Chapter 29

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"I like your eyes."

Giggling uncontrollably, I watched him cover his eyes with both of his hands. Feeling teased or made fun of, I whined in disgruntlement; but somehow, I could not stop the smile growing on my face.

Pouncing at him while bursting into laughter, my hands tried to pry his own from covering his eyes. Once I succeeded, I found myself falling deeply. The way his eyes were shaped was truly stunning as his eyelashes found its way to elegantly fawn over his balls of sight. I saw my reflection on his irises, trapped in the bottomless pit.

"[Y/N], Yoongi, go show us your piece for the upcoming business party." a lady from behind the videocamera said

Seated on a neatly varnished floor, I was a grinning mess; ecstatically standing up. With Yoongi's hand in my clutch, I walked towards the piano while he let me drag him.

"Stand up." I groaned in annoyance

He grumbled, hastily standing up as we sat on the seat in front of the piano.

As soon as I felt him fill in the empty spot beside me, my gaze changed. Looking like I had just took in the biggest realization of my life, my eyes twinkled upon the way Yoongi's hands rested above the keys. From there, I knew that he would create a symphony filled with felicity; and I happened to be the one to create it with him.

"This is La Vie en Rose by [Y/N] and Yoongi."

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as the video continued to flash before me. My heart stopped as soon as the both of us started to play the piano; and the melody of the song echoed within my ears. I found myself chuckling at the sheer foolishness I had myself in; which was going in through detail on what I must had felt during the moments playing before my eyes. I knew within me; that I was only trying to make up for what I could not remember.

I was only trying to make up for what I had lost.

With my lost memories rolling before me, the world fell upon my shoulders. I was wallowing in the melancholic thoughts of loss and self-blame. I could not help but have myself to blame for being incapable of remembering such precious moments with a special person. No matter how I looked at it, I always seemed to end up lost and unanswered; even if the very evidence of my relationship with Yoongi—before my encounter with him in the abandoned dance studio—was witnessed by my own eyes. The questions in my head were only doubled up as I continued to watch the video.

Tears continuously rolled down my cheeks, my chest heaving up and down while taking deep breaths. My vision became blurry with tears; but it did not stop me from seeing what Yoongi and I had before.

It did not stop me from seeing what Yoongi and I had before because I knew how to listen.

The song sounded happy, carefree and filled with so much innocence. No signs of hardships could be assessed from what was emitting from the very instrument. With that, I shamefully could not help but wish for it to be like that again.

Stifling my sobs, I closed my eyes; sniffling like a sobbing child. My mind began to drift off to the thought of the pain that Yoongi was going through. I, once again, started to blame myself. Aware of the past, I came to the realization that the pain was much worse and unimaginable than whatever I had in my head.

Unable to handle the guilt, I shakily stood from the couch; crouching in front of the television and picking up the videocamera connected to it through the wires. With a blurry vision, I tried to pause the video from playing. Due to my quivering and instability, I ended up pressing rewind. The video repeated itself before me, crushing my heart into even tinier pieces.

Suddenly, I felt another person's presence beside me. I wanted to tone down my sobs; but I couldn't stop myself from crying no matter how hard I tried. He took the videocamera from my hands, stopping the video from playing. He set the videocamera down, getting the remote to turn the television off.


Namjoon sighed, seated on the floor beside me. He engulfed me in a warm hug, stroking my hair. I tightly wrapped my arms around him, pouring out all of my emotions and drenching his clothing. Namjoon started to whisper words of comfort while patting my back.

"Just let it out, [Y/N]. It's okay." he soothingly said

With my head buried onto his chest, my sobs became louder as I tightened my embrace. I was bawling my eyes out while sniffling harshly. Namjoon tightened the hug as he continued to hush me down tranquilly.

After a couple of minutes, my sobs died down slowly. We stayed in that position; his head on top of mine while my head was on his chest. His steady heartbeat was oddly relaxing, making me lean onto him even more. I was still sniffling a little, dazing off. He continued to rub my back in circles as an exhausted sigh left my lips.

"[Y/N], I'm sorry." he softly said

I chuckled while my eyes softened; yet it was filled with bitterness.

"I've had enough of apologies received today." I bitterly said

He heaved a heavy sigh, seconds passing by afterwards. Neither of us talked nor moved away from each other. Namjoon and I continued to embrace each other, clinging onto each other's skin and warmth.

"I never wanted to keep this from you—none of us did—but your parents insisted so." he said

"I understand. I-It's not your fault." I stammered a little

I opened my eyes, looking down a little. A blank expression was written all over my face. I was struggling with all the information that I should take in. I was curious and I wanted to know more about how Yoongi and I were like before; but I subsequently found myself hindering myself from doing so.
Pain and guilt would consume me whenever the fact that Yoongi and I knew each other before the accident would cross my mind.

My eyebrows scrunched down, sniffing a little in Namjoon's clutch. A question floated in my head as I backed from Namjoon's chest. Still in his arms, I looked at him with a tear-stained face. Namjoon gave me a sympathetic expression as he sighed, wiping away the tears beneath my eyes. His thumb slightly brushed over my bottom eyelashes while I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Namjoon?" I croaked

His eyes flicked towards mine, meeting my gaze again. He brushed his hand through my hair, keeping it away from my face. I sniffled, looking down a little before staring up at him; pleading for an answer.

"If my parents and Yoongi's parents are not in good terms with each other, then how did Yoongi and I become friends before?"

la vie en rose (min yoongi) Where stories live. Discover now