Chapter 06 - Attempt to RUN

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Today is the fourth and last day of my misery ..

In the past four days I was literally forced to live .. They didn't want me to die but they also won't let me live peacefully.

They kept me locked in this room and fed me the most pathetic food one could eat .. DAILY !! I can't even feel my taste buds anymore but I dont care now since this will be the last day when I'm going to give them the satisfaction of torturing me and by tomorrow I'll be already gone !

"Bibi, do you want some milk?You look pale." Haya asks.

"No thankyou,the bitter gourd you fed me forcefully was more then enough." I reply bitterly.

"Oh okay .. We'll leave you now, so you can sleep peacefully" she replies and walk towards the door with Raziyah and Sara following her behind.

"Sarah wait !!! " I squeak

"Yes Bibi?" She replies

"I really like your shawl .. Will you give it to me?"I ask quickly

"Errr .. " she looks confused.

"I'll give you few of my own cloths in exchange of your shawl" I add quickly.

"No its fine baji, I dont want your cloths in return." She replies smiling.

"No really .. you can take any of my dresses you like and I swear I won't mind, just give me your shawl." I say.

"Now?.. I mean right now?" She asks surprised.

"Yeah now !" I reply smoothly

She goggle towards Raziyah and Haya for a moment when Raziyah nods suggestively and she finally take off her long shawl and hand it to me.

"Good! Tomorrow morning don't forget to take any dress you like from my cupboard .. even if I'm not there .. " I say smiling widely.

"Huh?" Haya and Raziyah eye me suspiciously.

"I .. I mean if I'm taking a shower or something .. I just .. whatever,you all can leave now" I tensed.

Thats the thing about me.I'm soo bad at lying.I need to work on my lying skills or else I'll be in trouble someday.

As soon as they leave,I quickly kneel under my bed and take out all the 23 dupattas(scarves) I've been collecting since the past two days .. Now is the day to finally bring them to some use.
I start tying one end of each shawl to the other end of the next one to make them like a rope.

Once I was done tying all the scarves togather ,I made sure they're strong enough to be used as a rope and I must say I was quite proud of my DIY rope.

It's two in the morning right now and according to my observation everyone in this house should be dead asleep by now.I open the washroom window hurriedly, which will be serving as my gateway to freedom today.Without making any noises I tie the rope tightly to the sink.

I was making sure everything was perfectly and strongly tied when I heard a scream.

I was not at all surprised this time since now I'm used to of hearing a manly scream at late hours of the night.I once asked Haya about it worriedly and she just shurugged it of saying it's the night security guard who screams whenever he see a dog, which I highly doubt because I'm pretty sure I hear the screaming within the house but whatever I dont even care ..

Once I was fully assured that the ropes were tied tightly to the sink, I throw the other end of the rope outside the window. I peek out side to check where is it reaching but was unable to see properly.I trust my calculations and according to my theory the scarf rope should end just three feet above the ground from where I'm perfectly capable of jumping.

His Temporary Wife ( A Muslim Love Story )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz