Chapter 22

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With hands clasped and feet on a rumble, an ecstatic smile was plastered on my face as I pulled Yoongi with me down the staircase. Heavy sighs of aggravation escaped his mouth as I teasingly smirked; looking back at him.
He just narrowed his eyes at me before releasing a smile he could not contain.

I pushed the door open as Yoongi stumbled to close it since we were running. As soon as my feet hit the sand, I felt the excitement rush through my veins.

"[Y/N], no—"

The water touched our feet as I gave Yoongi a devious stare; bending down. Laughter escaped my lips as I splashed water at him. With drenched clothing, he was left with no choice but to go along with the smile on his face while splashing water at me as well.

With the sun setting in front of us, ebullient grins were on our faces; drenched by the ocean's water. Turning to the sunset, I could not help but glance down at our entwined fingers and realize that we were inseparable by the moment. Like I was not used to all the butterflies in my stomach, my face was still beet red as I bit on my lip to stop a growing smile. Gazing back up at Yoongi, I saw how immersed he was while watching the sun set before us.

"You're always staring." he spoke, turning his head towards me to smirk a little

I just rolled my eyes before bending down and splashing water at his face. With a shocked expression, we were back at goofing around with my giggles mixing with the sound of the ocean.

With ragged breaths due to playing around too much, we ended up sitting by the shore to relax and gaze off as the night slowly dawned upon us.

"Min Yoongi, you're so handsome." I cooed teasingly

He shot me a glare but his face showed how flustered he was. Seconds ticked by and we continued to stare off, silently admiring the calming sounds of nature surrounding us. Looking at Yoongi momentarily, I scooted a little closer to him. My heartbeat started to pick up its pace as I nervously swallowed the lump in my throat before carefully leaning my head on his shoulder. I felt Yoongi freeze momentarily but soon enough leaned his head on top of mine too.

"This feels nice." I whispered while eyeing the scene before us

"You're totally making this awkward." Yoongi whispered back with a low voice

I chuckled, scrunching my eyebrows.

"Thats sounds oddly familiar." I sarcastically said, my eyes staring up at him

With a small smile on his face, his eyes flickered down a little before staring back up at the skies. Just like always, I started admiring his eyes as they took account the exquisite site before us.

Smiling in delight, I chose to enjoy the moment by moving my gaze towards the horizon. Silence dawned upon us but it was not heavy or uncomfortable at all. It made my mind drift off to various of thoughts and I felt agitated as time grew. Thoughts of going back to Seoul and facing my parents were slowly eating me alive while the thought of Namjoon came across my head as well. However, I chose to shrug them off since I was ecstatic with Yoongi beside me. Closing my eyes momentarily, I continued to relax with my head on his shoulder.

Yoongi heaved a sigh of satisfaction before taking my hand in his. As if I was not used to our hands being clasped together for the nth time, I started to feel my heart pound on my chest once more. He just kept on staring at our hands for a long time as I gazed at his eyes that were intently glued on the sight of our hands.

We were so intimate with each other that I fell harder.

"Yoongi," I let out as if his name was a sweet melody; in which to me, it was

"—thank you." I continued

Yoongi lifted his head off mine, looking down at me with slight confusion written on his face. I raised my head from his shoulder, staring straight onto his eyes. With a tiny smile on my face, I continued to look at him with sincerity.

Although there were contradictions happening in my head, I continuously ignored them. The voice in my head kept telling me that I was making a big mistake since Yoongi never told me that he loved me in the same way I loved him; however, we both knew that we needed to be with each other; no matter what.

Our gaze at each other grew longer as my eyebrows swiveled down a little; slowly coming to a realization. I knew that falling in love with Yoongi would only hurt me but I could not stop myself.

A tear ran down my cheek, having Yoongi's eyes widen minimally as a tad bit of panic reflected from his eyes. From that very moment, pain shot through my chest and my disturbing thoughts of our nobility and statuses came rushing back to my head. I started to think about how my parents were going to get me back no matter what and all the other possible negative outcomes of our escapade.

My lips started to quiver as another tear escaped my eye. He tightened his grip on my hand as his eyes begged for enlightenment. I was forced to stare at him and feel the guilt and sadness eating me alive.

The longer I stared at Yoongi, the guiltier I felt.

No matter how far away we run, reality would still be able to catch us; telling us that we could not stay together; even if we needed to.

la vie en rose (min yoongi) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora