a hospital park nearby ."

As we walk to the park, I was literally trembling, If it wasn't for Sumair holding me tight I wouldn't have been able to walk even a bit.

" Tell me what happened." Sumair asked as we sit on a bench.

" Sumair.. Asher and Ujala.. They were " I burst out with tears rolling down my cheek.

"I know, they were engaged Anaya. But now he's your husband so it shouldn't matter."

"Sumair why did he marry me?"

" To save you from his father."

"Why did.. he wanted to save me?"

"Ujala asked him to." Sumair speaks looking away. Clearly not wanting to meet my eye.

"The baby.."

"Anaya.. we don't know yet."

" Sumair, Ujala is not the kind of girl who would bear a child of some random stranger."

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