Chapter 24 - A slow hug

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I rested my hands under my head and lay back all the way so the warm water in the bath tub could be felt until my ears. It's such a relaxing bath tub, I could stay in it all day and cherish the peace I feel within.

I want to let go everything.

The past days have been terrible and I won't exactly blame anyone for it. It wasn't them who made it terrible for me but it was me who gave people the power to hurt me.

"What do I really care about? " I thought to myself.

Maybe I just don't want to get hurt in the end.

But why will I get hurt?

Maybe because I'm afraid as in the end I might lose something I love.

But I can never lose something that is destined for me and Allah knows best what is better for me so why should I fall for things and people who are supposed to be temporary.

Everything that happens in life has a lesson for the believer and maybe this journey is a test. I shouldn't dwell in the past for what that beast did to me or cry about the present which makes me sad or worry about the future.
I should just live the moment and learn my lessons.

I'm here for a temporary period and I should remember that. I wasn't meant to be with Asher like Zaaf said. I just need to stick to the contract and once it's over I should enjoy the luxuries I'll be awarded. That's it!

As I step outside the washroom covered in a bathrobe something catches my eye.

An envelope under my door. It seemed like someone pushed it inside through the tiny space under the door. I pick it up and reveal the note inside.

It said :

What can I do to make it right?
Umm maybe a brunch would do?
Meet me at " Sugar hills Cafe".. the driver is waiting outside to drop you there.
Please come soon, I'd hate to see happy couples around while I have no one to kick me in places where the stars don't shine ;)

Ps. There's something at the door for you.


I quickly peek outside my room only to discover a beautifully decorated basket with my favorite chocolates in it. How did he even find out about my chocolate obsession?

Mischievous of him!

He will not get his way this time though.

I throw away the note in the drawer of my night stand and place the basket on top of it. I don't know how my hand shifted from the dustbin to the drawer, maybe because of the fact how much I love chocolates.

I want to kick myself for not wanting to throw it in the bin.

After getting dressed, I make my way towards grandpa's room. I'd ask him to get the breakfast table ready because I feel like a hungry panda right now.

"Hey Anaya appi! Haven't you left for the brunch yet? " Sara asked.

"Naah I canceled it." I informed.

"Ohh.. does Asher bhai know?" she asked.

"Not exactly." I muttered.

"You must inform him. He left the house at sharp 8 in the morning and it's almost 10 now." she worried.

"Okay I will love." I responded.

"Umm so who are you having breakfast with?" she asked.

"Maybe grandpa." I replied truthfully.

"Would you like to have breakfast with me? No pressure. I just miss bringing breakfast for you in the morning and then having long discussions while you eat. I know there are so many people here to talk to and I'm not really.."

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