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All I could see was pink.

Whenever I am around you, everything seems to be so beautiful— so full of life. Your voice sounds like a symphony that I would always want to hear. Whenever I would look your way, it feels like I was Alice and I was falling down the rabbit hole. You were truly captivating, making me effervescent about my life.


With a huge smile on his face, he tagged me as he scurried away on the marble floor. The chandelier glistened above us as I chased him down while wearing an elegant gown.

"Sejun-ah!" I yelled

I let my feet glide on the ballroom's floor, stretching out my arms. Laughter emitted from my six-year-old brother as I engulfed him in a hug.

"Gotcha!" I exclaimed, tackling him to the floor

I started to tickle his sides as both of us bursted into fits of giggles; turning into boisterous laughter.

"Noona, stop!"

I eventually got tired and so I laid beside my brother on the floor, staring at the high ceiling. The lights from the chandelier caught me off-guard as Sejun got up quickly and tagged me.

Standing up, I could not wipe the smile off of my face as I chased him down to the huge doors of the mansion.

"Sejun-ah!" I yelled once more

We ran around the mansion with laughter coming out of our mouths. Wearing formal clothing, we did not care. I felt happy— really happy. I loved my family; especially my siblings. They were my first friends and no matter what happens, they will always be there for me.

As I chased my brother, I made the biggest mistake of bumping into our parents. I quickly mumbled an apology, standing timidly before them. I kept my head down, clearly afraid to meet their gaze.

"[Y/N]." I heard father snapped

"As the eldest amongst the three of you, is it right to set a bad example to your siblings by running around like that?" mother snapped

I chewed on my lip but nonetheless looked up to them with a smile.

"We were just having fun." I dragged

"Having fun? I told you to behave, right? Is it really okay for you to run around while wearing formal clothing?" she said

I sighed and scratched the back of my head. I plastered a subtle pout as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Now, go freshen up. The guests for the business party are going to be here any minute now." she said

I nodded, walking past them.

"And [Y/N], don't embarrass us. Be like the lady we want you to be." she added

I froze at that, hearing my mother's heels cackle away from me. Having engraved my father's disgusted face in my brain, I felt a twinge in my chest. Hearing my mother's voice made me feel unhappy. Nonetheless, I shook my head running to the ballroom.

I was used to it.

I'm a noble— we're nobles. I am just in fact a pawn in their game— the future heir to the company's throne just to continue the family business.

How I wish I was free.

I stopped by the door to the balcony, looking at it intently. Gazing sideways, I picked up my gown and ran to the balcony. I threw open the huge doors and closed it behind me.

Stars littered the sky and my eyes widened in amazement. My mouth fell open as a grin stretched across my face. I held onto the balcony's ledge as I looked up the sky.

"How beautiful." I said

I kept my gaze towards the sky; as if I was in a trance. I had a small smile, feeling the chilly breeze touch my skin. I just stood there, admiring the sky while in deep thought.

Why did I belong to this family?

Why was I destined to become a noble?

I admired those who lived freely and true but nonetheless, I am happy to be a sister to my siblings. Whenever I am with them, everything is pink— everything is beautiful.

I heard the door open, making me turn around quickly. I saw Sejun with our youngest brother, Chul. They were hand-in-hand, running to me.

"Noona!" Sejun exclaimed as he pulled Chul with him

Chul laughed as I ran to them as well. I picked Chul from the ground, holding him in my arms.

"Noona, where have you been?! They're all waiting for you!" Sejun exclaimed

My eyes widened. I am in big trouble.

"What?" I said as I grabbed Sejun's hand, making our way out of the balcony with Chul in my arms

"How long was I gone?" I asked Sejun

"Really long!" Sejun said

I clicked my tongue as we walked faster. Arriving at the huge ballroom, I opened the doors. The ballroom was filled with nobles who owned big companies as well. They looked at me as I smiled apologetically. I met my parents' gaze and they looked really disappointed at me. I bit my lip, setting down my four-year-old brother, Chul.

"Sorry." I whispered

"There she is! [Y/N]! We can finally announce the news!" my mother said

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. My brothers continued to chase each other as my mother and a woman whom I can't remember grinned while holding microphones. Everybody seemed to pay attention to them right now; even my brothers stopped and looked.

Like a blink of an eye, the news came out of my mother's mouth quickly. I was taken aback as my mouth was set agape. My eyes were wide and I couldn't process what she had just said. Hoisting up a glass of wine with the woman beside her, the nobles around me cheered as well.

I shook my head as tears formed in my eyes. I clenched my jaw as I turned on my heel, running away from them. It was truly horrifying.

How could they do that?

My tears fell as I ran through the halls of our own house. I myself couldn't speak about the news and I didn't want to think about it.

How could I not though?

From that very day, I saw the pink around me being drained from the world. Everything seemed gloomy and lifeless. The way the shades of pink danced before my eyes was no longer visible, making me feel disheartened.

I could no longer say that this is La Vie en Rose.

la vie en rose (min yoongi) Where stories live. Discover now