Chapter 31

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"Are you really going to leave?"

With melancholic eyes and lips pursed, he gently tugged on my wrist. I sighed deeply, turning on my heel to face him.

"Yoongi, it's just a vacation. I'll be back in no time." I grinned

He looked at me in disbelief and I could not help but laugh a little.

"[Y/N], let's go? I'll have the driver bring you back home so you could rest already. I heard you're going to leave early tomorrow." a woman with black hair said by the door

"I'll be there, Mrs. Min!" I exclaimed

I turned my gaze back to Yoongi, smiling reassuringly before making my way towards his mother. Taking one last glance at him, I smiled; waving graciously.

"I'll see you in three days!"

"And three days turned to eight years." Namjoon let out softly

Sitting on the floor while leaning on the sofa with Namjoon, I downed the shot in my hand. The alcohol sunk in my system, burning my throat. Various kinds of alcoholic drinks were set upon on the coffee table in front of us; having us chugging them down; drinking our problems away.

Namjoon heaved a sigh, taking a swig of the alcoholic beverage in his hand. He glanced at me minimally before letting out a breath once more.

"You know, your parents and Yoongi's parents weren't really in wrath before." he slowly said

My eyebrows scrunched down, turning to look at him in puzzlement.

"What do you mean?" I asked

Namjoon turned his head to me, staring down at my eyes directly.

"It all started after the accident. You were set to go home... from Yoongi's." he said before taking another swig from his bottle of beer

I raised an eyebrow, motioning for him to expound on his reply. He gave me an amused smile when he caught the drift that I did not catch his point.

"That means, Mrs. Min had their driver take you home. Crashing onto a stoplight, well, you were found unconscious afterwards." Namjoon explained

I struggled in taking all the information in; popping a bottle open. Mimicking Namjoon, I took a swig.

"So that's why..." I trailed off, out of my mind

Namjoon turned to me again, staring at me longingly. Due to his intensive gaze, I decided to stare back at him; losing myself.

"Yoongi was devastated; forced to isolate himself from you— from everybody. He became cold; pushing away all of his friends; including me." he said slowly and softly; unsure if he should tell me

I felt the tears prick my eyes, making me turn away and blink rapidly; pushing away my tears. I sighed heavily, taking a gulp of distraction.

"Before, both of you were seen together all the time. You had playdates with Yoongi; and sometimes, we were invited too." he continued, a tiny smile appearing on his face

I chuckled, smiling too. Pictures and ideas of what our play dates would have looked like popped in my head; amusing me to the fullest.

"You two were inseparable; and that's why it broke Yoongi when you could not remember anything about him." Namjoon added, gazing at me for the nth time

"I wish I found a way to know all of this sooner." I dreamily said, clearly drunk

"I keep on hurting him; even though I don't want to. I... entered his life again; just to leave him afterwards. Namjoon, I'm a horrible person." I croaked

"Stop belittling yourself. None of us wanted any of this to happen. It's also not your choice to marry me, alright? It's not your choice to leave him." he said

A sigh escaped his lips as I turned to look at him. My eyes landed on his, meeting his scrutinizing gaze. With half-lidded eyes, I started to examine his features; moving closer. Seconds turned to minutes and we just spent time staring at each other, feeling each other's presence while drinking from time-to-time. Both of us were drowning in conflicts and anxiety due to the expectations and demands set by our own parents. I, on the other hand, started losing myself; letting the alcohol take over. My thoughts were all over the place as my eyelids started to droop.

"About the wedding... when was it again?" I slurred

Namjoon turned away from me, glancing down at his wrist. I saw no wristwatch or whatsoever, making me giggle when he realized so too. He looked back at me bashfully; smiling apologetically.

"I'm just kidding. It's... next year, right?" Namjoon said

Even though I was not sober, I noticed how Namjoon was not his usual self as well.

"You're drunk." I stated flatly

"Not as drunk as you are." he retorted

I pouted, finishing the bottle off. I set it down loudly on the coffee table, knocking off some shot glasses. Desperate to forget the sadness I'm feeling, I let myself get lost with the effects of drinking numerous kinds of alcoholic beverages.

I'm good at forgetting anyway.

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