Chapter 16 - DREAMS

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As soon as I stepped out of the airport, the not so mesmerizing air of dubai gave me an uncomfortable feel. Well I'm not a superstitious person but the Presence of Zaaf was giving me some serious jitters. Asher was so lost in her that now I feel like the normal single me huh.

Actually what's wrong with me, I should be happy that I no longer have to be worried about his presence, yeah I just want to go home as soon as we're done with this stupid contract.
I suddenly feel a strong shook on my shoulder "Where are you lost, the door never happens to be that beautiful " - Asher and his sarcasm.

Well I was too tired to argue this time so an eye roll was enough to shut him up, we just drove home, the not so sweet home for me. It was 2 in the morning so we went straight to bed.We walked together to our bedrooms , if it weren't the two doors just opposite to each other, we would've forgotten that we don't sleep together.We give each other a brief look before shutting our respective doors.I really don't understand what our eye contacts usually mean.It's like our eyes talk and bodies respond but we fail to understand the meanings.

I wakeup with a usual knock on my door.It must be Sarah with the breakfast tray.With a big yawn I ask Sarah to come in but the person who enters my room wasn't Sarah.

"Oh my God!! What are you doing in my room this early in the morning?" I question Asher.

He rubs the beck of his neck with his left hand which he usually does when he's nervous.

"Uhh .. I wanted to ask you something.Would you like to join me on the breakfast table?" He asks unsurely.

I look at him surprised for a moment while he makes sure to not have any eye contact with me.His hairs are still very silky but he has clearly not showered today.

Why hasn't he showered? I like to see him with wet hairs in the morning.It takes me to my world of imaginations where I would continuously touch his hair without any hesitation.

"You can definitely say no but stop frowning at me." he coaxed.

"Oh ! I'm sorry .. please give me 5 minutes and I'll be downstairs." I smile widely and he responds with a tight smile.

Sometimes I just don't understand him.He acts weird most of the time.
If only my stupid heart was a bit sensible.I would've left him and this place that day at the airport.

"Asher bhai has prepared breakfast for you himself you know Anaya bibi?" Sarah chimes.

"Whatttt????" I choke while Asher coughs loudly clearly trying to signal Sarah to keep the details to herself but she refuse to keep her stomach tight and speaks again.

"Yeah he woke up early in the morning and at first I thought he was just in a mood to cook for himself but then he asked us what you usually prefer in Breakfast and started .. "

"I initially had planned to cook for myself only but then thought making a few extra toasts wouldn't hurt so thats why .. " Asher quickly tries to cover but Sarah speaks again.

"Yeah .. preparing a few extra toasts and eggs and fruit cocktail and pancakes and muffins and waffles .. infact stuff which he hates like cheese omlette and nuggets weren't a big deal for him to cook." Sarah continues to speak excitedly until Asher's loud grunt intrude.

"Ehh .. I wasn't suppose to tell her all this?" She stutters.

"Sarah why don't you spare yourself some time and study? I think your exams are near huh?" Asher tries to speak calmly.

"Naah they're not until next 3 months .. " She cheers but Asher's thunderous glare make her gulp loudly.
"But .. I do need to study for the test tomorrow. I'll excuse myself now." she continues and quickly leave.

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