Chapter 13

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I hopped from the stairs, clearly ecstatic from waking up. I was already dressed and I was full-on smiling. Yoongi asked me to have breakfast with him and it was his first time doing that so I wasted no time on saying yes.

"[Y/N], where are you going?"

I froze on my tracks, eyes widening in the process. Even though I had not turned to look at my mother, I could still feel her gaze on me. To my mother's liking, I slowly turned to look at her even though I wanted to scurry away.

"I'm going to have breakfast with... a friend." I timidly said

I knew I had to act cautious since both of my parents disliked Yoongi's family due to business matters. If I had mentioned his name, I'd be in trouble.

"Friend? Is this the same friend that you invited over numerous times without telling me?" she formally said

I grew stiff, uttering no word. I was flabbergasted by the fact that the least person I wanted to be ever informed —about my friendship with Yoongi—knew that I had him in our household countless of times already.

"Surprised? I know everything that happens within this household." she said with authority

I gulped, averting my gaze away from her hard ones. My own mother looked like she was gazing down at one of her servants; when in fact she was just looking at her daughter.

"Cancel your plans with him. We're going to have breakfast with the Kim family." she stated, turning on her heel

Air was caught in my throat as my eyes widened. I didn't know how to react so I just stood there. I snapped out of my daze when mother stopped on her tracks, saying my name.

"[Y/N], stop seeing that boy. You know what's good for you." she stated, proceeding on her tracks

I raised an eyebrow, clenching my fist. I clearly don't see any problem pertaining to my friendship with Yoongi. Even though I knew that I have feelings for Yoongi, I would not want to neglect him anytime sooner. It's not like I'm going to confess to him. Knowing our parents' wrath for each other, our relationship wouldn't stand a chance— if it was even possible to have a non-platonic relationship with him anyway.

Realizing that I stand no chance, I cancelled my plans with Yoongi and went back to my room. I felt exasperated that I had to waste this rare chance to start the day with Yoongi and food. I was sprawled on my bed, heaving sighs of regret. It was cut shortly when my phone received a text message.

To: [Y/N]
From: Yoongaaaay~
Let's meet up for lunch then. I have something to show you.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion while my heartbeat paced faster than usual. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I was excited because I was given the chance to eat lunch with him. In contrary, I was nervous because of my mother's words earlier.

I shrugged my shoulders, realizing that she wouldn't know because we were not going to have lunch here anyway. I smiled, texting him back.

To: Yoongaaaay~
From: [Y/N]
Sure :--) Text me the details lateeeerrr


I bowed, paying respect to Namjoon's parents. Taehyung, Namjoon and Jin did the same to my parents.


Sejun and Chul came rushing to Taehyung with ebullient grins on their faces. Taehyung crouched down to their height, engulfing them in a huge hug. Our parents gazed at them with pleased looks plastered on their faces.

I glanced over at Namjoon; only to have him look back. I smiled a little and he did the same. Jin patted his back as all of us walked to the dining room.

I was seated across Namjoon while our personnel served us numerous dishes on the table.

"We haven't seen you for a while, [Y/N]. We've always asked Namjoon about your visit. So, how are you?" the mother of the Kim siblings asked

"Oh, I'm fine. Thank you for asking." I shyly said

She chuckled as I grew flustered. Taehyung smiled teasingly at me and I instantly shot him a playful glare.

"No need to be shy, dear. It's nice to see you again." she gracefully said

I just nodded my head because I didn't feel the same way and I didn't want to lie. After all that had happened last year, I felt like I want a certain boundary to be placed between me and people. However, things changed when I met Yoongi.

I sighed due to utter annoyance. I felt disgruntled that my thoughts kept wandering to Yoongi when I was in front of significant people that left significant changes in my life.

All of us started to eat and I didn't bother looking up from my food. I could hear our parents discussing about business matters while Namjoon and Jin had a chat of their own. I decided to glance over at Taehyung and my brothers who seemed to be enjoying each other's company. I felt more than glad to see them get along so well.

"[Y/N] hasn't been checked up lately?"

I snapped out of my thoughts, averting my gaze towards our parents. Their mother bore a worried expression as I glanced with widened eyes.

"Well, she hasn't been asking for one. Right, darling?" mother asked with an obnoxious tone

"... Right." I said, turning to my food

"I remember she used to have therapy sessions. Did you stop, dear?" their father asked me

I froze on my seat, feeling everyone's gaze on me. How can they be so tactless about this matter? I shrugged that question off, remembering who they were to our family.

"Therapy sessions?" Sejun butted in

Taehyung put a finger on his lips, telling him to be silent. The atmosphere turned grave as I set my utensils down.

I regretted cancelling my breakfast with Yoongi but I'd probably regret it too if I disobeyed my parents.

"Yes, yes. I don't feel the need to continue them anyway." I said

My parents smiled, clearly satisfied with my answer. I sighed, averting my gaze away from them to find Namjoon looking at me with concern. I frowned at him as he mouthed something to me.

"Let's talk about it later."

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