Chapter 11 - Big Decisions

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Asher's POV :

"Sir, You lawyer Mr. Shanzay has just arrived." My assistant informs.

"Call Shanzay in my office, Immediately !!" I reply eagerly.

Thank God he's here , I've been growing impatient for his arrival. I don't know what took him so long. That idiot must have overslept again, I'm sure. I would've fired him if he wasn't my best friend. I can't wait anymore.

I want to get over with this quickly and get back to the Villa. These papers will help me get Naaya's trust. I need her to trust me and get along with me. These two months are very important to me and I need her to understand this. I'm hopeful she'll makes the right decision after seeing these papers but I really can't expect much from her, she's very naive .. and at times stupid too.

She doesn't know how to make her choices. She trust people easily, make wrong moves and above all she's so repulsive and impetuous. I still don't know much about her but from what I've judged , she's still very childish. But what else can we expect from a 20 years old high school girl? Alright not a high schooler but still she's not yet mature enough to handle such circumstances. That's what I think of her atleast.

"May I have your attention Mr.Asher Ibrahim? " Shanzay interrupts my thoughts with his sarcastic tone.
"I've been standing right infront of you since past few minutes man.What got you so lost?"

"Huh? You're here already? How would I know , you don't even knock before getting in !! " I reason.

"Ohh c'mon I don't need to knock at my best friend's office door .. And hey its not my fault that you've started daydreaming." He raise his hands in his defence.

"It's already 4 in the evening Mr.Lawyer .. Not the time for DAYDREAMING " I informs.

"Alright whatever , you might've gotten lost in sister in law's thoughts I assume?" He winks.

I glare at him angrily.

"What?? I can't even tease my best friend about his new bride?"

"Firstly stop viewing this arrangement as a marriage .. We don't consider ourselves a couple and that girl is not at all what I'd daydream for .. The contract I asked you for is the greatest proof of that" I speak bitterly.

"Asher .. Please .. Give it a chance , live a little .. I think this was all destined for you, so you could once again be happy ... So you could .. "

"Secondly !! " I cut him off quickly.
He sigh looking at else where.

" He is awake .. And very furious at his ... Son." I roll my eyes at the last part.

"What !?? " Shanzay squeaked.

"Yeah .. And I can't leave Anaya in that Villa alone, that's not safe when we know he's awake .. We know about my coward guards .. Can't expect them to do anything against Him. Naaya's safety is at risk Shanzay and I can't let anything happen to her." I exclaimed.

"Someone sounds worried .. Ahem .. Do you care for her?" Shanzay mused.

"No !! I mean its my duty to care for her .. for now. I only care for one woman after my mother and you know exactly who she is .. " I stated.

" Asher .. You need to move on !! She was your past and you ... "

"Can we talk about more important issues right now? Like did you finalise the whole contract and added everything I asked you for?" I interject.

Before he could answer me, my phone rang. Normally I would've ignored the call but it was from Zubair , my only trustable security guard, whom I've sent to my .. Armaghan Ibrahim's house to spy on him.I receive the call immediately.

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