Chapter 12 - Grandpaa

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I give the Villa a last glance and get seated in the car. A tornado of mixed emotions rise inside of me and I once again suffer the torture of having internal debates of doubting my decisions. I still can't understand what is bothering me so much and why I brought both of the tickets with me. I glance at the ticket to Singapore​ again .. the flight is at 10.30 .. just 20 minutes after my flight to New Orleans. I hope I'm making the right decision.

I reach at Dubai International Airport in no time and quickly get my stuff checked and marked. Taking a seat in the waiting area, I close my eyes and take deep breaths. I'm a bit early .. my flight is 30 minutes later so I have plenty of time to relax. Massaging my temples I get myself comfortable on the chair.

"Excuse me?" some one shakes my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I ask opening my eyes, realizing a cute young girl is looking worriedly in my direction.

"Can you please ask the Airport management if they have checked the plane thoroughly and there are no engine issues or problems leading to accidents or death of all passengers in the plane?" She asks hesitantly.

"WHAT??" I choke.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to scare you. Its okay, you don't need to ask." she replies disappointedly​ while rubbing her sweaty hands together.

"Hey Kiddo!! You sound worried. Is everything okay? Is it your first time on the plane?" I ask.

"Yeah .. " She replies hesitantly.

"Everything is going to be just fine .. Don't worry alright? Everyday hundreds of planes takeoff and nothing happens ever .. Everyone stays safe." I assure.

"Naah that's not necessary .. My papa travelled in one of these planes last month and never returned .. the plane crashed in midway .. Though it was a different airline." She informs

My jaw drops and I look at her horrified. This poor little girl lost her father last month in an accident .. that too a plane crash .I suddenly feel sorry for her.

"I .. I'm so sorry to hear that honey. Everything wil be fine this time don't worry .. who are you travelling with?" I inquire.

"I'm travelling alone .. " She replies sadly.

"WHAT !! Why?? where is your family? Where are you heading to?" I ask worriedly.

"Well I'm heading to America to see my mother. I had a family of three .. which was about to get four in near future .. well I guess it'll be three again. Mum was having some complications in bringing my brother to this world so she went to Touro in New Orleans, where my Aunt works as a gynecologist, for her treatment and I had to stay here with daddy due to my school. Last month daddy was heading to America to check on mommy but his plane crashed." She croacked.

"Mommy has finally brought my baby brother to this world and she wants me to meet him. Since she can't travel right now, I'll have to travel on my own to meet her." she replies innocently.

"But you don't need to travel if you're afraid of travelling on a plane right now. It's okay darling your mommy can wait. You don't need to pressurize yourself into doing something you're afraid of. You need time to recover from your daddy's death baby. What if you aren't able to handle the pressure .. you feel unwell on the plane or stuck or sick or anything" I try to explain.

"No !! The risk is worth the shot. I must travel and visit my mommy. She needs me and I need her .. she's my only light right now and her prayers will protect me in the plane. I'll get to meet my baby brother, a new member of my family. He'll help me get over daddy's death I'm sure.I'm sick of mourning all day and night. I need to find peace within myself. I'm afraid ..Infact I'm terrified .. but I will not runaway .. I'll face my fears and step out of my comfort zone. I can do it !! I just keep making sure everything is safe though." she giggles at the last part.

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