Chapter 10 - Surprise Guest

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After a good 5 minutes lifting episode he gets me seated in his land cruiser and activate the child safety locks on it.

What a #### !!!

He start driving in one swift move and ignores my every protest during our ride.

After a good 20 minutes rides we reach to a deserted place.He gets out of the car and again picks me up in his arms ( this time not like a sag of rice but an actual bridal style picking ).

"Ughhh stop carrying me around!" I punch him on his chest again and to my satisfaction he hiss in pain for a good 2 seconds.

I look around us and realize we're in a place surrounded by trees, rocks , grass and weird forest sounds.

"Where are we?"

He doesn't reply.

"What place is this?"

He does'nt reply.

"Why did you bring me here?"

He does'nt reply.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Shutup woman !! How many questions will you ask? As much as the idea of killing you appeals me .. I just can't." He replies annoyed.

"If you could kill me, would you ?" I asked hesitantly.

He doesn't reply again urgh.I hate it when I'm ignored .. But I can't just get mad at him right now when my life is at risk but I decide to open my stupid mouth again.

"Are you a murderer?" I ask.

The moment these words left my mouth he drops me on the ground. I land straight on my butt and my back break into two pieces.

Alright it literally didn't split into two but it feels like it did. I don't know if he's a murderer or not .. But maybe I'll soon be turning into one, and he'll be my pray !!

"What the hell? Are you out of your stupid mind? " I hiss in pain.

"No I'm not !! " He spats.

Why is he so angry suddenly?

He takes a few deep breaths and look at me with a huge frown on his forehead.

"Look smarty pants , I'll bring a few stuff from my car and YOU stay here.Dont try running or any of your ninja stunts here because if you look around we're in a forest and you may not be finding any bears or tigers here but .. Snakes .. There are 100s and 1000s of snakes here.One bite and you'll be dead !!" He warned.

Ohh boy.


Is he trying to get me poisoned by a snake and make this planned killing look like an accident?

He walks back to the car and I wait there scared of what is to come next. I have already had quite a few mini heart attacks tonight, not prepared for anymore.

He returns back with a bag in his hand and asks me to follow him.I wonder what's there in his bag.

Guns and other weapons?

I can't make a run now anyway so lets just push aside all the horrifying thoughts and keep walking.

He finally stops walking and I realize we are at the endpoint of a broken hill sort of place. Hesitantly I move a few baby steps to peek down that broken hill and the heights caused me to gulp instantly.

He pulls out a sheet from his bag and spread it on the ground. He then sits on it and motions me to sit down too.

"What are you trying to do? Is this some sort of slow murder or something?" I ask.

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