Chapter 34

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With my eyes fixated on the liquid pouring out of the bottle, I banged my clamped fist on the glass door. I proceeded with twisting and turning the doorknob but it was locked.

"Yoongi!" I hollered at the top of my lungs as I writhed with tears

Pretending to be oblivious of his surroundings, he was calmly seated in front of the piano with a gaze traveling so far in one direction. In his hand was an object; an object that could take away his life once it ignites with the piano glistening with gasoline. On-and-off, Yoongi went on rolling his thumb over the lighter while sparking a tiny flame and killing it as the clock ticked.

It was past midnight when he contacted my phone while two words that described the context of apology escaped his mouth; abruptly ending the call afterwards. Acting upon my intuition, I arrived here, in front of the abandoned dance studio, standing on the tip of my toes while I was forced to watch Yoongi act aloofly.

My heart was pounding on my chest apprehensively as I continued to call out his name. He remained deaf to the ruckus that I kept on making outside as I silently prayed that the tiny flame that kept on dancing would not turn into a ballroom dance where spits of flames are dancing everywhere.

For a silent second, Yoongi turned his head towards my direction. His eyes were fixated upon mine; but no sign of emotions were in his eyes. It felt like the world stopped rotating for a moment as his lips moved while he spoke.

"Sorry." he mouthed

With my eyes popping out of their sockets, the flame on Yoongi's lighter kissed the liquids hugging the delicate wood built for the creation of music. As the piano burned before Yoongi's eyes, I felt my heart drop to my stomach as I pounded on the glass door with my frigid hands.

Coming into my vision was a motionless man, lost in the trance of the dancing flames before him. The fire touched the wooden ground, spreading ever-slowly— or it was just me.

"Yoongi, open this now! Bastard!" I sobbed, helplessly looking around for signs of people that can lend their hand

I was beginning to feel stress at my blood vessels as the sound of fire burning down the place echoed within my hearing system. He remained seated, staring at the piano with his eyes reflecting its deteriorating form.

Panicking as I quickly rummaged my brain for any solution to get him out before he passes out due to suffocation; my hand daintily landed over my pocket. Feeling the mark of my phone, I instantly fished the device out of its confinement. Taking in a deep breath, I stepped back; putting all of my weight on my foot. With an exhale, I swung my arm forward; smashing the glass door with my cellular phone.

Quickly trudging forward, I slipped my arm through the hole, unlocking the door from inside.

"Yoongi!" I called out to his deafened form

Stepping inside without caution, I got flabbergasted by the fire around me as they destroyed the flooring of the place.  Coughing because of the smoke, I trudged forward to where he was seated.

"Don't do this, please." I stated

Standing by his side, my chest clenched with pain as I sniffled. He did not bother to look at me and he pretended that I was not there. The bags under his eyes were as deep as his intensive gaze on the burning piano. He just sat there, ready to burn with the place.

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