Chapter 29 - Zulafeh

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"So no one told you life was gonna be this wayyy.." I sing allowed.

"Your job is joke, you're broke, your love life DOAaaaa" Zaaf joins.

"I always wondered what DOA meant. You guys know?" Ujala asked.

"Ujala! You were supposed to sing the next line!!" I hissed.

"Oops, sorry! I was just really curious."

"Well it means DEAD ON ARRIVAL." Zaaf informs.

The three of us were busy cooking breakfast for ourselves while singing our favorite songs. It was my idea to cook breakfast togather today, Zaaf was very hesitant at first but she eventually agreed.

"Alright everything is almost done, I'll set the table in the backyard. It's such a beautiful weather outside, perfect for setting our brunch mood." Ujala claps.

"I'll help ya.." Zaaf announce.

"Great. I'll dish down the omelets in the mean time." I informed as Zaaf and Ujala left for setting the table outside.

I sing the rest of the lines as I toss the omelet. It feels so good in the kitchen, primarily because of what happened here last night.. OH THE BLUSH!!
But mainly because how much I missed cooking for myself.

I was lost in my own lala land until I heard some loud screams from the backyard.

Ya Allah! What now?

I ran as fast as possible to the backyard on the screams of Zaaf and Ujala, by the sound of it I'm sure they're in danger.

Upon reaching the backyard, I couldn't believe my eyes.

By the looks of it, surely someone else was in deep danger due to Ujala and mainly Zaaf.
A guy in black mask was being badly beaten up by Zaaf and some hints of torture was also being provided by Ujala.

"What's going on? Who is he!!" I yell with my heart thundering inside my chest.

"We don't know, obviously some bad guy who dodged the security. I'm so asking Asher to get rid of these useless security people. " Zaaf shouted as she was busy twisting the guy's arm.

"THEY!! I NO DODGE.." The guy was trying hard to speak.
" THEY.. LET ME IN." he tried to catch his breath.

"Who is this moron anyway?" Zaaf spoke as she began to take off his mask.

Maybe it's that creepy "S" guy who has been tormenting me all this time. I really hope it's him, I really want to end this mystery.

"YOU!!" Zaaf squeaked as she took ogf the mask.

"Who is it?" I hold my breath.

"SUMAIR!!" Ujala's eyes pop.

"Why didn't you say anything while we were beating you?" Zaaf asked.

" You both!" he tries to catch his breath. I quickly offer him some water.

"You both didn't give me a chance.. to speak. You.. started beating me like crazy." Sumair continues.

"But what are you doing here?" I asked in confusion.We arrived just yesterday, what brought him here so soon?

"I came here to surprise Zaaf! She wanted me to help her throw a party." - Sunair.

"But you refused for that!!" Zaaf protest.

"What party?" Ujala asked.

" I was just teasing you. Your wish has always been my command." Sumair responds ignoring Ujala.

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