Chapter 40

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"Two, please. One for him and one for me."

Smiling kindly, I took the cotton candies after paying for them.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, too enthusiastically to have the vendor forcefully smile at me

Turning on my heel, I could not help but smile when I saw a smile grow on his face as well. I quickly approached him, sitting on the bench beside him.

"Here." I said as he took the cotton candy from my hand

"Thanks." he uttered with a small smile on his face

With the screams and frivolous exclaims of people echoing within the amusement park, Yoongi and I sat on the bench together, eating our cotton candies while our eyes wandered around the place. Eating faster than Yoongi, I looked at my finished treat and subtly pouted. My eyes landed on Yoongi's cotton candy, glancing up at him and seeing that he was busy eyeing the ferris wheel. Smirking to myself, I swiftly took a bite from his cotton candy; having him turn his head to me as I laughed at his shocked expression.

"[Y/N]." he bellowed and jokingly glared at me but he ended up smiling

Smiling apologetically but teasingly, I was caught off guard when he stood up and grabbed my hand. Our feet scrambled on the busy ground of the amusement park as I tried my hardest to keep up with Yoongi's pace. We ended up at the line for the Ferris Wheel riders, making me feel nauseous and emotional all of a sudden.

Eyeing the ride, memories of us started to play in my head; memories that he lost and could no longer recall.

"Yoongi?" I called softly

He turned to me with questioning eyes as he finished off his cotton candy completely.

"We also rode a ferris wheel before... back in the year's carnival." I said, smiling a little

"I know. Namjoon told me that we enjoyed this one so I wanted for us to enjoy again." he said, avoiding my gaze and looking at the ride instead

Namjoon's name instantly rang in my ears; bringing back memories of the year's carnival in my head. However, I was deeply moved by the thought of Yoongi wanting us both to be ecstatic, feeling the tears form in my eyes. I blinked quickly, eliminating them away from my vision. Smiling hugely at him, he smiled shyly in return as we waited for our turn to ride.

After a couple of minutes, we rode the ferris wheel cab. It was different from the carnival's ferris wheel where its cabs had a long seat for both riders. This one was circular in which we were left with the impression of sitting parallel to each other; and so we did.

Sitting in front of Yoongi, stealing glances became a hobby for the both of us as we tried our best to put our attention towards the future sunset and the way the ferris wheel was lifting us slowly up in the air.

"The sun's about to go down again." I coherently uttered

Yoongi only hummed in response, his gaze glued towards the scenery before us. I, however, had my gaze on him and him only. I could not help but wallow in self-pity since I knew that staring at him is the only thing that I could do now. I could no longer tell him how breathtakingly beautiful he was, or how much I loved him, or even just casually hug him like before.

Just like the past few days, I was totally confused of what to do. The day was slowly approaching and I was getting convinced that there was no way out. I felt lost, angry, sad, confused and many more and they were all just welling up in my chest; but somehow, being with Yoongi eliminates all these.

Yoongi cleared his throat, making me notice that he was glancing at me through the corners of his eyes. He shifted slightly on his seat, staring at me with wary eyes as I apologetically smiled.

"Sorry." I mumbled

He just cracked a small smile in return before sighing heavily and leaning at the back of his seat comfortably.

"What's wrong?" I asked in concern, shifting on my seat to relax as well

"Nothing, it's just— this is the only time I could relax and I'm glad it's with you." he said calmly, closing his eyes while leaning his head

With my heart beating fast with the sugary words coming out of his mouth, I tried to contain my smile as the ferris wheel continued to go around slowly.

"Tough week?" I uttered, concern swimming within my eyes

He blinked open his eyes, turning his head towards the sinking sun then back to me.

"I'm just dealing with business matters too much. It's quite stressful." he sighed

My ebullient mood dropped as I started to relate to him on a highly spiritual level. Heaving a deep sigh, I averted my gaze from him towards the sky and its orange tainted appearance.

"I understand. Being involved in business matters kinda destroyed a lot of things for me, honestly. One of them is actually deciding for myself." I chuckled bitterly, having the arranged marriage in my head

"How so?"

I froze; hearing a hanging sound echo within my ears. I could no longer hear the sound of the ferris wheel rotating; all I could hear was his question in my head.

Assuming that Yoongi knew about the arranged marriage since he was close with Namjoon after all, I thought he would easily pick up what I said and just move on with the conversation; however, that was not the case. He was clueless; and that had me panicking about the possibilities of our relationship becoming intimate all over again.

"Uh, simple things like eating food can be one example. I mean, I'm only allowed to eat food that my parents prefer. I can't really explore that much. Another could be, the people that I interact with; especially if they're from a rival company—"

"Our parents are competitors." he cut, blinking in an adorable way that he wasn't aware of doing so

"I know—"

"Then how did we become friends before?" he asked, curiosity getting the best of him

"Q-Quite a long story actually. I suggest that this ferris wheel is not the best place for me to tell you about it." I stammered a little, nervous about revealing such things; but I did not want him to end up like me before

"But just so you know, we're a different story from our parents."

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