Chapter 25 - Love is all about confessions

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I could see Asher's blazing eyes on me as we both got off the ride. I felt so uncomfortable and nervous the way he was looking at me, I almost felt vulnerable.

Using all my courage I finally looked into his eyes too which clearly looked surprised while the smile on his lips hinted how overwhelmed and happy he was.

"Stop staring." I stated.

"huh? oh oh yes I'm sorry.. I.. uhh.. ohh wait." He suddenly remembered something.

"What?" I asked.

" I'll be back." And before I could speak something he ran away looking for something as his life was depended on.

Alright exaggerated much but he literally ran away in so much hurry that he even didn't bother to first take me back to where Ujala and Zaaf were. Now I feel lost and knowing Shanzay he will not leave Sara anytime soon so I'm positive it's useless to look for the two.

I began to wander towards the less crowded area because after that long scary ride, over crowded areas looked like a cherry on top of my puking feelimgs. Maybe it's good that I get to have some time alone and just think about random stuff peacefully.

Why does Asher always behave so weird? - I thought to myself.

Wow Anaya slow claps because your random peaceful thoughts are more stupid than you yourself.

Why does he behave like he has started to like me when we both clearly know he doesn't?

Maybe to mess with my feelings.

Why does I secretly like the little things he does for me?

Because you're a love sick puppy Naaya.

Wow now I'm referring myself as Naaya in my thoughts woah good going you lonely love potato.. You should be..

And my thought process got interrupted when some one placed a hand on my mouth and pushed me towards a dark empty area.

"Who.. are you?" I tried to squeak while attempting to remove his hands from my lips.

"Shshshsh... was trying to speak to you since a long time but couldn't find a single chance but see, today you yourself walked to this almost desolated area just to find me I assume?" A voice that I've began to hate and dread recently whispered in my ears.

" Who are you? What do you want from me? Show me your face!! " I cried as he tightened his grip on me from behind. I tried to free one of my hands and rip off that stupid red mask from his face but he tightened his grip.

" Quite desperate you are. " He stated while slowly massaging my back from behind me.

I felt utterly disgusted.

"Desperate to see me." He spoke again.

"Don't touch me!!" I scream as I try to fight back.

"Desperate for your husband's attention." He continued.

" I will make sure you burn in hell for all the ill things you do!!" I cried again as he began to caress my my body while still gripping tightly.

"Desperate to get sold." He suddenly began to twist my wrist.

"Please don't hurt me!!" I hiss in pain.

"You are desperate bit*h who doesn't learn her lesson even after being dejected in numerous ways by Asher. You are such a looser that he uses you for his own benefit and you being a loyal who*e let him do it because you think his sorry a*s whould protect you. I'm sorry to break it to you but he doesn't care.. not even a bit. You are just a prop in this twisted game of his and you will realize that soon. " He laughed harder while twisting my wrist even further.

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