Chapter 17

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My eyes were stuck on the ceiling. There was nothing special with it. It was not as extravagant as my bedroom ceiling; in fact, it was nothing compared to it. Yet, I looked at it as if it was made of gold; even though it was dusty and it had holes on it.

There was nothing special about the place at first. I just happened to stumble upon it months ago because it had a piano inside. However, the abandoned dance studio became special and exquisite to me because it was where I met Yoongi.

"Hm?" Yoongi hummed

Our hands were clasped together, tight and secure in each other's clutch. I had no idea how our fingers always ended up intertwined with each other; but I clearly liked it. I guess... Yoongi liked it too since he never budged and let go.

"Why are we lying down on the floor?" I questioned

He chuckled a little, causing me to look at him. Just as always, I admired his eyes the most while they intently looked at the broken ceiling above us.

"It's comfortable this way." he simply said

Due to my extensive gaze on him, he moved his head to stare back at me directly. I widened my eyes a little and I knew I was already blushing hardly. He kept his stare a little longer than I expected and realized that his eyes were a tad bit investigative; blinking softly while pursuing with his look.

"You seem really bothered these past few days." he said in a raspy voice

I, however, could not keep up with his soul-piercing gaze; causing me to look back at the ceiling. His voice was not an exception to the reason of my uneven heartbeat. I awkwardly cleared my throat, swallowing the lump in my throat. I did not answer him at all; feeling tears well up in my eyes. Remembering my encounter with Namjoon, I could not help but feel disheartened due to betrayal.

"[Your nickname], look at me." he said

The hair on my arms stood up, his raspy voice echoing in my head. I hesitantly turned my head to him, burrowing my eyes with his. Biting my quivering lip, I felt a stray tear roll down my cheek.

Yoongi heaved a sigh, using his free hand to wipe it away. His hand wandered to my head, his fingers gliding through my scalp as he moved my hair away from my face. He let his hand rest on my cheek for a while, half-smiling at me a little.

My heart was pounding on my chest due to his affectionate actions. It worsened when I felt him tighten his grip on my hand a little.

"Tell me." he whispered

I blinked a couple of times, inhaling deeply. I was bewildered by his eager and concerned gaze, widening my eyes a little.

"I feel betrayed to have people lie to me." I let out

His hand grew cold in my grasp, having me question why. However, his expression seemed to be calm and understanding what I had just said.

Maybe he was just feeling cold?

With that thought, I tightened my grasp on him as well. Caressing the top of his hand with my thumb, I gave him a small half-smile.

"Lie to you?" he asked

I nodded, pouting jokingly. I tried to lighten up the mood by trying to act cute. Yoongi just shot me a pissed look; making me giggle and cut the act.

"Yeah. Lie to me. Namjoon said that when my parents helped me recall my memories; they missed a detail." I sighed

Yoongi sighed deeply, moving his gaze away from me. Bringing up a hand to hold both sides of his head, closing his eyes momentarily. I watched with a puzzled expression; mixed with concern. I wanted to ask what was wrong but he turned his head to me. He just stared at me longingly; not uttering a word.

I felt intimidated by his gaze but I could not tear away my stare from him as well. All I know was that, my heart was beating quickly and my face have must have turned red. He mimicked what I did earlier, caressing the top of my hand with his thumb as they stay clasped.

Just like before, whenever the time grows during our staring contest, I would start to have thoughts about him possibly being a part of my past. Not only did I feel familiar with him; but my dreams told me otherwise. However, they were not enough evidence for me; because what if my brain was simply playing with me? That was why I always asked Yoongi about having him meeting me before our encounter in the abandoned dance studio.

"Try thinking about different things." Yoongi uttered, keeping his gaze at me

"Different things?" I asked, smiling a little

"Happy thoughts?" Yoongi suggested

I smiled at that, chuckling. Yoongi's eyes lit up a bit, smiling a little while he turned to look back at the ceiling again. I did the same, staring at the broken ceiling once more.

"It looks like the night-sky." Yoongi said

I stared at even more, seeing what he pointed out after a while. Light seeped through the holes on the ceiling, making them look like the stars. I smiled, turning to him.

"You're right. It's fascinating that you saw that." I giggled

Yoongi turned to me, staring straight into my eyes for the nth time. Once again, he let his thumb glide on top of my hand affectionately. He smiled at me fully, staring deeply. I could not help but break a smile back and feel like he just washed away all my worries. Bringing our clasped hands to his face, I let out an inaudible gasp when he placed a soft kiss on my knuckles.

"And it's fascinating how you've shown me La Vie en Rose."

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